A Crown of Swords: Chapter 22

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Small Sacrifices

Author: Toral Delvar

Characters: Elayne, Nynaeve, Mat, Setalle

Setting: Ebou Dar

Point of view: Elayne

Elayne and Nynaeve go to see Mat at the Wandering Woman to apologise to him, though Nynaeve tries to go back on what they agreed. Elayne is tempted to take his foxhead medallion, but does not. Once woken, he asks what they want and they thank him for the rescue, infuriating Elayne by dismissing his actions as nothing. They also apologise for the way they treated him and say they will not belittle or try to order him, and that they will agree to bodyguards if he thinks they are endangering themselves. He notices how difficult she finds the apology and mentions it, angering her even more, before asking what they want of him. Elayne tells him of the Bowl and that he should move into the Palace, which he reluctantly agrees to. They leave to return, but are interrupted by Setalle Anan who chastises them for pretending to be Aes Sedai and does not listen when they insist they are. She tells them she knows women who can help and will take them there.

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