Community Page: Brown Bondmate Interviews

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  • A special thanks to Accepted Zimone Zarasri who created and gathered the Interviews. *

Ciaran al'Trystan

To whom are you bonded?


What made you want to bond with your Aes Sedai?

She has always been one of my best friends.

How long have you two been bonded?

Four or five years?

What do you love most about your Aes Sedai?

She's a geek!

What’s the best thing about being a Brown Warder?

I have a thing for librarian types....

What’s your most favorite brown item and why? (i.e. a horse, a tree, a brownie, etc.)

my old Kabar

Which Ajah do you believe that you would have chosen if you were female?

Good question! No idea.

What’s your favorite kind of cheese?


What’s the best book you have read?

Any of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series

Isn't it boring to have to carry on books all the time?

Nope! I love them!

Nethanel al'Tere

To whom are you bonded?

Serenla of the Brown Ajah

What made you want to bond with your Aes Sedai?

Who said anything about want. My bond was traded with my wife getting rum in return. . Really though she's one of the few people I could have seen myself bonding. We get along extremely well and we take care of each other when the need arises. Plus she's a lot of fun to be around.

How long have you two been bonded?

Since I was raised at Anni 2012... She didn't give anyone a chance to bond stalk me. No I initiated it and we did it among my brothers. It was a fun ceremony.

What do you love most about your Aes Sedai?

She's just a great person and I cherish every time I get to see her which isn't as often as I like.

What’s the best thing about being a Brown Warder?

Y'all don't go spastic. I appreciate that.

What’s the best book you have read?

I have no clue. Probably one of the most recent memorable ones have been the Wool books (the entire series, not just Wool).

Isn't it boring to have to carry books all the time?

This is why I bought an ereader.

Rodi Leg'na Krad

To whom are you bonded?

The most wonderful woman Laithean AL'Grifendora

What made you want to bond with your Aes Sedai?

Well long story short we met at anni 07' and she called me sexy Rodi the first time we met. I knew after that we shared a special bond :-p. She heard me sing and couldn't resist my voice. After that the rest is history.

How long have you two been bonded?

a year and like 3 months

What do you love most about your Aes Sedai?

Definitely that I can go to her with most anything and she'salways in the perfect mood, and also when she comes to me I can calm her after a bad day.

What’s the best thing about being a Brown Warder?

I fit in cause I'm a Nerd Browns are Nerds :-p (except Az, I dunno why he is here :-p)

What’s your most favorite brown item and why? (i.e. a horse, a tree, a brownie, etc.)

The Dustbunny. Definatly. Who doesn't want their own adorable dustbunny?

Which Ajah do you believe that you would have chosen if you were female?

hahaha, God don't give me that option. Thats a loaded Question.

What’s your favorite kind of cheese?

White American.

What’s the best book you have read?

I'd love to Give RJ all this Credit but honestly it has to be Game of Thrones... though Eye of the World is a Close Second.

Isn't it boring to have to carry on books all the time?

hahaha actually it's quite relaxing knowing where ever I go I always have something to do

Venric Methalion

To whom are you bonded?

Alexstrasz Ruskein, Head of Human-Tentacle Relations for the Brown Ajah.

What made you want to bond with your Aes Sedai?

Have you met them? They're the most adorable person ever! And they're my best friend, so it was a no-brainer.

How long have you two been bonded?

Just over a year.

What do you love most about your Aes Sedai?

You ask that like there's only one answer. I'll just say they know what the fox says, and leave it at that.

What’s the best thing about being a Brown Warder?

To paraphrase one of their esteemed leaders: The Browns are scandalous. Super scandalous. Their forums are the height of drama and adventure and sexiness. Just by reading a page, one can become drunk... on AWESOMENESS!

What’s the best book you have read?

I’m a big fan of Garth Ennis’ run on the Marvel MAX line of The Punisher.

Isn't it boring to have to carry books all the time?

Actually, I kind of enjoy it more and more in a sad way, as this whole digital media revolution progresses.

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