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Author: Kyria d'Oreyn


Chilares Arman is one of the Knitting circle of the Kin and a rug seller in Ebou Dar. She is a willowy Murandian with big brown doe eyes (TPoD, Ch1; TPoD, Ch3).


  • Chilares and the other Kin Elders are meeting when Elayne and the Aes Sedai pay them a visit (ACoS, Ch31).
  • She is one of the five Elders given the task of shielding Ispan, because they are not Wise Women (ACoS, Ch39).
  • On their way to the farm, the Kinswomen and Aes Sedai take turns shielding Ispan, all the while trying to talk Elayne into releasing the Kin of the task and questioning Ispan while it is still possible (TPoD, Ch1; TPoD, Ch2; TPoD, Ch3).
  • When the Seanchan attacks the farm (TPoD, Ch6), she Travels with the others to Andor, riding toward Caemlyn (TPoD, Ch20) and eventually arriving at the Royal Palace (TPoD, Ch28).
  • Alivia tells Nynaeve that Chilares, Famelle, Reanne and Sumeko want her to join them at dinner (WH, Ch11).


"Ispan Sedai appears to be unwell," Chilares said, shifting uneasily in her saddle. "Perhaps the herbs are affecting her more than Nynaeve Sedai thought. It would be terrible if anything happened to her. Before she can be questioned, I mean. Perhaps the sisters would look at her?" (Chilares to Elayne; The Path of Daggers, Chapter 3)