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Brown Bulletin November 2012


Congratulation Accepted Kairina on finding your home and aspiring Brown! :joy

Happy Brown Birthday

  • Thalya Sedai
  • Shara Sedai
  • Allin Sedai
  • Sindra Sedai
  • Rinwyn Sedai
  • Cassie Sedai
  • Jeryn Gaidin
  • Amarande Gaidin


What was/is your favorite subject in school?

  • History 6 26.09%
  • Science 1 4.35%
  • English/Literature 5 21.74%
  • P.E. 0 0%
  • Math 1 4.35%
  • Music 4 17.39%
  • Art/Graphics/Creative 2 8.70%
  • Craftmanship/Wood shop 0 0%
  • Foreign Language 4 17.39%
  • Psychology/Sociology 0 0%

Our Poll this month started some interesting conversation, and Taika Sedai made a post that many of us found very interesting. Here is her post:

~Our school system and the subjects are a bit different*, but I'll think of an equivalent...

Just wanted to say that even though I became a musician (at first) music was never the favorite school class. From the 3rd grade on (it's about from 9-year-old on) I was in a music class which meant that we really did have music - like 6 hours a week - and we did all kinds of nice stuff. Everybody was also good in it, and we had our own class choir (we sang in 3 parts already as 10-year-olds), and most everybody played something. So it was all nice - for the lower elementary school (grades 1-6, around 7-12-year-olds). In upper elementary school we changed schools, and teachers, and had only a couple of hours music per week. And the teacher wasn't really up to teaching a music class. So for the last 3 elementary school years music was actually one of the least favorite things.

I think in lower elementary school I liked the Finnish literature classes most, and in upper elementary I liked arts and history. But it was mostly because the teachers in those subjects were awesome. Then I went to music lukio, which had all kinds of cool courses: playing in symphony orchestra, composing/arranging, chamber music, music theory, music history, etc. But aside of those special courses I liked maybe Biology, English, Swedish, and Russian most.

So I chose foreign language.

  • Explanation (because I love to share the knowledge, you know ) of Finnish school system:

Preschool (not obligatory but highly recommended to everybody), taught by kindergarten teachers, starting the year when the kid turns 6. Only a couple of hours a week. Elementary school (obligatory for everybody) for 9 years, starting the year the kid turns 7 (it's not rigid, one can start a year earlier or later quite easily). The first 6 grades were called lower elementary school and 3 last upper elementary school when I was a kid, but I think nowadays they just use elementary school. That's the end of the obligatory schooling in Finland. Though most continue to Lukio (Gymnasium in Swedish) which is sometimes translated as high school but it's not the same. It's for 2-4 years normally according to how tight a schedule the person wants to have. It's the easiest (but not the only) way to continue to University which is more or less the same as in all other countries. But our "final" exam is not Bachelors but Masters (most do the BA first, anyway). Or University of applied sciences / Polytechnic which has the same level of degrees as universities.Then if you still want to continue, it's the doctorate studies.

If a person doesn't want to continue in Lukio after the obligatory schools, they can go to study in vocational school, where you can learn a real (and/or more practical) occupation earlier. And you can also do vocational school and lukio at the same time, in most vocational schools. ~


This month Keladria Sedai did some digging to find out more about our aspiring Accepted.

  • Yarrow’s interview
Kel Sedai: What's your favorite time period and/or which point in history best captures your interest?

Yarrow: Anything old. In Europe, this generally means anything before the Middle Ages, and in the rest of the world.... I guess pre-guns. And then I like really really old stuff, like human evolution.

Kel Sedai: What about it first caught your interest?

Yarrow: I'm really not sure. I guess I just like ancient history because the cultures are so different from our modern societies. And having said that, some of the questions and themes brought up in those societies are still relevant today.

Kel Sedai: What are the most interesting thing you've learned?

Yarrow: Recently, the most interesting thing I've been learning about is the whaling traditions of the First Nations of west coast Vancouver Island. (I live on the east coast of the island).

Kel Sedai: Disgusting?

Yarrow: Can't think of anything at the moment

Kel Sedai: Surprising?

Yarrow: That some species of Australopithecus might have been using / making tools. But my teacher says this is really controversial, so I could be getting excited over nothing.

Kel Sedai: Anything special about it that you'd like to mention?

Yarrow: I'm an Anthropology major, in case you couldn't tell.

  • Kairina’s Interview
Kel Sedai: What's your favorite time period and/or which point in history best captures your interest?

Kairina: I've always been a fan of Ancient history but I tend to gravitate toward Ancient Rome and Greece in particular.

Kel Sedai: What about it first caught your interest?

Kairina: Ancient Rome first caught my attention when I was about twelve years old and I was living in Scotland for six months. From the first castle I visited I was hooked as I just started to think about JUST how all old it all was and it was still standing without modern tools. I think I found it fascinating because in school history had always just been about U.S. history which is so young compared to the rest of the world that it was this very eye opening experience that there is this whole other time period out there that I was really very clueless about. So of course I was curious and just started devouring book after book and the more I learned the more I loved it just for how much day to day life has changed over thousands of years and across continents.

Kel Sedai: What are the most interesting things you've learned?

Kairina: Despite my love of ancient history, I think one of the most interesting things I've learned in the last few years centers around the reign of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. To me it's interesting because it's not a topic that ever got brought up in years in the public education system and I don't understand why. As terrifying and saddening as these types of events in history are I am a firm believer in the whole "If you do not learn from History, you will be condemned to repeat it", I don't like just sweeping unpleasantness under the rug in the hopes that people will forget.

Kel Sedai: Disgusting?

Kairina: I think in the most disgusting category has to be my trip to the York Dungeon (England) which is essentially a museum or torture. I don't think my levels of fascination for learning and disgust have ever been close to the same levels at the same time. I think my top moment of disgust was the technique of killing people by trapping a live rat on their stomach until the rat got so hungry it ate through the person's stomach.

Kel Sedai: Surprising?

Kairina: Most surprising I think would have to be my class I took in college on Ancient Rome and because I think I surprised myself at how fascinated I became with ancient battle tactics. To this day I still have zero interest in modern warfare but ancient warfare is something else entirely. But that was one thing I NEVER expected to get excited about.

Kel Sedai: Anything special about it that you'd like to mention?

Kairina: The only other special thing I think I would mention is a book I read recently called "A History of the World in Six Glasses" and it tells the history of the world centered around beer, wine, liquor, tea, coffee and soda. It put world history in a very different perspective and I found it to be an interesting and easy read that I highly recommend.

  • Shaerlyn’s interview
Kel Sedai: What's your favorite time period and/or which point in history best captures your interest?

Shaerlyn: When I was in high school and early college, I was fascinated with the era in English history that spans the Wars of the Roses, the Tudor Kings, Elizabeth (and Shakespeare & Co), and James. I did a huge research paper on the Wars of the Roses, as a matter of fact, though I doubt it's very insightful, lookin back...

I'm afraid I'm fairly narrow in my focus at any given time though, and I neglected to learn anything modern. I'm now interested in learning more about the circumstances that have led to where we are at right now in history.

Kel Sedai: What about it first caught your interest?

Shaerlyn: I'm a theatre nerd, and I love Shakespeare. Not all his plays, just the good ones. Between the local Renaissance Faire and the love of Shakespeare, I suppose it was natural.

Kel Sedai: What are the most interesting thing you've learned?

Shaerlyn: Oh wow. Tough question. I learn so many interesting things.. Well, to continue the theme:

"Macbeth" was written, at least in part, to suck up to the new king. I exaggerate, but when one studies the context of "Macbeth" it's really interesting. King James I of England was also King James VI of Scotland, and he had written "Malleus.. Malificarum?" which translates to "The Hammer of Witches". This is all from my memory, so it is all probably close-ish. Anyway, there are two significant parts of "Macbeth" that probably appeased the new King of England:

  • 1) The character of Banquo is based in Scottish legend that their kings took fairly seriously: from Banquo descended a line of kings, and this lent all of these kings an extra air of.. something. Anyway, James believed he was descended from that line. So when Shakespeare immortalizes that legend in English theater, it gives James some artistic legitimacy, perhaps. In any case, that part seems total flattery.
  • 2) The fact that there's witches in there that make things happen intrigues me because James was pretty clear on the judgement of witches. I don't know how to interpret it because I'm not that clever, but it's interesting and it makes me think.

The most interesting thing about all of this is that Shakespeare managed to integrate these things into a really interesting plot. I think Macbeth is one of his better works, and I enjoy most productions of it that I see. And I *loved* being in it.

Kel Sedai: Disgusting?

Shaerlyn: We still use leeches in medicine. I had to procure them for a patient at my hospital... They are raised by a company in NY, "Leeches, LTD", for the purpose of medical use. They are considered sterile until they're used on a pt (patient), then they're treated as any contaminated material. They are useful in a case where there is swelling from good arterial inflow but poor venous outflow. (both factors are necessary) They are.. applied, and their immediate help is pain relief from the fact that swelling goes down as they suck blood. However, the main medical purpose is the anesthetic and anticoagulant they inject with their bite, which keeps the wound oozing for hours. Nurses are directed to put a cup over the applied leech and tape the cup down once the leech has bit the pt, because otherwise the leech, when finished drinking, would detach and crawl away somewhere warm--usually under the pt. This way the leech doesn't go anywhere awkward, and the nurse can come back later and remove the whole thing. They are disposed of by tossing them into a bowl of rubbing alcohol and shutting the lid really fast so they don't spit blood as they die.

And now you know.

Kel Sedai: Surprising?

Shaerlyn: The most surprising thing I've ever learned was in counseling for depression; a revelation from the counselor that has changed my life. I was suicidal on and off for 18 years, and when it got bad enough that I knew my usual tools to keep myself from doing it weren't working any more I went to get help last January.

About 3 months into therapy, she asked me--almost as a throwaway question--"Do you feel you're good enough?" I started to just say "sure" but I thought about it for a second, and years and years of telling myself that the person next to me was better at whatever (my friends were all cuter or smarter or funnier or better actors or something, and I'd focus on that) came crashing down on me. No. No, I never felt "good enough." It's still a struggle for me sometimes, that awful depression that had me ready to kill myself so I wouldn't feel any more, and all I have to do is remember that I am good enough for me.

Kel Sedai: Anything special about it that you'd like to mention?

Shaerlyn: It's funny, where I am there's lots of folks taking college classes or military education of some sort, and when I started saying "I'm going to go study" they'd ask me what class I'm taking. "None, this is just for me." To which I get questioning looks.

Amazing interviews Keladria Sedai! Thanks to our Aspiring Accepted for sharing their interests and letting us learn a little more about them. :hug


Navy Grog

  • 1 White Rum
  • 1 Demerara Rum
  • 1 Dark Rum
  • 0.5 Runny Honey
  • 0.75 freshly squeezed Lime Juice
  • 0.75 freshly squeezed Grapefruit Juice
  • 0.75 freshly squeezed Club Soda

Stir the honey until it dissolves into the Rum, add the other ingredients, shake with ice, serve over lots of ice in a Collins glass or Tiki Mug and then top up with the Club Soda.


“I just almost put the kettle into the microwave

Apparently I've been making my chai tea lattes too much lately....” ~ Kel Sedai

“I had a classic brown out just a minute ago. Was multi-tasking (several dull house-wifey things), all the while thinking about how I'd have to check if there was another word for 'to remember' than 'sich erinnern' in German (well it's really difficult for me to use in everyday talking ), and made myself a pot of coffee. Without the coffee. Filter was there alright, and water too, though.” ~ Taika Sedai

“I left my godfather's house and then freaked out about leaving my purse behind. I was holding the damn purse. It was also the second time that had happened during the weekend. ” ~ Zasha Sedai

“Another classic. Shower with glasses on! I noticed the usual way, by splashing water to my face. Always makes me feel so smart. *sigh*” ~ Taika Sedai

“And this seems to be the month of brown outs for me. Been reading books in e-versions on my Kindle a lot lately. I've also learned to use the dictionary function. Which, as a side note, is wonderful, because I read mostly in English. It's perfect for easily checking nuances of words that I vaguely understand (=well enough not to bother with the actual English-Finnish dictionary). Anyway. Today I was reading Russendisko (by Wladimir Kaminer), a German language book consisting of small anecdotes of Kaminer's and other Russian emigrants' life in Berlin. It took me a few moments to realize why the dictionary function wasn't working - on a paperback book.” ~ Taika Sedai

“I'm trying to figure out how to easily work a felted slipper pattern to avoid turning heels (hate, hate, hate!). The original pattern says to cast on 45 stitches with two strands of yarn for the opening and work in the round for the whole slipper, turning the heel in the process. Great! I know how to work this out! Cast on 45 stitches, knit a strip 24 inches long, and then sew the edges together (using 7 inches for the instep), then pick up around the opening and knit five rows to help even that out. Easy!

So I'm working away on the slipper this morning.....oh, FISH GUTS. 45 stitches AROUND. Gah, now I have to rip out the entire thing, divide 45 by two, and restart. ” ~ Nary Sedai


“And most of it is really terrible.”

“I want sunshine.”

“no, I was not stalking the who's who just now”

“My husband was a big thoughtless jerk face last night”


EDIT: Just checked and it's totally visible to me. O_o”

“you have to keep touching it yourself or you'll lose it” “He then came down to the store, informed me we just spent the last 30 minutes discussing something nerdy, then advised me to never involve myself with two lovers at once before leaving.”

“My sanity level is currently plummeting”

“This is starting to get ridiculous.”

“And then I came home and the fiance made me a Bloody Mary and all was right with the world.”

“It was like a series of misfortunate events”

“And by "perhaps" I of course mean "obviously"”
