Get To Know the Reds: Meirah

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Meirah Zaïde, Aes Sedai



Writer, graduate student, astrophysicist-to-be


Three kitties

Favorite Books

Tigana by GGKay; Pattern Recognition by W. Gibson; Little Brother by C. Doctorow; Guests of the Sheikh by E. W. Fernea

Favorite Movies

Labyrinth, French Kiss, Serenity, Sherlock Holmes, Center Stage, A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, Same Time Next Year

Favorite TV Shows

Stargate Atlantis, Castle, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Babylon 5, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, M*A*S*H, Macgyver, Burn Notice, Veronica Mars


Writing, reading, photography, alternate reality games (making them and playing them), video games, board games, fan fiction (the good stuff, not the crap - yes, there is non-crappy, excellent fan fiction Mostly, I read/write for the SG: Atlantis fandom.)

If I could travel anywhere it would be to

Antarctica!! And I mean the South Pole, McMurdo, and Admunsen-Scott, not just the peninsula.

I chose the Red Ajah because

I became interested in the Red Ajah at first because Mirshann was super-nice to me when I was a citizen and had a lot of questions. I really appreciated that - and I got to meet her in person in Austin once!! We didn't talk much about the Ajah, but the little bit she said about you all was interesting, and I started to look forward to guesting with you. When I first started guesting here, even when I was just lurking I felt very comfortable. I read some of the history of the Ajah in the threads from two and three years ago, and I just loved the atmosphere present in those threads. The feeling of togetherness among the women here appealed to me. (I'm sure the other Ajahs are certainly as close, but to my perception there's something special about the Reds, something that I didn't feel with the other Ajahs when I was guesting.) I learned a lot about the Ajah when I met Elia and Leora for lunch, and the ideals they shared - the reliance on each other, not on warders, the sense of sisterhood - all of it just... I don't know, their stories made me want to be a part of what they share with you all. A few times, I started to unguest from the Reds, but I could never make myself send the email or make a goodbye post. That's when I realized that this is the place I want to call my home.

Positions I’ve held within the Red Ajah


Positions I’ve held around the site

Community Development Liaison (now a defunct position with the merging of Comm. Dev. and Communications)