A Crown of Swords: Chapter 11

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An Oath

Toral Delvar

Characters: Egwene, Faolin, Gareth, Lelaine, Meri, Romanda, Siuan, Theodrin

Setting: The Rebel Aes Sedai camp

Point of view: Egwene

Egwene is woken and dressed by Meri, who manages to irritate her with every comment. She walks to her study and is told by Faolain and Theodrin that no one saw Marigan leave, though some men remembered seeing Halima around. They seem nervous, and after eventually, Faolain swears fealty to her, totally shocking Egwene. Theodrin does the same and she sets them both tasks. Faolain tells her she does not like her as she thinks she got off easy when she ran away. She is surprised when Egwene does not punish her for this.

Siuan arrives late, complaining that Aeldene is trying to take the Amyrlin's eyes and ears from her and still not coping well with her place in the heirachy. Myrelle arrives and Egwene realises she has a hold over her because of what Sheriam revealed about the Aes Sedai sent to spread rumours in the Tower. Egwene goes to meet her, seeing Gareth. Lelaine and Romanda interrupt to complain about Delana, who wants the Hall to condemn Elaida as Black Ajah. Romanda herself has a plan to identify the Blacks, which Lelaine does not approve of. Egwene leaves them arguing.

She asks Gareth of his plans and if he could take Tar Valon if the army had not increased by the time they get there, Myrelle disapproving of his plans for a seige. Byrne takes them to see something.

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