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Revision as of 19:29, 20 September 2006

Author: Jorryn Varna

Let the Greens have their men and their wine
Give them their place in the battle's front line.
And let the Blues have their causes and plots
Following justice and power in remote spots.
But that's not the life for me,
It's a Brown Aes Sedai I'll be!

Let the Yellows have Healing, herbs, and care,
Let them cure what no one else dares.
And let the Whites have their logic and ungiving truth,
Give them philosophy and the search for truth.
But that's not the life for me,
It's a Brown Aes Sedai I'll be!

Let the Greys advise the rulers and negotiate
Working for mediation in matters of state
And let the Red sisters hunt ones who channel saidin
Let them avenge their vendetta against men.
But that's not the life for me,
It's a Brown Aes Sedai I'll be!