Community Page: Brown Ajah Positions

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To Be The Head Librarian

The Head of the Brown Ajah is the membership administrator for all Aes Sedai of the Browns. She watches over them, guides them, deals with administrative issues with them, keeps track of them, and settles any disputes while encouraging them to remain active and involved in the Community at large. She also facilitates the guesting experience of all Accepted both those guesting as well as those who have chosen to aspire to the Ajah. The Head of Ajah is also the person responsible for deciding when an Accepted is ready for raising to become a full member of the Ajah. ~Serenla Tamowith

To Be The Heart Librarian

To Be The Pulse Librarian

Being the Pulse of the Brown Ajah is the best job I have ever had! The main purpose of this position is to make sure that all the members of the Brown Ajah are kept in touch with one another. To do this it is my duty to contact each of our members every other month or so and see how they are doing. I check in with every Brown to offer my services as a Sister and friend by listening, offering advice when appropriate, and celebrating joys or consoling sorrows. Once I learn a little about what each of our fabulous members has been up to I write up a small newsletter and post it in our Chambers so that all the other Sisters are able to keep in the loop of what is going on with each other. This helps not only those that are active, but those that have been on LOA or who are just not as active as they would like to be keep up on the happenings of the Ajah. Also, when able to attend RL events, I am there to support the Head and Heart in things that need to be done to organize special Brown events taking place. ~Laithean Sedai