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V-Day Match up, 2011

Hanajima and Anigrel Tavadon: “I wish I were sine squared and you were cosine squared, because together we could be one.”

Khaona al’Corriyi and Kazayha Ahzkaan: "I have an 'owie' on my lip. Will you kiss it and make it better?"

Yarrow Al’Vare and Jermaine Shiuan: “…you look nice.”

Myralin al’Ser and Malein Basolaine: “If you were a pirate, would you wear your parrot on THIS shoulder *touches closest shoulder* or THAT one? *touches opposite shoulder and leaves arm there.*”

John al’Ramin and Loraella Melodie: “That shirt is very becoming on you…”

Ray and Keladria Tulim: “Hey, do you want to get out of here? We can set Michael McDonald on fire and then eat pie. ”

Aran Cherubim and Malein Basolaine: “How YOU doin'?”

Jeryn Lekar and Aryela: “Wanna entangle wave functions?”

Dovienya el’Korim and Eli Soljourn: "There's three doors to go through, I only want the one that leads to you.”

Avendaella Tikvah and Belgareth Kiarc: “Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?”

Zashara and Kerwin Thaumiel: “What's a nice girl like you doing in a chatroom like this?”

Lilyana D’nai and Alyssa: “If you were a booger I'd pick you first.”

Taelinn Dolivras and Aloren Tarabutton: “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

Jeffan McSnazzypants and Reianna al’Namere: “You want to see me compile my Kernel?”

Azrael the Great and Pylar al’Stnap: “Hello, I'm doing a survey of what people think are the cheesiest pickup lines. So, do you pick 'Do you come here often?', 'What's your sign?', or 'Hello,I'm doing a survey of what people think are the cheesiest pickup lines.'?”

Atreyu and Aryawnah Federov: “Do you like Raisins? How about a date?”

Locus Sarania and Melisande Arneil: “Hey baby...how YOU doin'?”

Nandi el’Shahir and Autumn Sapphira: “ Do you have a BandAid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.”

Naeris and Alaria Celentari: “Da mi basia mille... [Give me a thousand kisses...], Catullus”

Onis O’Leia and Amarande al’Kalin: “Nice weaves, want to tie me up with some Air? ”

Loreniel Killan and Lijena Tarkand: “You had me at "Hello World" (for all the geeks out there)”

Srs Lii and Mieriana Souvra: “How YOU doin’?!”

Ninya Evoneigh and Miya Kiyoshi: “If I said I liked your body would you hold it against me? (And that's George Strait, not Britney Spears )”

Halosia Paage and Ubahsur Kindellaer: “Heaven must be missing an angel...”

Nymeria Donnachaidh and Maryan Sedai: “ “

Arie Davion and Erin al’Denael: “Want Pie?”

Samarasin Tavaral and Melisande Arneil: “Hi?”

Serenla and Kantoka: “I'm a puzzle and you're my missing piece!”

Ajailyn Morrivinna and Lillian O’Neeus: “Is it just me, or is the Gray Ajah awesome at match making?”

Nymala Ingasy and Zarathi al’Domir: “ *crickets* “

Eireann Namar and Morwynna Raevyn: “What do you want me to wear?”

Keisha al’Benn and Morrighan Daghdera: “How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!”

Naynay Rolain and Jenalla Selar:“Does this rag smell like Chloroform?”