The Gathering Storm: Chapter 31

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A Promise to Lews Therin

Point of View: Cadsuane

Characters: Cadsuane, Quillin Tasil, and Rand

Location: Bandar Eban.

Cadsuane shuffles down a crowded Bandar Eban street, heading to The Wind's Favor. Upon arriving, she questions the innkeeper, Quillin Tasil, about the news and going ons in the city. He says that he doubts the Council of Merchants had anything to do with Alsalam's disappearance. She also inquires after the "balance" to the bad affects of Rand being ta'veren, and is surprised to hear that there have been none. She then leaves the inn and continues down the street, thinking of Rand, and the events before her banishment. As she heads towards the docks, she encounters Rand, who is heading towards the docks. She does not head off the road, however, she does pull her hood down closer and moves in the other direction. She then goes to find the Wise Ones and asks if they will join her in her efforts to make Rand smile again.

Point of View: Rand

Characters: Rand, Cadsuane, Naeff, Nynaeve, Damer Flinn, Rhuarc, and Milisair Chadmar

Rand notices Cadsuane scuttling away from him as the heads to the docks to personally check on food distribution. Although she brushed up against his rules and pushed the limits, he does not act because she did not outright break them, and he thinks that exiling had probably been a bad idea, but nonetheless he can't go back now. Upon arriving at the wharf, the Asha'man riding behind him, Naeff, who had been running messages and meeting with the Seanchan for Bashere, says that he doesn't believe they will accept Katar for a meeting place, though it is on neutral grounds. Rand tells him to return to the Seanchan and tell them that they will meet at Falme. Naeff argues that it is well within Seanchan border, but Flinn counters that Falme will be perfect because they will watching the skies in fear the whole time. Nynaeve soon rides up, as they are leaving, and asks what he decided. He tells her his decision. He and her argue about the intelligence of this decision, and end up talking about Lan. Nynaeve admits, under pressure, that Lan was in the Saldea, though she had made sure that he would have an army, whether he wanted one or not. Nynaeve and Rand debate what to do about it. After they reach House Chadmar's mansion, Rand goes the throne room. Rhuarc soon arrives, and informs him the Alamindra Cutren was found and captured, but that Meashan Dubaris is dead. Rand now has four of the Merchant Council, with two being dead. By his count, that means he needs to capture four of the remaining six to call for a vote for a new king. Rhuarc also tells him that there has been no word from the king, and soon departs. Milisair Chadmar is soon motioned forward, and she tells Rand that the messenger that was sent to her by the king is dead. Rand punishes her by locking her in the same dungeons that the messenger was locked in. (NOT FINISHED)

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