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*Founded by [[Paedrig al'Dar]]
<center>'''Welcome to the San d'ma Shadar HQ!'''</center>
*Currently Lead by  [[Darian Coralis]] {{CC}}
==[[Image:What is SDS Banner.png|What is San d'ma Shadar?|link=]]==
<div style="background:#bb8800; width: 25%; float:right; padding: 5px; border: 2px black solid;">
<p style="font-weight: bold;">What is Sabe?</p>
If you've been in chat at all since the founding of SDS, you'll have noticed that we use the greeting “Sabe” quite a bit. This comes from the sci-fi series ''Ender's Game''. While in battle school, children were taught some Portugese / Brazilian, and “Sabe” – pronounced sah-BEE – was one of the slang words that they learned, which meant “You understand?” – it was also a greeting, which is what we use it as today.
*[[Willam Cambrae|Wil Cambrae]] as {{HG}}
Sometimes you will hear us refer to each other as Sabers (Sabe-ers) as well.
*Founded In 2001
Of the four companies, the [[San d'ma Shadar (TarValon.Net)|San d'ma Shadar]] are known as the 'muscle' of the White Tower. This is an oversimplification of an important characteristic lying just beneath the surface... survival. The members are the survivors: the jack-of-all-trades, master of none. They adapt and do what must be done to complete the task at hand, whether it be organizing others for an offensive or protecting one's loved ones from harm. All this must be accomplished by utilizing what is readily available to its fullest potential. We are the Slayers of the Shadow!<br>
*[[Soronhen Ciryaher]] and [[Anigrel Tavadon]] as SDS Warder Council Members
===[[Image:SDS Creed Banner.png|The SDS Creed|link=]]===
I am a member of San d’ma Shadar. I have chosen to become a member of an elite company and as such intend to uphold the ideals and carry on the spirit of a unique brotherhood. I have pledged to follow the Amyrlin Seat and those persons whom she sees fit to place in positions above me, remembering always to acquit myself with Loyalty, Honor, Duty, Truth, Courage, Justice, Prowess, and Franchise.
*[[Atreyu Silverstar]] as SDS Communications Director
*I have no ties that are not bound by loyalty.
*I have no life without honor.
*I am bound to family, country, and Tower with duty.
*I make truth my standard.
*I use courage to do what is right no matter the consequences.
*I seek justice for weak and strong alike.
*I strive for prowess in all I do.
*I instill all parts of my life with these values through franchise.
*[[SDS Leadership History]]
I will fight to protect that which I care for, and those who have put their trust in me. I will strive to protect the Tower and all that it stands for, for as the Tower has accepted me, I choose to embrace the Tower. With the strength of the Brotherhood, and the ideals that the Brotherhood embraces I will not falter nor will I fail! For I am a stalker in the night, I am the strength in the battle, I am the center that will not break, I am the tip of the spear, first blood is mine!<br>
== Description ==
Of the four companies, the San d'Ma Shadar are known as the 'muscle' of the White Tower. This is an oversimplification of an important characteristic lying just beneath the surface... survival. The SDS are the survivors: the jack-of-all-trades, master of none. They adapt and do what must be done to complete the task at hand, whether it be organizing others for an offensive or protecting one's Aes Sedai from harm. All this must be accomplished by utilizing what is readily available to its fullest potential. San d'Ma Shadar provides some of the best Warders the Tower has to offer. We are the Slayers of the Shadow!
== The Code ==
When someone joins San dMa Shadar, they become more than a member of a random online group. Joining the company changes your perception of the site, and for some the perception of the world you live in.  
If one thing can be learned from the past years of service that members of this company have given to each other as well as to this site, it is that if a GROUP of individuals come together and make a collective choice to define what they see as good and right in each other, the resulting "Code" makes them all stronger as a whole. That is what being a member of a Knightly Brotherhood meant.
That, is what SDS strives for....a group that is stronger than any one of its individuals...a Brotherhood...a Family.
Here is the combined effort of San d’ma Shadar members to define 8 Core Values or Characteristics found in a member of San dma Shadar:
San d’ma Shadar is known for unwavering commitment to the people and ideals they choose to live by. There are many places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not amongst them. However, mindless or blind loyalty is slavery. Loyalty must be weighed with justice, and the persons and ideals that we are loyal to must be found to be both right and just, else we fall into support with the unjust and evil in this world.
A Brother or Sister in San d’ma Shadar has only one judge of honor, and this is him or herself. Decisions you make and how these decisions are carried out are a reflection of whom you truly are. You cannot hide from yourself.
As San d’ma Shadar, we have a responsibility to the Tower. An obligation to accomplish the tasks, both spoken and inferred, placed upon us by those in positions above us, our brothers and sisters in the Company and Tower, and by our own hearts and minds. As with all actions in life, Duty, should be tempered with thought and reflection. To attach oneself to an act, person, or ideal without first considering the consequences can have grave results for all involved.
Speak always the truth. To lie is to dishonor the Tower, San d’ma Shadar, yourself, and the powers of Good. It is an injustice. Seek the truth whenever possible, but remember to temper justice with mercy, or the pure truth can bring grief.
Being San d’ma Shadar often means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one. Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of the precepts and people you value, even when you would prefer not to. At the same time, a member of San d’ma Shadar should seek wisdom to see that stupidity and courage are cousins. Courage also means taking the side of truth in all matters, rather than seeking the expedient lie.
Seek always the path of right, unencumbered by bias or personal interest. Recognize that the sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be tempered by humanity and mercy.
To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a member of San d’ma Shadar, martial and otherwise, seeking strength, strength of mind as well as strength of body, to be used in the service of justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement.
Seek to emulate everything that has been spoken of here as sincerely as possible, not for the reason of personal gain but because it is right. Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities. Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue.
==San d'Ma Shadar Creed==
I am a member of San d’ma Shadar. I have chosen to become a member of an elite company and as such intend to uphold the ideals and carry on the spirit of a unique brotherhood. I have pledged to follow the Amyrlin Seat and those persons whom she sees fit to place in positions above me, remembering always to acquit myself with Loyalty, Honor, Duty, Truth, Courage, Justice, Prowess, and Franchise.
===[[Image:SDS in RL.png|SDS in real life|link=]]===
As with any group of people, our lives lead us in many different directions. Members of SDS come from all walks of life and enjoy many different things, from explosion coordination to website design to practicing law and many other professions. Some of us have Masters degrees and some of us are unemployed. Many of us have had careers in the military. Our ages range from 20 to the mid-50s, but we are all brothers in life. We support each other when support is needed, and give each other a slap in the face if we need to wake up and realize what's going on around us. We are always there for each other, but at the same time we lead our own individual lives.
I have no ties that are not bound by Loyalty.<br>
[[Image:Captain America.png|frame|right|link=|alt=Badass|<center>Captain America on SDS</center>]]
I have no life without Honor.<br>
I am bound to Duty.<br>
I make Truth my standard.<br>
I use Courage to do right.<br>
I seek Justice for all.<br>
I strive for Prowess in all I do.<br>
I instill all parts of my life with these values through Franchise.<br>
I am the sword that cannot be broken.<br>
I am the force that cannot be stopped<br>
I am strength in battle<br>
I am the center that will not break<br>
I am the tip of the thrust <br>
==[[image:Official Company Positions Banner.png|Official Company Positions|link=]]==
*'''Company Commander:''' [[Alcyon Devrix]]
**[[Previous CCs of SDS|Previous Commanders of SDS]]
*'''Hammer Guard:''' [[Sean al'Dragoran]]
**[[Previous HGs of SDS|Previous Hammer Guards of SDS]]
*'''Warder Council:''' [[Brandon Tat'vakja]], [[Ty al'Djinn]]
**[[Previous Warder Councillors of SDS]]
===[[Image:Unofficial Company Positions Banner.png|Unofficial Company Positions|link=]]===
[[Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar]]
[[Aes Sedai of San d'ma Shadar]]
==[[image:Members Banner.png|Members of San d'ma Shadar|link=]]==
*'''[[Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar]]'''
**[[Former SDS|Former Gaidin of SDS]]
*'''[[Bondmates of San d'ma Shadar]]'''
**[[Former SDS Bondmates|Fomer Bondmates of SDS]]
*'''[[Aspirants of San d'ma Shadar]]'''
**[[Guests of SDS|Current Guests of SDS]]
*'''[[SDS Drinking Buddies|Drinking Buddies]]'''
*'''[[Missing Bears|Missing Bears]]'''
===[[image:Involved SDS Banner.png|SDS Involved at the Tower|link=San d'ma Shadar (Time Served)]]===-->
[[Aspirants of San d'ma Shadar]]
==[[image:Even More SDS.png|Even more about SDS!|link=]]==
[[Image:SDS Old Logo.png|left|Former SDS Logo|link=]]
*[[SDS Birthdays]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Want to know when your favorite Bear or She-Bear's birthday is? Well, here's a (pretty) complete list!
*[[SDS Event Themes]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A list of themes for the site's four yearly events!
*[[SDS Drinks]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A compendium of all of the Bear's favorite casual drinks, liquors, mixed drinks and everything else! Some pretty kickass recipes lie within.
==External Links==
[http://www.tarvalon.net Tar Valon.net homepage]
[[Category:San d'ma Shadar Community]]
[http://www.jcphome.com/tarvalon/sdsmap.html Member Locations Map]
[[Category:San d'ma Shadar Community| ]]
[[Category:Community Group Headquarters]]

Latest revision as of 07:02, 25 June 2024

NewSDS2014 Notext.png
Welcome to the San d'ma Shadar HQ!

What is San d'ma Shadar?

What is Sabe?

If you've been in chat at all since the founding of SDS, you'll have noticed that we use the greeting “Sabe” quite a bit. This comes from the sci-fi series Ender's Game. While in battle school, children were taught some Portugese / Brazilian, and “Sabe” – pronounced sah-BEE – was one of the slang words that they learned, which meant “You understand?” – it was also a greeting, which is what we use it as today.

Sometimes you will hear us refer to each other as Sabers (Sabe-ers) as well.

Of the four companies, the San d'ma Shadar are known as the 'muscle' of the White Tower. This is an oversimplification of an important characteristic lying just beneath the surface... survival. The members are the survivors: the jack-of-all-trades, master of none. They adapt and do what must be done to complete the task at hand, whether it be organizing others for an offensive or protecting one's loved ones from harm. All this must be accomplished by utilizing what is readily available to its fullest potential. We are the Slayers of the Shadow!

The SDS Creed

I am a member of San d’ma Shadar. I have chosen to become a member of an elite company and as such intend to uphold the ideals and carry on the spirit of a unique brotherhood. I have pledged to follow the Amyrlin Seat and those persons whom she sees fit to place in positions above me, remembering always to acquit myself with Loyalty, Honor, Duty, Truth, Courage, Justice, Prowess, and Franchise.

  • I have no ties that are not bound by loyalty.
  • I have no life without honor.
  • I am bound to family, country, and Tower with duty.
  • I make truth my standard.
  • I use courage to do what is right no matter the consequences.
  • I seek justice for weak and strong alike.
  • I strive for prowess in all I do.
  • I instill all parts of my life with these values through franchise.

I will fight to protect that which I care for, and those who have put their trust in me. I will strive to protect the Tower and all that it stands for, for as the Tower has accepted me, I choose to embrace the Tower. With the strength of the Brotherhood, and the ideals that the Brotherhood embraces I will not falter nor will I fail! For I am a stalker in the night, I am the strength in the battle, I am the center that will not break, I am the tip of the spear, first blood is mine!

SDS in real life

As with any group of people, our lives lead us in many different directions. Members of SDS come from all walks of life and enjoy many different things, from explosion coordination to website design to practicing law and many other professions. Some of us have Masters degrees and some of us are unemployed. Many of us have had careers in the military. Our ages range from 20 to the mid-50s, but we are all brothers in life. We support each other when support is needed, and give each other a slap in the face if we need to wake up and realize what's going on around us. We are always there for each other, but at the same time we lead our own individual lives.

Captain America on SDS

Official Company Positions

Unofficial Company Positions

  • Historian:
  • Welcomer:

Members of San d'ma Shadar

Even more about SDS!

Former SDS Logo

    Want to know when your favorite Bear or She-Bear's birthday is? Well, here's a (pretty) complete list!

    A list of themes for the site's four yearly events!

    A compendium of all of the Bear's favorite casual drinks, liquors, mixed drinks and everything else! Some pretty kickass recipes lie within.