Ihvon (TV Series)

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Book TV show
Emmanuel Imani playing Ihvon in the Wheel of Time TV series
Nationality Andoran
Affiliation Warder
Social Status
First Appearance Episode 4
Actor Emmanuel Imani


Ihvon is one of Alanna Sedai's two Warders and also her lover. Him and Alanna's other Warder - Maksim, are very close and are almost always seen together.

Ihvon is an expert with the bow and arrow.


Ihvon has very dark skin and dark eyes. His head is shaved and he also has no board.


Season 1

Ihvon, following his Aes Sedai Alanna, is part of the group that captures the false Dragon Logain. Once Logain's supporters attack the Aes Sedai camp, Ihvon fights alongside his Aes Sedai and her other Warder Maksim. (S1E4)

Ihvon is one of the Warders in the procession which leads Logain into the White Tower. Later, he is seen helping Stepin put on white, for the ceremony for his fallen Aes Sedai - Kerene.

Ihvon attends Stepin's funeral. (S1E5)

After the Hall of the Tower has gathered and the Amyrlin Seat had placed her judgement on Logain, Maksim and Ihvon wait for Alanna outside the Hall. (S1E6)