Tear, Illian, and Andor 'New Spring' Fashion
Author: Dar'Jen Ab Owain
Published: February 14 2021 Tar Valon Times Blog Link
This post contains spoilers for New Spring
During my reread of New Spring, I have found references to the fashions of the various nations. Some are provided in greater detail than others, but still help to provide a deeper understanding of the people of this world.
The people of Tear are generally darker complected. “Some Tairens were as dark” as some “charcoal skinned” Sea Folk (p. 64). “In Tear, channeling was outlawed, and Aes Sedai were not popular” (p. 23); which explained Siuan Sanche being whisked away so abruptly and sent to the White Tower, when it was determined she could channel.
In general, the people of Tear seem to incorporate lace and striping colors into their fashion. The “Tairens in broad-striped coats or lace-trimmed dresses” (p. 64). “A Tairen noblewoman” was described as being “stiff-necked in a tall lace collar” (p. 63). Another Tairen was mentioned “in a striped cloak” (p. 238).
The best complete description comes of a soldier. The rider from Tear smelled of roses from the “oils glistening on his pointed beard” and his helmet had a “high ridge across the top and a rim that cast” his face in shadow; and a single, short white plume, marking him an officer (p. 7). He wore a dark cloak and likely “wore gilded breastplate and a silk-satin coat striped in his house colors” (p. 8). His boots were embroidered in silver schoolwork.
Very little was discussed regarding Illian. In Moiraine Damodred‘s room as an Accepted, there was an “Illianer carpet round and flowered” (p. 56). From this we could surmise that they like bright colors and floral motifs.
An Illianer wore a “vividly striped cloak” (p. 64). Another Illianer had a “beard that left his upper lip bare” (p. 238).
There were limited details regarding Andor. They “strode along as though they not only knew exactly where they were going but intended to reach there as soon as possible. Andorans always focused on one matter at a time, they were stubborn people, overproud, and they lacked imagination” (p. 64).
They were commonly referred to as “plainly garbled Andorans” (p. 64). Elin, a Novice of the White Tower, was “not tall for an Andoran” (p. 26). Just like all the Novices, she wore white. “Adine Canford (Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah), blue-eyed woman with short-cut black hair who displayed not a hint of arrogance despite being Andoran” (p. 201).
Each region seems to have certain aspects to their fashion. Tear appeared to like striped colors and lace. Illian appeared to like vivid colors and stripes as well. Andorans appeared to prefer plain clothing.