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Latest revision as of 17:44, 21 August 2011

Maris de Casside

Foxes and Mahdi’in D’ma Dieb

To speak about foxes we must first attempt to understand the beautiful creatures. Foxes are a part of the Canine family with domestic dogs and many others. These animals are highly adaptable and can adjust to many environmental situations. Foxes also have no problem living near humans regardless of how this may or may not apply to members of MDD. As such, being adaptive and sticking closely to our pack are admirable qualities we try to emulate while at the Tower. I will attempt to make interpretational leaps in bridging the two entities into something that shows common qualities.

As a bit of historical reference, a transcript submitted to NPR suggests that Foxes may have been man’s first best friend. It seems that a discovery in Jordan was made that found buried remains of a human with a fox companion. The research suggests that several millennia ago foxes (Red) may have been man’s first attempt to domesticate. It’s uncertain from the study whether the fox was seen as a true companion or as a totem or spirit reference of significance. For members of our company I feel the study relates to us in loyalty. It’s not an easy process to become accepted into Mahdi’in D’ma Dieb. There are many trials and rigors to make it amongst the pack. However with perseverance the payoff is undying acceptance and closeness not readily duplicated. People need things in life to bring some sort of fulfillment. It may come as another person’s company or it could be the companionship of a faithful animal. Making a bond within a community is no less important to surviving. One commonality I’ve discovered is a cultural representation of foxes being symbols of cunning and trickery. I can attest to this by my brief experience into the workings of our company’s senior membership. It’s a humorous thought to say the least. Most of our group has a wry sense of humor and to get in tune with that and take part in the exchange you must be prepared. Dark trickery is nearly a must to keep your head afloat while communing with them. Whether it comes as a clever GIF file or a bit of snappish whit you need your “A” game to hang in with them. Nothing less than your best attempt will do. There are no apologies and no take backs much to my discovery of making them. If you play the game with the foxes you have to do whatever is necessary to win them over. It’s much like the game of Snakes and Foxes if you take a moment to examine the relationship. I wouldn’t go so far as cheating, but a healthy edge to your personality will help. Stay on your toes with our foxes or the pack just may pounce.

Actual foxes and humans generally have no qualms about being around the other. With the exception of a fox that’s infected with rabies, there are generally no issues. What I take from this bit of information is our company’s ease of character. Yes, it is difficult to make your way in the community but the individuals are relatively laid back. You won’t find many things that shake MDD. Tongue and cheek is a way of life. Therefore if a potential aspirant should merely absorb what’s being presented. It makes the appearance that you’ve been there all along and you’re a fixture. It’s much like living in close proximity for humans and foxes. Do too much and you may push the group away, do too little and they may not know you’re there. A little goes a long way and if you remain fixed to the necessities you should last for the long haul.

Although I’ve referred to Mahdi’in D’ma Dieb as being like a pack, the real case is less true for actual foxes. Foxes are not generally considered pack animals. They prefer to gather and congregate in small family like groups. They (foxes) are opportunistic creatures when it comes to gathering and hunting food. Rodents are good sources of their main diet, but they are not above ranging for insects, fruits and berries. So what does eating habits have to do with the group known as MDD? Nothing really, the roundabout point in the information was the size of the group more than the actions. MDD does not congregate in huge numbers while online for common enough reasons. But they do the best with what members and friends appear at any given time. Taking opportunities to make a jab at a new aspirant or just at each other is a priceless venture. Being topical and appropriate in their answers and replies is another. No pairing of senior members is the same and the line of dialog can easily change from day to day. Resting on your laurels to say the least is a no-no. It’s not a death sentence however. Just like a phoenix burns itself out it always returns from the ashes to live another day.

The fox like Mahdi’in D’ma Dieb are a complicated pairing. For real foxes history has portrayed the animals as deceitful and even evil, but in turn they have been seen as symbols of admiration and respect. Depending on the person(s), the same ideas may be shared in regards to viewing MDD. I’ve learned that MDD Company is a tight organization. Much of what people think passes over them like a cloud passes overhead. I can guess with confidence that this is true for any company. In the end we find what attracts us the most. Foxes are similar to many canines, but they are one to themselves. Small, elusive and incredibly smart are pieces in the Company’s make up. Just like solitude, strength and dependability are a few of their admirable qualities. The search and journey is ours to discover. You need not be a junior member to experience this first hand. Senior members must evolve and adapt as well. Just like the fox evolves and adapts to which ever environment it finds itself to be in.



