The Mafia Phenomenon at TarValon.Net

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Author: Jahily al'Karee, March 2013

Lurking “innocently” among the Frivolous Fun section of the General forums, one will find a series of threads relating to the game “Mafia.” Based on the party game of the same name, TarValon’s version has been growing steadily in popularity over the last year or so, and the waiting list for upcoming games is a mile long!

If you’ve ever played live Mafia, you’ll understand the basics. The online version is much more challenging - one because you can’t see the guilty looks on people’s faces; and two because each turn, or “phase” lasts a couple of days. This gives everyone time to post, and more time to debate. For an idea of the basic rules of the game, go here.

I got into my first Mafia game (Hunger Games) recently at the encouragement of another member. I’d played the live version before, and still being new to, I thought it would be a great way to get to know people. So I signed up to play and then I got the PM letting me know my role—I was on the Mafia team.

My first thought was, “Oh great, I’m one of the bad guys…” Little did I know how awesome that would be! When you’re Mafia, you work as a team, so it was my first game out and I had a support team to help me along, and learn from their (evil) genius! I also asked a lot of questions in game, to learn from the other experienced players. It was a blast, and our team won!

I thought I would be ready to take a break, but the next game announced was Star Wars themed, I could not pass that up! As of press time, I’m still alive in the game so I can’t say what my role is, but I’m innocent!

In addition to the real rules of the game, here are some unofficial rules I’ve determined: if you post too much, you’re suspicious; if you don’t post enough, you’re suspicious; if you play differently than you played the last x games, you’re suspicious; if you play the same as you played in x games, you’re suspicious—I see a pattern here, don’t you? Basically everyone is suspicious of everyone else, and I’m figuring out that half the fun is running around pointing fingers at other players to see what you can learn; and then having to defend yourself when fingers are pointed at you.

I decided to consult a few of our resident Mafia experts to get some advice: Aryawnah Federov, Winterdawn al’Lerlie (currently modding the Star Wars game), Azi al’Thone, and Eli Sojourn—thanks again to all of you for being interviewed!!

Overwhelmingly, their top advice was to have fun and not take things seriously! Eli said, “Remember that it’s just a game. We’re not attacking you personally and we’re not upset at you. It’s a part of the game and people will accuse you of being Mafia.”

Mafia or innocent? They all said Mafia! “Being Mafia is fun because you have real power and real knowledge,” said Azi, who at press time, was just revealed as the Godfather (head of the Mafia) in the current game.

I have to agree, although it’s nice to be one of the good guys, when you’re Mafia, not only do you have a team to work with, but you know who’s Mafia and who’s innocent. As an innocent, all you have to go on is what people post in the forum; and sometimes you may have a partner or team (ie. masons).

Mod or player? Our experts enjoy both. While it’s a lot of work to organize and run a game, it’s also fun to watch everyone run around, guess wrong, point fingers, etc.

If you’re reading this and wondering if you can play with no experience the answer is YES! Most games welcome new players, unless specified experienced only. When the signup is announced you can put your name on the list, and you’ll be welcomed with open arms… or lynched by the mob!

The next regular Mafia game will be based on Lord of the Rings and hosted/modded by Roheryn Galghandhrei. Also, our own editor of the TarValon Times (TVT), Stephen Lightheart, has started a series of spin-off games in Frivolous Fun – look for the “Assassins…” threads.