Illian (Nation)

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Sigil Nine golden bees arranged in a diamond, from top to bottom: 1-2-3-2-1. Known as the Golden Bees
Banner The Golden Bees on a field of dark green.
Capital Illian
Ruler King Rand al'Thor
Crown The Crown of Swords, formerly the Laurel Crown
Palace The King's Palace

Author: Leora Oldessroth

Prununciation: IHL-lee-an


Illian is one of the southern coastal nations. The banner is Nine Golden Bees on a field of dark green. The banner is fringed in gold if flown where the sovereign is present (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

Another symbol of Illian is the Laurel Crown.

There are no laws in Illian against dealing with Aes Sedai (TGH, Ch. 9).


Unless stated otherwise, all information herein is taken from The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, Chapter 12.

The nation of Illian came into being late in the War of the Hundred Years when Nicoli Merseneos den Ballin captured the city and soon established a following, expanding his nation from that base. He founded the Council of Nine and Assemblage as advisory bodies, though their power soon grew to rival his own.


alt a map of the continent, outlining the position of Illian on the south coast

Relation to Previous National Borders

According to the maps, during the time of the Compact of the Ten Nations, the land that would become Illian was part of the nations of Essenia and Eharon. After the Trolloc Wars, part of the nations of Fergansea and Shiota occupied the land, along with parts of Esandara and Nerevan north of of the Manetherendrelle.


Illian is bordered to the northwest by Altara, by the Nemarellin Mountains to the west, to the southwest by Kabal Deep, to the northeast by Murandy, to the east and northeast by the Plains of Maredo and to the south by the Sea of Storms (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 2; TPoD, Ch. 21).

Geographical Features

Bodies of Water
Hills and Mountains

The Plains of Maredo extend a little into Illian, giving way to forested hills well short of the Manetherendrelle and the River Shal branching off of it (LoC, Ch. 4).

Illian has marshes; one of its denizens is a huge snake, four times as long as a man (TFoH, Ch. 37).


The king is not the sole political leader of Illian. He is advised by a council of lords known as the Council of Nine; the Council historically ends up competing with the King for power (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

The King’s power is also diluted by a second advisory body known as the Assemblage. The Assemblage is chosen by and from Illian's merchant and ship owners. The Assemblage also competes with the King for power (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

This three-way tug of war results in no one group or person being able to control Illian's destiny. There is a three-way battle for any task or legislation. Many people believe this provides a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. Others believe it causes confusion and delays useful action (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

The Throne

The current king of Illian is Mattin Stepaneos. Illian has historically fought and warred with Tear (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 14).


Members of the Council of Nine


Illian has a formidable army (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

"During the Whitecloak War the Children of the Light set a trap at Soremaine that caught King Stepaneos and would have destroyed his entire army if it were not for the valor of the Companions. They held the field long enough to allow the rest of the army to escape to safety, and thus prevented Altara, as well as Murandy and Illian, from falling under the sway of the Whitecloaks. Without their intervention Stepaneos would probably not have been able to wrest victory from the Soremaine defeat" (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

The finest soldiers are those in the elite unit called the Illianer Companions. These soldiers ride with the commanding general in any military action to be deployed as needed, usually to the hottest fighting. They are also used as bodyguards to the king. Commoners and foreigners are welcome to join the Companions (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30; Glossary).

The Companions of Illian are recognized as one of the main military groups from the last centuries (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 26). Their loyalty is to the Crown of Illian, not to any person (TPoD, Ch. 13).

The Companions wear uniforms consisting of a green coat, a breastplate worked with the Nine Bees of Illian, and a conical faceguard of steel bars. The First Captain wears four rings of gold braid on the cuffs of his jacket and three thin golden plumes tipped with green on his helmet. The Second Captain wears three rings of gold braid and three golden plumes tipped with green. Lieutenants wear two rings of gold braid and two thin green plumes. Under-lieutenants wear one ring of gold braid and a single green plume. Bannermen wear two broken rings of yellow on their cuffs and a single yellow plume. Squadmen have a single broken ring of yellow on their cuffs (Glossary).

Cities, Towns, and Villages

Cities, towns, and villages in Illian

Relations and Trade

Illian has historically fought and warred with Tear (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 14).

Illianer ships occasionally trade at the ports of Shara (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 16).

Goods come and go from Illian via Murandy (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

Illian makes wealth off of sea, land, and river trade (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

Illian grows olives (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

Illian produces beveled mirrors (TDR, Prologue).

People and Customs

Illian is the country that calls for the Hunt of the Horn, to find the Horn of Valere (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

Arranged marriages sometimes happen in Illian (TDR, Ch. 3).

Feasts and Festivals

Festivals celebrated in Illian that are not celebrated by all nations include: The Feast of Abram, The Feist of Freia, The Feast of Maia, Genshai, and The Festival of Lanterns. The time between The Feast of Abram and The Feast of Fools is considered the most propitious time for a wedding (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 31).

Appearance, Clothing, and Dress

Men wear beards that leave their upper lips bare (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

Men of Illian wear long coats with raised collars. Lords also wear boots fringed with gold or silver (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

Women wear wide-brimmed hats held in place by long scarves that are wound around the neck; the scarves may be tied in a variety of fashions ranging from utilitarian to decorative (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).

High ladies wear decorative slippers heavily worked in gold and silver. Dresses are cut high at the hem to show the slippers off. The dresses usually have a low neckline as well (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 30).



Characters from Illian

Main article: Illianer Character List
