Brown Bulletin August September October 2013

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editor: Keladria Tulin

Brown Bulletin AugSeptOct2014 Title.png


Brown Bulletin AugSeptOct2014 Announcements.png



  • Serenla Sedai
  • Eniara Sedai
  • Narysse Sedai
  • Lilli Sedai
  • Aryela Sedai
  • Darim Gaidin
  • Ciaran Gaidin
  • Rodi Gaidin


  • Cinnamin Sedai
  • Amela Sedai
  • Cealestis Sedai
  • Venric Gaidin
  • Shaerlyn Sedai


  • Zasha Sedai
  • Eilastri Sedai
  • Wil Gaidin
  • Shendare Gaidin
  • Elia Sedai

Also, Welcome back to the shawl, Cea and Aryela!


Brown Bulletin AugSeptOct2014 Poll.png

Coffee or Tea?

  • Coffee 26%
  • Tea 63%
  • Other (soda/coke) 11%

Pie or Cake?

  • Cake 60.00%
  • Pie 32.00%
  • Other (death and fudge) 8.00%


Brown Bulletin AugSeptOct2014 Recipe.png

Cinnamon Roll Cake

You need a greased tray-bake tin 9" x 13"

In a bowl put:

  • 4 1/2 cups plain flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Mix well, then add gradually, mixing as you go:

  • 1/2 cup melted butter

Pour the batter into the tin.

Next make the cinnamon filling.

Mix together well:

  • 1 cup soft butter
  • 1 cup dark soft brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon

Dollop spoonfuls of the filling on top of the cake batter. Then use a knife to swirl it through the cake.

Bake the cake at 355°F for 40 mins

While the cake is still warm pour over a glaze made by combining:

  • 1 1/2 powdered sugar
  • 2½ tablespoons milk
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

This is half the amount given in the original recipe. I felt it was enough.

and Viola!

Brown Outs

Brown Bulletin AugSeptOct2014 Brown Outs.png


"I sent a birthday card a month early."


"The Doctor Who theme is my ringtone. It is also one of the tracks on my playlist that shuffles randomly. Both started ringing/playing at the same time. I had no idea what was going on for a minute."


"I kinda have a similar thing - my ringtone is a track from Portal 2 and one time I was listening to the Portal 2 theme and my ringtone of course was on that. I really thought my phone was ringing but it wasn't"


"Haha, so my ringtone is the "radio" song from Portal 1, and this exact same thing happened to me last play-through, every time a radio got near. I kept checking my phone over and over... Uselessly, of course."


"My ringtone has been "the running song" or (I am the Doctor) from the Matt Smith era for ages. I too get confused about if I'm hitting a "run" part of Doctor Who on my Netflix, or if it's my phone ringing."


"Household tip: Boiling vinegar in an extra change of water in your coffee/tea pot helps immensely with getting rid of the mineral buildup.

Just don't forget to clean out the pot and add fresh, no-vinegar-added water before you pour yourself a cuppa."


I thought of something I was going to post in the Random Thoughts thread and then I forgot what it was. So I'm posting here instead.


"I was cooking pasta yesterday and I was intently watching the clock. It was taking FOREVER for the minute hand to move, and I was like this is the LONGEST MINUTE EVER. Then I realized I had been watching the hour hand of the clock for about five freaking minutes."


I made myself tea. And forgot to drink it. Then I noticed the tea and and put it into microwave (yeah, sorry, I know it shouldn't be done). And forgot it there. *sigh*


"So, last night I was making dinner. I got the dressing done and had the pork chops in the oven and had put frozen vegetables on the stove to steam. I started washing dishes and kept glancing now and then at the vegetables because they don't take long. After 10 minutes, I was wondering why the vegetables still hadn't started boiling. That's when it hit me: I forgot to turn on the burner. So, I turned on the stove and waited. Five minutes go by before I realize that I had turned on the WRONG BURNER. Luckily nothing was on said burner, but still. How does one have two Brown Outs about the same pot of vegetables?"


It was very windy yesterday, so I bought a couple of candles. I forgot to buy matches.


"I wanted to make myself some tea, so I put some water into the electric kettle, switched it on, put the mug and the tea ready and went back to read. I kept reading... and reading... and reading... and at some point started to wonder about how I didn't hear the water boiling, and it had already been ages. So I went to check, and the plug was not in. Eh. A classic again."


I logged out of Facebook to switch over here, but forgot to actually switch sites and logged right back in.


"I tried to wash my face with my glasses on."


"Yeah, I do it all the time, or go to shower with glasses on. Makes one feel so smart."


"Been meaning to post this one for a while but kept forgetting... "


"My mom and I stood for at least a minute and a half in a stationary elevator before either of us realized no one had pressed a button.

I think I know which parent gave me the majority of my brownouts."


"So, I walk down our stairs and there was a card on our last stairs. A card, with my name on it! So I opened it and found a car with the sweetest, most sentimental text written by my mom.

So I sent my mom a text with something like "mom thanks so much for the super sweet card!" with kisses and hearts. She sent back some cryptical kisses, just "xxx". Then a few hours later when it really started to bug me... I asked her how the card got there. She sent back: "I don't know." - my response was... Yeah right!

Next day, my guy tells me he got a text from our neighbors on the first floor who now live in the apt we used to live in ... She found it underneath the fridge and thought I might want it back. That also would explain the handwriting of my name on the envelope that I did not recognize . The card... Was also a bit tattered, which I'm not used to from my mom who's really precise with that kinda stuff.

So... I confronted my mom and asked her why she didn't say anything about not having sent a card!

'I was so confused, I thought I was showing the first signs of Alzheimer's! I asked her fiancé if he knew if I sent you a card because I recently sent out some cards but I really could not remember sending one to you! I panicked!!!'

Well, I was stupid for not recognizing the card as being old, immediately, and she was stupid for not just saying something. So yeah, shared Brown Out - more like shared early onset Alzheimer's... An epic Brown Out. With a mysterious card."



Brown Bulletin AugSeptOct2014 Tiki Time.png

Slimer's Ecto Cooler


  • 1/2 oz coconut rum
  • 1/2 oz vanilla vodka
  • 1/2 oz melon liqueur
  • 1 splash Sprite® soda


  • Pour equal parts of malibu, stoli vanilla, and midori.
  • Add a splash of sprite and shake well.
  • Pour into a shot glass and enjoy.

and another!

Fountain of Youth


  • 1½ oz. Russian Standard Vodka
  • 2 oz. pomegranate juice
  • ½ oz thinly sliced ginger


  • Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
  • Shake and strain into a glass.

Random Thoughts


"I have a kitty in my lap right now, making this difficult. He is fuzzy, and purring, and fuzzy, and adorable, and typing is hard."


"I've been studying all morning, and now my brain is dead."


"I think I want to learn to play guitar. I have to decide if that makes me crazy or not."


"You don't start out crazy when you learn to play the guitar, it builds over time. As long as you don't end up twerking, you should be fine."


"My bra has been on inside-out all day. No wonder it was so difficult to fasten this morning. IBTC problems + need moar sleeps."


"I just overheard a conversation between two of my customers that concluded with the following from one guy:

'You don't know who Hunter S. Thompson is? Seriously? He, um, writes. He writes books. What do you call that? A novelist? Is that right?'

Our clientele make me sad."


"What can top dinosaur porn? I mean that's like the upper limit right there. My mind is breaking!

Amoeba porn? Humping necklaces? Getting into a tub of snakes and cockroaches, naked? Inquiring minds need to know!

PS. I'd seen that kitten rescue video before, and totally loved it. I must have missed it here."


"I love Brown. Kitten saved by firefighter? Cute, but no squee-fest ensued. Dinosaur porn? We're all intrigued."


"It has just occurred to me that worms are Mother Nature's roto-tillers."


"I just looked up this What does the Fox Say song... It's hilarious

I like how they're making fun of pop music."


"My husband asked me out on a date. "


"IM FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"I felt like we were doing the "Who's on First" Abbott and Costello skit. I really could not think of what she wanted me to say! I can be pretty dense sometimes."




"Couscous is delicious."


"I definitely read this as "conscious is delicious." It made me think of Jiminy Cricket in an entirely new light."


"The best part of the Hobbit is when the Doctor showed up."


"...damn the internet for their perpetual distraction! *shakes fist* "


"So I got my second ever pedicure yesterday, cause I was hanging out with my mom, waiting for her flight, and we were like, what should we do to fill these hours? And she wanted a pedicure. So we went.

Anywho, I decided to splurge and get my toenails painted, too. I, um, don't usually do that. In fact, it's been like, 10 years or so since my nails had any polish other than clear (and french manicure for my wedding) on them. I went with purple, but now, every time I look at my feet, I have a brief moment of "AH! What's wrong with my na... oh yeah. Idiot." Every. Time."


"My brother just gave me a first edition copy of The Eye Of The World!!"


"You people are too spammy. I refuse to read the reams of stuff you wrote while I was gone for a week all at once."


"It's not spam if there's legit content!"


"Of course, that still depends on a common definition of "legit"... "


"So this is pretty random but hilarious. Have you guys seen this? It's a review of "50 Shades of Grey" in gif form."


"Sorry for going MIA. I'm still alive and well, and I'll be starting classes again in a couple of days... which probably means I'll be around more."


"I might have just spent ages looking at pictures of cats in boxes."


Brown Bulletin AugSeptOct2014 The End.png