Andoran Character List

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

This list features all Andoran characters. There are more specific lists for Andoran Nobility, Two Rivers Characters and Emond's Field Characters.

Abell Cauthon: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is married to Natti Cauthon and is the father of Matrim, Bodewhin and Eldrin Cauthon. He fights in the Last Battle

Abelle Pendar: The High Seat of House Pendar. He eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne of Andor.

Ackley Farren: A man from Market Sheran.

Adan al'Caar: A boy from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Adine Canford: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Adine Lewin: A woman from the Two Rivers. She is married to Flann Lewin.

Admer Nem: A farmer from Kore Springs. He is married to Maigan Nem. When Siuan, Leane, Logain and Min stay in their barn one night and are caught, there is a great deal of trouble.

Adrinne Bunt: Almen Bunt's wife, deceased.

Adora: The grandaughter of Perrin and Faile in a possible future.

Adora Aybara: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. Her parents are Con and Joslyn Aybara, and she is the sister of Perrin, Deselle and Paet Aybara. She is killed by Padan Fain.

Aedelle Baryn: A noblewoman. She is the sister of Lir Baryn.

Aedmun Matherin: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Aeldene Stonebridge: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebels. She is in charge of the Blue Ajah's eyes-and-ears network.

Aemlyn Carand: The High Seat of House Carand. She is married to Culhan. She eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Aeric Botteger: A man from the Two Rivers Nynaeve sees during her Aes Sedai Test.

Afrim Hansard: A soldier in the Queen's Guard.

Ailys Candwin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Alene al'Vere: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. Her parents are Bran and Marin al'Vere, and she is the sister of Egwene, Berowyn, Loise and Elisa al'Vere.

Alesinde: A historical character; Alesinde was Queen of Andor from FY 1020 to FY 1035. She was Queen Ishara's daughter.

Almen Bunt: A farmer who lives near Caemlyn. He gives Rand and Mat a ride to Caemlyn and later moves to a farm near Dragonmount, where he sees Rand again. He fights in the Last Battle.

Alysa: Almen Bunt's sister

Alpert Mull: A farmer. He gives Rand and Mat a ride after they leave Four Kings.

Alsbet Luhhan: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is married to Haral Luhhan.

Alwyn al'Van: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works as a cobbler.

Anthelle Sharplyn: A noblewoman. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Ara: A man from Baerlon. He works at the Stag and Lion inn.

Aranvor Naldwinn: A Captain-General of the Queen's Guard. He died during the Aiel War.

Arathelle Renshar: The High Seat of House Renshar. She eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Arendor Haevin: A nobleman. He is the uncle of Catalyn Haevin, and was her guardian.

Arilinde Branstrom: A noblewoman. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Arin: A man from Baerlon. He works for the Watch.

Arlene: One of Arymilla Marne's maids.

Arymilla Marne: A noblewoman of House Marne. She attempts to win the throne of Andor, but is eventually defeated by Elayne Trakand. Her house was unable to pay her ransom ao was stripped of titles and estates

Astara: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1073 to FY 1085.

Astelle al'Seen: A woman from the Two Rivers.

Athan Chandin: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Athan Dearn: A man from the Two Rivers.

Aubrem Pensenor: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Avin: A man from Baerlon. He works at the gate.

Azril: A girl who lives in Caemlyn. She works at the Culain's Hound Inn.

Azi al'Thone: A man from the Two Rivers in Andor, accompanying Perrin.

Ban al'Seen: A young man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers. He fights in the Last Battle.

Bandry Crawe: A boy from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is the son of Samel Crawe. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Bar Dowtry: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is married to Kimry Lewin/Dowtry. He works as a cabinetmaker. He accompanies Tam when he leaves to aid Perrin in fighting the Shaido.

Barel Layden: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Bari: A man who lives in Caemlyn. He works in the Royal Palace.

Barim Halle: A soldier. He works for Gareth Bryne.

Bartim: A man from Whitebridge. He owns The Wayfarers' Rest inn.

Basel Gill: A man from Caemlyn. He owns The Queen's Blessing inn. He accompanies Morgase when she leaves Caemlyn, and eventually becomes Perrin and Faile's shambayan.

Baryd: A man in Jarid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons Lord Jarid to march with Andor in the Last Battle.

Benly Coplin: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is dead.

Bera Harkin: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She eventually swears an oath of fealty to Rand al'Thor.

Berin Thane: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Berowyn al'Vere: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. Her parents are Bran and Marin al'Vere, and her sisters are Alene, Egwene, Elisa and Loise al'Vere. She was married and had a child, but her husband and child both died.

Bili Adarra: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is a distant cousin of Perrin's. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Bili Congar: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Bili al'Dai: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is killed by Trollocs.

Bodewhin Cauthon: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. Her parents are Abell and Natti Cauthon, and she is the sister of Matrim and Eldrin Cauthon. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Brandelwyn al'Vere: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He owns the Winespring Inn and is the head of the Village Council. He is married to Marin al'Vere and his daughters are Alene, Berowyn, Egwene, Elisa and Loise al'Vere.

Branlet Gilyard: The High Seat of House Gilyard. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Brannin Martan: A nobleman. He is married to Elvaine Martan. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Brandel Vordarian: A minor noble who is also a Lord Captain of the Children of the Light

Bromas: The Innkeeper of the Two Apples in Caemlyn

Buel Dowtry: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works as a fletcher.

Calisen: A guard in the Royal Palace who tells Kalia about the disturbance at the Plum Gate Mat causes.

Calle Coplin: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Canler: An Asha'man. He is aligned with Logain and helps free him after Taim captures him.

Cara: A girl from Caemlyn. She is hired by Lady Alteima.

Caralin: A woman from Kore Springs. She works for Gareth Bryne.

Carlin Aybara: A man from the Two Rivers. He was married to Neain Aybara and was one of Perrin's uncles.

Carlys Ankarin: A noblewoman. She supports Elenia Sarand for the throne, meaning that her support is added to Arymilla's when Elenia is forced to support her.

Catalyn Haevin: The High Seat of House Haevin. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Celebrain: A woman in the Andoran army sent off to almost certain death as a decoy for Elayne during the Last Battle.

Cenn Buie: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works as a thatcher and is on the Village Council.

Charlz Guybon: A soldier. He manages to gather five thousand men for Elayne, and also locates another five thousand attempting to get in to Caemlyn. Elayne makes him a Captain and Birgitte makes him her second in command.

Chaser: An ugly patron of the Dead man's Breath, an inn in Caemlyn

Chel Vanin: A member of Mat's Band of the Red Hand. He is a horse thief. He accompanied Faile when she tried to deliver the Horn to Mat.

Chet: An old man Mat meets in Caemlyn who tells him of the rumours surrounding Mat

Ciel: A girl from Baerlon. She works at The Stag and Lion inn.

Cilia Cole: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She has the ability to channel, but is considered to be too old to become a novice.

Cinda: A woman from Baerlon. She works at The Stag and Lion inn.

Clare: A woman Mat meets in the Dead Man's Breath in Caemlyn

Coline: A woman from Caemlyn. She is the cook at The Queen's Blessing inn.

Colly Garren: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is killed by Trollocs.

Comar: A nobleman. He is a Darkfriend. He is killed by Mat.

Con Aybara: A man from the Two Rivers. He was married to Joslyn Aybara and was the father of Adora, Deselle, Paet and Perrin Aybara. He was killed by Padan Fain.

Conail Northan: The High Seat of House Northan. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Corin Ayellin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Croi Makin: One of Myrelle Berengari's Warders.

Culhan Carand: A nobleman. He is married to Aemlyn Carand.

Dael al'Taron: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is killed by Trollocs.

Daerilla Raened: A noblewoman. She supports Naean Arawn for the throne, meaning that her support is added to Arymilla's once Naean is forced to support her.

Dag Coplin: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Dag Coplin: A boy from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Daise Congar: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She becomes the Wisdom of Emond's Field after Nynaeve al'Meara leaves. She is married to Wit Congar.

Damer Flinn: An Asha'man who remains loyal to Rand. He used to be a Queen's Guard. He is bonded to Corele Hovian. he is one of the few Asha'man Rand trusts. He survives the Last Battle, but loses an arm.

Danine Candraed: The High Seat of House Candraed. She does not support anyone for the throne.

Dannil Lewin: A young man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers and fights in the Last Battle.

Dar: A man from Baerlon. He works for the Watch.

Darea Candwin: A girl from the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Darl Coplin: A man from the Two Rivers.

Dav Ayellin: A young man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Daved Hanlon: Also known as Doilin Mellar. He is a Darkfriend. He is eventually arrested by Elayne, but escapes.

Dawlin Armaghan: A nobleman. He supports Naean Arawn for the throne, meaning that his support is added to Arymilla's once Naean is forced to support her.

Denezel: the innkeeper of the Happy throng in Caemlyn

Deni Colford: One of the Queen's Guards.

Deoan: A Two Rivers man who had served in the Andoran army.

Deselle Aybara: A girl from the Two Rivers. Her parents were Con and Joslin Aybara, and she was the sister of Perrin, Adora and Paet Aybara. She was killed by Padan Fain.

Doral Barran: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She was the Wisdeom previous to Nynaeve al'Meara and is now dead.

Dyelin Taravin: The High Seat of House Taravin. She is a staunch supporter of Elayne Trakand.

Ealsin Aybara: A woman from the Two Rivers. She was Perrin's aunt. She was killed by Padan Fain.

Eazil Forney: A farmer. He gives Rand and Mat a ride to Four Kings.

Edelle Gaelin: A woman from Watch Hill in the Two Rivers. She is the Wisdom in Watch Hill.

Egwene al'Vere: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is the daughter of Bran and Marin al'Vere, and the sister of Alene, Berowyn, Elisa and Loise al'Vere. She leaves the Two Rivers with Rand, Mat, Perrin, Moiraine, Lan and Thom, and eventually enrolls in the White Tower as a novice. She later is raised to the Amyrlin Seat among the rebel Aes Sedai. She is killed in the Last Battle after defeating Mazrim Taim.

Elam Dowtry: A young man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Elayne Traemane: A noblewoman. She was the grandmother of Ellorien Traemane. Elayne Trakand is named for her.

Elayne Trakand: The Daughter-Heir, and later Queen, of Andor; she is also an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is the daughter of Morgase Trakand and Taringail Damodred, and the sister of Gawyn Trakand and Galadedrid Damodred. She was bonded to Birgitte Trahelion and Rand al'Thor and is Aviendha's first-sister.

Elber: An officer in the Queen's Guard hired by Gaebril/Rahvin.

Eldrin Cauthon: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. Her parents are Abell and Natti Cauthon, and she is the sister of Matrim and Bodewhin Cauthon.

Elegar: A nobleman. He is a Darkfriend.

Elenia Sarand: A noblewoman. She is married to Jarid Sarand. She is forced into supporting Arymilla Marne for the throne, although she has aspirations for the throne herself. She is captured by Elayne's forces during the assault on Caemlyn and her house stripped of land and titles for failure to pay its debts.

Elin Warrel: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai.

Elisa al'Seen: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is married to Jac al'Seen.

Elisa al'Vere: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. Her parents are Bran and Marin al'Vere, and her sisters are Alene, Berowyn, Egwene and Loise al'Vere.

Elise Marwin: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice among the rebel Aes Sedai.

Elle: A young woman from Watch Hill in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Ellorien Traemane: The High Seat of House Traemane. She does not end up officially supporting anyone for the throne.

Elnore al'Meara: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She was Nynaeve al'Meara's mother.

Else Grinwell: A young woman living on a farm between Whitebridge and Arien. She is the daughter of Master Grinwell and Mistress Grinwell. Rand and Mat stay at their farm on their way to Caemlyn. She later goes to the Tower to train as a novice, but although she can channel, she is eventually sent back home.

Elsie: A woman who works for Aedmun Matherin in his manor.

Elvaine Martan: A noblewoman. She is married to Brannin Martan. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Elwinn Taron: A woman from Deven Ride in the Two Rivers. She is the Wisdom of Deven Ride.

Elza Penfell: An Aes Sedai of the Green and Black Ajahs; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is bonded to Fearil. She is one of the Aes Sedai sent by Elaida to capture Rand, but is captured herself at Dumai's Wells. She eventually swears an oath of fealty to Rand. After Semirhage removes the Compulsion layed upon her by Verin, she helps her capture Rand and is balefired as he escapes.

Emry Lewin: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice among the rebel Aes Sedai.

Eram Talkend: A nobleman. He supports Elenia Sarand for the throne, meaning that his support is added to Arymilla's when Elenia is forced to support her.

Eri: A man in Jarid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons Lord Jarid when docked of pay and put on latrine duty.

Essande: A woman who lives at the Royal Palace. She works as one of Elayne's maids.

Ester Norham: A woman who works at the Royal Palace. She is also a spy.

Evard Cordwyn: A mercenary. Elayne hires him to help defend Caemlyn against Arymilla Marne. He dies during the final assault, and had likely switched sides.

Evelle Haevin: A noblewoman. She is Catalyn Haevin's aunt.

Ewal Coplin: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Eward Aybara: A man from the Two Rivers. He was married to Magde Aybara, and was one of Perrin's uncles. He was killed by Padan Fain.

Eward Candwin: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works as a cooper.

Eward Congar: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Ewin Finngar: A young man from the Two Rivers.

Finndal: A nobleman that Rodel once met.

Flann Barstere: A man from near Watch Hill in the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Flann Lewin: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is married to Adine Lewin.

Fridwyn Ros: A man who works at Aedmun Matherin's manor.

Gadren Grady: Sora and Jur Grady's son

Galadedrid Damodred: Elayne, Gawyn and Rand's half brother. Lord Captain Commander of the Whitecloaks, he has met up with Perrin.

Gareth Bryne: Formerly commander of the Queen's Guard, after being sent away by Morgase, he followed Siuan to Salidar and agreed to lead the rebel army. He was bonded by her before she attempted a rescue of Egwene.

Gawyn Trakand: A Prince of Andor. He is the son of Morgase Trakand and Taringail Damodred, and the brother of Elayne Trakand. He is also the half brother of Galadedrid Damodred. Now that Elayne is Queen, he is her First Prince of the Sword. He was the leader of the Younglings, but abandoned them to rescue Egwene. After bonding and marrying her, he felt useless in the Last Battle and went to fight Demandred, only to be killed by him.

Get Ayliah: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Get Eldin: A man from the Two Rivers.

Gilda: A woman from Caemlyn. She works at The Queen's Blessing inn.

Grayor Fenn: A boy from the Two Rivers with Perrin.

Gwil: A man from the Two Rivers.

Had: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is killed by Trollocs.

Had: A boy from the Two Rivers.

Had al'Lora: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Hal: A man from the Two Rivers.

Hal Moir: One of Gawyn's Younglings.

Halwin Norry: The First Clerk in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.

Hanselle Renshar: A nobleman. He is the grandson of Arathelle Renshar.

Haral: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is killed by Trollocs.

Haral Luhhan: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is married to Alsbet Luhhan. He is the Blacksmith, and Perrin was his apprentice. He is on the Village Council.

Hari Coplin: A man from the Two Rivers.

Hatch: The innkeeper of the Dusty Hatch

Henre Haslin: The Master of the Sword for the Queen's Guard in Caemlyn. Gaebril fires him, and he eventually ends up working for Rand at the Black Tower, training Asha'man.

Henren: A nobleman.

Heran Adan: The Governor of Baerlon.

Herid Fel: A historian and a philosopher who helps Rand. He was killed by the gholam.

Hilde Barran: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Hu Barran: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works in the stables at the Winespring Inn. He accompanies Tam when he goes to Perrin's aid against the Shaido.

Hu al'Dai: A man from the Two Rivers.

Hu Marwin: A young man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Hyam Kinch: A farmer from near Carysford. He gives Rand and Mat a ride on their way to Caemlyn.

Ishara: A historical character; she was the founder and first Queen of Andor, ruling from FY 994 to FY 1020. She married Souran Maravaile.

Jac Coplin: A man from the Two Rivers.

Jac al'Caar: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Jac al'Seen: A man from the Two Rivers. He is married to Elisa al'Seen.

Jaem Dawlish: A man from Caemlyn. He is the son of Melfane Dawlish.

Jailin Maran: A nobleman. He supports Elenia Sarand for the throne, which means that his support is added to Arymilla's once Elenia is forced to support her.

Jaim Aybara: A boy from the Two Rivers. He is a cousin of Perrin's.

Jaim Dawtry: A man from the Two Rivers.

Jaim Thane: A boy from the Two Rivers.

Jaim Torfinn: A man from the Two Rivers.

Jaisi: A woman that Min Farshaw used to know.

Jak: A man from Four Kings. He works at the Dancing Cartman inn.

Jakob Hernvil: A man who works as Arymilla Marne's secretary.

Jan: A woman from Baerlon. She is Min's aunt.

Jancy Torfinn: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Janny: One of Elenia Sarand's maids.

Jar Silvin: A soldier who accompanies Gareth Bryne when he leaves for Kore Springs. He then accompanies Bryne when he sets out in search of Siuan, Leane and Min.

Jared Aydaer: A young man from the Two Rivers. He was killed by Trollocs.

Jarid Sarand: The High Seat of House Sarand. He is married to Elenia Sarand. He continues to plan war against Elayne, but his men abandon him.

Jerilin al'Caar: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Jerinvar Barstere: The Mayor of Watch Hill in the Two Rivers.

Jer al' Hune: A boy Mat saved from drowning in the Two Rivers.

Jillie Lewin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Jon Ayellin: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Tam when he goes to Perrin's aid against the Shaido.

Jon Gaelin: A man from the Two Rivers.

Jon Skellit: A man who works in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. He is a barber. He also works as a spy for Naean Arawn.

Jon Thane: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works as a miller and is also a member of the Village Council. His son is Lem Thane.

Jondyn Barran: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Joni Shagrin: A retired member of the Queen's Guard. He works for Gareth Bryne and accompanies Bryne when he sets out in search of Siuan, Leane and Min.

Jonneth Dowtry: A man from the Two Rivers in Training at the Black Tower

Jori Congar: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Joslyn Aybara: A woman from the Two Rivers. She was married to Con Aybara and was the mother of Adora, Deselle, Paet and Perrin Aybara. She was killed by Padan Fain.

Jowdry: A man killed at Farrier's Green

Jurad Accan: An armsman of Luan Norwelyn's.

Kairen Stang: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and therefore aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She was bonded to Llyw. She was killed by Aran'gar.

Kari al'Thor: A woman from Caemlyn. She was married to Tam al'Thor and was the adoptive mother of Rand al'Thor. She died when Rand was young.

Kari Thane: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Karind Anshar: The High Seat of House Anshar. She originally supports Arymilla Marne for the throne, but changes her allegiance to Elayne Trakand after Arymilla's defeat.

Kati: A serving woman at the Dusty Wheel

Kely Huldin: A weaver. He tested to become an Asha'man, but failed the test.

Kelwin Janevor: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Kenley Ahan: A young man from the Two Rivers. He was killed by Trollocs.

Kenly Maerin: A young man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Kert Wagoner: a man from the Two Rivers, now in Perrin's camp.

Kev Barstere: A young man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Tam when he goes to Perrin's aid against the Shaido.

Kevlyn Torr: A woodsman with Perrin's army

Kevrim al'Azar: A man from the Two Rivers.

Kiem Lewin: A girl in the Two Rivers who Mat mistakenly thought was drowning. He jumped in to save her.

Kimry Lewin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is married to Bar Dowtry.

Kindlin: An officer of the Queen's Guard stationed at Aringill.

Laerid Traehand: A nobleman. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Laila Lewin: A woman from the Two Rivers. She is married to Natley Lewin.

Lamgwin Dorn: A man from Caemlyn. He worked at The Queen's Blessing inn. He left Caemlyn with Morgase and now works for Perrin and Faile.

Lara Ayellan: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Larine Ayellin: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Lem al'Dai: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Lem Thane: A young man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is the son of Jon Thane.

Len Congar: A man from the Two Rivers.

Leof Torfinn: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Lini Eltring: The nurse of Maighdin, Morgase and Elayne Trakand. She leaves Caemlyn with Morgase and worked for Perrin and Faile until Morgase was identified my Galad.

Lir Baryn: The High Seat of House Baryn. He originally supports Arymilla Marne for the throne, but changes his allegiance to Elayne Trakand after Arymilla's defeat.

Loise al'Vere: A young woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. Her parents are Bran and Marin al'Vere, and she is the sister of Alene, Berowyn, Egwene and Elisa al'Vere.

Lord Davies: A minor noble with Jarid Sarand, he abandons Lord Jarid when it becomes clear that Jarid's obsession with Elayne has caused him to behave irrationally.

Lord Karam: A minor noble with Jarid Sarand, he abandons Lord Jarid when it becomes clear that Jarid's obsession with Elayne has caused him to behave irrationally.

Luan Norwelyn: The High Seat of House Norwelyn. He eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Luc Mantear: A Prince of Andor. He is the son of Queen Mordrellen and the brother of Tigraine. He is Rand's uncle. He vanished into the Blight and has somehow become merged with Isam.

Lyndelle: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1114 to 49 NE.

Macharan: A nobleman.

Magde Aybara: A woman from the Two Rivers. She was married to Eward Aybara and was one of Perrin's aunts. She was killed by Padan Fain.

Maigan Nem: A woman from Kore Springs. She is married to Admer Nem. Siuan, Min, Leane and Logian stay in their barn overnight, and when they are caught, there is a great deal of trouble.

Maighdin Trakand: A noblewoman. She was Morgase Trakand's mother.

Maragaine: A historical character; she was the Queen of Andor from FY 1054 to FY 1073.

Maralenda: An Aes Sedai in the rebel camp, distantly related to the Trakand line

Marce Eldin: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Marek Cormer: A man from the Two Rivers with Perrin

Mari: A woman from Baerlon. She works at the Stag and Lion inn.

Marin al'Vere: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is married to Brandelwyn al'Vere and is the mother of Alene, Berowyn, Egwene, Elisa and Loise al'Vere. She is on the Women's Circle.

Marisa Ahan: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Marisa Ayellin: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Marris Thornhill: An Aes Sedai of the Brown and Black Ajahs; she is aligned with Elaida's Aes Sedai. She is found out by Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri and is forced to swear an oath to obey them.

Martyn Tallanvor: A Guardsman-Lieutenant in the Queen's Guard. He accompanies Morgase when she leaves Caemlyn and later marries her.

Master Cole: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Master Dilham: A man from Caemlyn. He owns the Culain's Hound inn.

Master Fitch: A man from Baerlon. He owns the Stag and Lion inn.

Master Grinwell: A farmer who lives between Whitebridge and Arien. He is married to Mistress Grinwell and his daughter is Else Grinwell.

Master Hightower: A man from Taren Ferry in the Two Rivers. He is the ferryman.

Master Hoffley: A man from Caemlyn. He is a banker.

Master Hornwell: A man who works on one of Elayne Trakand's estates. He is married to Mistress Hornwell.

Master Inlow: A man who lives in a village on the way to Caemlyn. He owns The Queen's Man inn.

Master Thane: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Master al'Dai: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Master al'Meara: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He was married to Elnore al'Meara and was Nynaeve's father.

Matrim Cauthon: A young man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. His parents are Abell and Natti Cauthon, and he is the brother of Bodewhin and Eldrin Cauthon. He is married to Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag and is the Prince of Ravens. He is ta'veren.

Mavra Mallen: A woman from Deven Ride in the Two Rivers. She was the Wisdom of Deven Ride. She is likely dead, as Elwinn Taron has become the new Wisdom.

Mayv Gilyard: A noblewoman. She was Branlet Gilyard's guardian. She died while out riding.

Melasune: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1035 to FY 1046.

Melfane Dawlish: A woman from Caemlyn. Her son is Jaem Dawlish. She is Elayne Trakand's midwife.

Merana Ambrey: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is sent as the leader of the rebels' embassy to Rand al'Thor and eventually swears an oath of fealty to him.

Miedelle Caeren: A noblewoman. She was married to Nasin Caeren. She died thirty years ago.

Milam Harnder: The Second Librarian at the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. He also works as a spy for Demira Eriff.

Mili Skane: A Darkfriend. She often goes by the name Shiaine Avarhin. She is eventually arrested by Elayne.

Milla al'Azar: A woman who lives in Taren Ferry in the Two Rivers. She is the Wisdom of Taren Ferry.

Milli Ayellin: A girl from the Two Rivers.

Millis Fendry: A woman from Caemlyn. She owns The Hoop and Arrow inn. She works as a spy for the Brown Ajah.

Min Farshaw: A woman from Baerlon. She has the ability to read the Pattern. She is one of Rand al'Thor's three lovers. She is elevated to the Blood and named as Tuon's Truthspeaker.

Miren: A woman from Baerlon. She is Min's aunt.

Mistress Ahan: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is the mother of Kenley Ahan.

Mistress Andscale: A woman from Caemlyn. She is a banker.

Mistress Anford: A woman from Caemlyn. She works as a clerk in the Royal Palace.

Mistress Calder: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Mistress Cinchonine: A woman from Caemlyn. She owns The Crown of Roses inn.

Mistress Dill: A woman from Harlon Bridge. She owns an inn.

Mistress Grinwell: A woman who lives between Whitebridge and Arien. She is married to Master Grinwell and is the mother of Else Grinwell.

Mistress Hornwell: A woman who works on one of Elayne Trakand's estates. She is married to Master Hornwell.

Mistress Huldin: The wife of Kely Huldin.

Mistress Lewin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is Kimry Lewin's mother.

Mistress Saems: A woman from Caemlyn. She is a merchant. She is Wilbin Saems' daughter.

Mistress Thane: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Mistress al'Caar: A woman from the Two Rivers. She is the mother of Tod al'Caar.

Mistress al'Donel: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Mistress al'Taron: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. Her son is Dael al'Taron.

Modrellein: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor seven hundred years ago.

Montem al'San: A member of Perrin's army

Morear: A man in Jarid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons Lord Jarid to march with Andor in the Last Battle.

Morgase Trakand: The Queen of Andor. She is the mother of Elayne and Gawyn Trakand, and the step-mother of Galadedrid Damodred. She was married to Taringail Damodred. She fled Caemlyn after managing to break free of the compulsion used on her by Gaebril/Rahvin. She was believed dead until recognised by Galadedrid Damodred while traveling with Perrin Aybara.

Morrigan: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1103 to FY 1114.

Mother Brune: A woman from a village in Andor. She is an herbalist and midwife.

Mother Grubb: A woman from Caemlyn. She is an herbalist and midwife.

Mutch: A man from Baerlon. He works at The Stag and Lion inn.

Naean Arawn: A noblewoman of House Arawn. She is forced to support Arymilla Marne for the throne, even though she has aspirations to the throne for herself. He house is stripped of land and titles after it is unable to pay its debts

Naeff: An asha'man of Logain's camp, with Rand in Arad Doman. He has been Healed of madness.

Nan Belman: A woman in Caemlyn. She is a Darkfriend.

Naris Pelden: A woman who works in the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. She is Sephanie's sister.

Nasin Caeren: The High Seat of House Caeren. His granddaughter is Sylvase Caeren, who has become High Seat following his recent death.

Nat Torfinn: A man from the Two Rivers.

Natley Lewin: A man from the Two Rivers. He is married to Laila Dearn/Lewin.

Natti Cauthon: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is married to Abell Cauthon and is the mother of Bodewhin, Eldrin and Matrim Cauthon.

Neain Aybara: A woman from the Two Rivers. She was married to Carlin Aybara and was one of Perrin's aunts. She was killed by Padan Fain.

Negara: A noblewoman.

Nela Thane: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Nela al'Caar: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is married to Paet al'Caar.

Nelein Matherin: A noblewoman. She was the grandmother of Aedmun Matherin. She died years ago.

Neysa Ayellin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She is a member of the Women's Circle.

Nynaeve al'Meara: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. She was the Wisdom of Emond's Field until she left the Two Rivers. She is an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. She is married and bonded to Lan Mandragoran. During the Last Battle, she is one of the Aes Sedai Rand chooses to accompany him to the Pit of Doom

Old Bain: A farmer.

Oren Dautry: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Paet al'Caar: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is married to Nela al'Caar and his son is Wil al'Caar.

Paetram Aybara: A boy from the Two Rivers. His parents were Con and Joslyn Aybara and he was the brother of Adora, Deselle and Perrin Aybara. He was killed by Padan Fain.

Paitr Conel: A young man from Market Sheran. He was a Darkfriend. He was eventually hanged by the Whitecloaks.

Pel Aydaer: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Pelivar Coelan: The High Seat of House Coelan. He eventually supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Perival Mantear: The High Seat of House Mantear. He supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Perrin Aybara: A young man from the Two Rivers. His parents are Con and Joslyn Aybara and he is the brother of Adora, Deselle and Paet Aybara. He is married to Faile Bashere. He becomes the Lord of the Two Rivers. Queen Alliandre Maritha Kigarin of Ghealdan is sworn to him. He is ta'veren.

Perwyn Belman: A boy in Caemlyn. His mother is Nan Belman.

Quillin Tasil: An innkeeper in Bandar Eban, his daughter is an Aes Sedai known to Cadsuane.

Rad al'Dai: A young man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Raimun Holdwin: A village man. He owns The Goose and Crown inn. He is a Darkfriend.

Ramey: A man from Caemlyn. He works at The Queen's Blessing inn.

Rana: A woman from Baerlon. She is Min's aunt.

Rand al'Thor: A young man from the Two Rivers. His parents are Tigraine Mantear of Andor and Janduin of the Iron Mountain Taardad Aiel. His adoptive parents are Tam and Kari al'Thor. He is the Dragon Reborn, Car'a'carn and Coramoor, as well as King of Illian. After defeating the Dark One, he fakes his death and leaves anonymously, in Moridin's body.

Reed Soalen: A man from the Two Rivers who acts as one of Perrin's bodyguards.

Reene Harfor: The First Maid of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn.

Ren Chandin: A young man from the Two Rivers. He is killed by Trollocs.

Renald Macer: A sergeant in the palace guard in the Andoran Royal Palace.

Rhea Avin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Robb Solter: A Two Rivers man with Perrin

Rosse: A man in Jarid Sarand's personal guard. He abandons Lord Jarid to march with Andor in the Last Battle.

Rowan Hurn: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is a member of the Village Council.

Rulan Allwine: A man from Market Sheran. He owns an inn.

Salia Pomfrey: A woman who gave birth to a son outside of Tar Valon during the Aiel War.

Samel Crawe: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is a member of the Village Council. His son is Bandry Crawe.

Saml al'Seen: A young man from the Two Rivers. He has the ability to channel and joins the Asha'man.

Saml Hake: A man from Four Kings. He owns The Dancing Cartman inn.

Samwil Hark: A cutpurse living in Caemlyn. He is captured by the Guards, and then forced to spy on Doilin Mellar for Elayne. He is eventually able to lead them to Mellar and the Black Ajah.

Sara: A woman from Baerlon. She is the cook at The Stag and Lion inn.

Sari Ayellin: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Sela (character): A woman from Kore Springs. She works for Gareth Bryne.

Sephanie Pelden: A woman from Caemlyn who works at the Royal Palace. She is Naris' sister.

Sergase Gilbearn: A noblewoman. She supports Elayne Trakand for the throne.

Shiaine Avarhin: A noblewoman. She was the daughter of Willim Avharin. She was killed by Mili Skane, who has also adopted her name.

Soffi Moraton: A member of Perrin's army

Sora Grady: The wife of Jur Grady. She now lives at the Black Tower.

Strom: A man from Four Kings. He works at the Dancing Cartman inn.

Susa al'Seen: A girl from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers who has the ability to channel. She leaves the Two Rivers with Alanna Mosvani, Verin Mathwin, and several other girls who can channel. She eventually becomes a novice with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Sylvase Caeren: The High Seat of House Caeren. She is the granddaughter of Nasin Caeren, and became High Seat upon his recent death. Immediately after becoming High Seat, she declared her support for Elayne Trakand.

Tad Barran: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works at the Winespring Inn. He accompanies Tam when he goes to Perrin's aid against the Shaido.

Tad Kandel: A member of Mat's Band of the Red Hand. He is killed by the gholam.

Tam al'Thor: A man from the Two Rivers. He was married to Kari al'Thor and is the adoptive father of Rand al'Thor. He is a member of the Village Council and Perrin's First Captain.

Telaisien: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1085 to FY 1103.

Tell Lewin: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Tess: Melfane Dawlish's cousin

Termylle: A historical character; she was Queen of Andor from FY 1046 to FY 1054.

Teven Marwin: A young man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He was killed by Trollocs.

Thad Haren: A man from Kore Springs. He works as a brickmaker. When Gareth Bryne goes after Siuan, Leane and Min, Thad accompanies him.

Thad Torfinn: A man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Tam when he goes to Perrin's aid against the Shaido.

Tham Felmley: A man hanged for a murder he did not commit

Theodohr: The commander of the Andoran Cavalry.

Tigraine Mantear: The Daughter-Heir of Andor. She was married to Taringail Damodred and was the mother of Galadedrid Damodred. She is also the mother of Rand al'Thor. She ran away to the Aiel Waste because of a Foretelling had by Gitara Moroso. She died during the Aiel War after giving birth to Rand.

Tim: A young man from the Two Rivers. He was killed by Trollocs.

Tod al'Caar: A young man from the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Torwyn Barshaw: A man from Four King's. He was a Darkfriend. He was eventually hanged by the Whitecloaks.

Trost: A man from the Two Rivers in training at the Black Tower, loyal to Logain.

Tuck Padwhin: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He works as a carpenter.

Wat: A member of Mat's Band of the Red Hand. He was killed by the gholam.

Whatley Eldin: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Widow al'Thone: A woman from the Two Rivers.

Widow Aynal: A woman from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Wil: A cousin of Perrin who one time planted a bucket of feathers on him.

Wil al'Caar: A boy from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. His father is Paet al'Caar.

Wil al'Seen: A young man who lives near Deven Ride in the Two Rivers. He accompanies Perrin out of the Two Rivers.

Wilbin Saems: A merchant from Andor.

Willim Avarhin: A nobleman. His daughter was Shiaine Avarhin. He was killed by Mili Skane.

Willin Mantear: A nobleman. He is the guardian of Perival Mantear.

Win Lewin: A boy from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers.

Wit al'Seen: A man from the Two Rivers.

Wit Congar: A man from Emond's Field in the Two Rivers. He is married to Daise Congar.