Merit Badge Focus Group

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The Merit Badge Focus Group was a one-off group designed to assist in the implementation and creation of Merit Badges. Members were selected from all ranks and affiliations as well as from almost every Department. They were handpicked by the Amyrlin Seat and approved by the Directors.



Members were selected from all ranks and affiliations as well as from almost every Department. They were handpicked by the Amyrlin Seat and approved by the Directors. In addition to those selected, Kytheria al'Shea, in her position as Recognitions Coordinator, was a part of this group. The Group was active from July 1, 2010 to March 15, 2011.

Member Rank Affliation Department
Sonea Ilandred Aes Sedai Blue Department of Events and Conferences
Cassie Dainar Aes Sedai Brown Department of Events and Conferences
Liiane al'Rhuidea Aes Sedai Gray Department of Community Development
Tree Aes Sedai Green Department of Philanthropy
Calypsa al'Nicolai Aes Sedai Red Department of Administration
Loira al'Ramoidra Aes Sedai White Department of Moderators
Niere al'Aman Aes Sedai Yellow Department of Community Development
Riley Maconnar Gaidin Dai M'Hael Department of Events and Conferences
Emp Orer Gaidin Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb Department of Membership
Sean al'Dragoran Gaidin San d'ma Shadar Department of Moderators
Valorian Edoras Gaidin Val'Cueran Department of Membership
Kiana A'Jadein Accepted Green Department of Administration
Raam Sho'am Soldier Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb Department of Research
Alicia Schairen Novice n/a Department of Research
Ben al'Den Recruit n/a Department of Moderators
Aratouial Citizen n/a Department of Research
  • The ranks and affliations listed above are those at the date of selection.