Job Highlights: Keeper of the Chronicles

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Author: Kariada Kunai

The Basics

Position title: Keeper of the Chronicles
also, Director of Membership (women half)

Department: Membership

Currently held by: Elyna Al'Tzoran, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
(September 10, 2001 - present)

Previously held by: Gwendolyne Manshiera, Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
(March 25, 2001 - September 10, 2001)

Main purpose: The running of membership administration and management of the Heads of Ajah and Mistress of Novices

Time spent per week: Normally, 5-6 hours a week. A busier week will serve 10-15 hours.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

The Keeper of the Chronicles is a crucial position to the running of the Tower. She, along with the Master at Arms (Director of Membership - male half) runs the Department of Membership as Co-Director. As a Department Director, she reports directly to the Amyrlin Seat and manages a group of administrators - namely, Heads of Ajah and the Mistress of Novices. Part of her management includes her role as liaison between the female membership administrators and the Amyrlin Seat, as well as the collection of and response to Ajah monthly reports. The Keeper also oversees the Hall of Sitters and many issues discussed therein.

The Keeper of Chronicles acts as an advisor to the Amyrlin Seat, most frequently concerning membership issues. When problems arise between members or between members and administrators, she is one of the people who takes action to rectify the situation. She gives input in the raising of Accepted to Aes Sedai, as well as the choosing of Heads of Ajah and Sitters. She also serves as a temporary Amyrlin in the Amyrlin's absence.

On a weekly basis, the Keeper of Chronicles approves and executes bondings and raisings from Accepted to Aes Sedai. She also handles any requests for changes of avatars and manages the Who's Who. On a semi-annual basis, she oversees membership clean-ups.

Elyna Sedai on Being Keeper of the Chronicles

Favorite aspect of the job: The administrative part: gathering information, working on the Who's Who, reviewing applications, etc

Most rewarding part of the job: Bonding and raising people. They're always SO happy.

Fun Facts

From the WoT Tower to the "real" Tower:

In the WoT world, the Keeper is traditionally, though not necessarily, from the same Ajah as the Amyrlin. At TarValon.Net, there is no tradition in the selection: both Keepers were raised from different Ajahs than the Amyrlin Seat (who was originally Green).

The Keeper of the WoT Tower acts as the Amyrlin's secretary, and oversees Tower business. At TarValon.Net, the Amyrlin's secretary is a separate position, and the Keeper is instead specifically concerned with female membership.