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Latest revision as of 09:00, 22 October 2011

Story by Locus Sarania for Project Gaidin's Death Match Week 1.

It was over. The Seanchan invasion was over. The Heroes of the Horn helped provide the spark needed to rid Tarvalon of the imposing threat. Tarvalon was now in a state of rebuilding. The invasion burned many buildings, destroyed structures, and scorched the earth. As a result Tarvalon and the surrounding areas have become a desert. Mountains, cacti, and tumbleweed now loom in the environment. Tarvalon has become the place where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the sky is not cloudy all day. Water is precious and throughout the city, refuges have turned into outlaws making trouble for the residents. With sparse resources, individuals have taken to the streets for thievery and other nefarious crimes. The invasion took away their hopes and now they live for themselves in order to survive. The taverns are still popular, but to adjust to the changing environments they have converted to Saloons. You can go to any saloon in Tarvalon and find a guy playing the piano, poker, and wearing ten gallon hats.

Locus, Soldier of the White Tower picks up his hat off the ground that was knocked off by Captain Deoan, the Captain of Soldiers, during a routine sparring exercise. The Captain was still upset that he lost the coin toss and had to spar in shirts rather than skins. “Curse you and your amazing upper body,” says Deoan. Just then a Novice runs in with a note for Locus. Dawning his cowboy boots and shirt, he leaves a fuming Captain behind. “You got lucky, I was just warming up,” says Deoan. As Locus walks toward a shaded area he notices Serenla Sedai and the Captain of the Recruits Marrow Gaidin playing a game of stones nearby. He opens the note and reads:


This is your ever glorious Mother, the Flame of Tarvalon, Ms every Ajah and none, the Keeper of the Flame, the Keeper of the Seals, the Light of all lights, tamer of the Spaghetti Monster etc. etc. etc,

You have been randomly selected to join the effervescent Red Sedai on a journey to where the Tinkers have made camp outside the city. They have a Cash for Gold service I have been hearing about it, and desperately need to exchange all of my old and unwanted jewelry.

Your job is to keep Red Sedai safe. When I say that I mean you have to make sure she doesn’t hurt or kill anyone along the way. To help make this happen, you have to make sure she makes the journey sober.

Good Luck…

At this point Locus crumbles the note while there was much yelling and screaming to be heard. Captain Marrow proved victorious but, Serenla Sedai started throwing stones and anything else she could find at the nimble Captain. He proved to not be as nimble as he doubles over, then hits the ground rolling in pain. “I hope he can still have kids some day.” The Aes Sedai steps over the grounded Captain with brilliant, hypnotizing fishnets that stopped at a lacy garter seen between skirts that were tied with a whip. Locus tips his hat at the Aes Sedai not only for respect but so she doesn’t notice him staring.“You there Soldier.” “Howdy,” Locus reply’s. “Word is you need to find Red…she is at the stables preparing to leave. If you run now you can catch her.” “Thank you ma’am,” says the Soldier as he steal more glares before runs off to the stables.

At the stables Locus finds the nearest groom and tips him to ready his horse. He spots the Aes Sedai and approaches her. “Howdy ma’am, my name is Locus and I have been assigned to escort you on your journey.” Red sizes the Soldier from bottom to top and turns back to her saddle bags where she was finding a place to pack her rum bottle not far from where her sword was placed. “Look,” she says, “I don’t need help but would appreciate the company… lets ride.” Mother knew Red would not be opposed to the “pretty boys.”

Red Sedai was every bit of her Ajah. She was feisty, strong, and independent. With her high heeled boots, and rapier wit, she was a living rose, beautiful, red, and riddled with thorns. Yes…there were knives not-so hidden among her clothes. Little did Red Sedai know Locus, prior to getting on his horse, filled his water canteen with the contents of Red’s bottle and was sipping on it. As they rode on, Red reached for her bottle only to find it was empty. “What in tarnation….” As Red searched frantically for the bottle she notices the swaying Soldier on his horse. “Why you…,” she says as she pushes her horse into full gallop, chasing the fleeing Soldier. Locus speeds into the direction of the Tinker camp and now they were nearly there. The chase had taken quite a bit of time away from the journey. Reaching the Tinker camp, Locus dismounts and Red comes not too long after and dismounts. “Why were you running you dang blasted fool,” asked Red as she pulls out her flask and takes a draw. Although shaken and scared out of his mind Locus breathes a sigh of relief knowing that the flask would not be enough to get her drunk. “I thought you would be mad I took your drink.” Red laughed and said, “T’weren’t nothing, I always have a backup and don’t think you can get away that easy, you are going to replace that bottle and get me another when we return.” “It’s a deal.”

Red and Locus walk through the Tinker encampment to find what looked like scared citizens hiding and peeping at the visitors. Finally finding the Cash for Gold depository, Mothers gold and unwanted jewelry was traded for cash. Red Sedai asks the timid clerk, “Why is it so quiet, why are the people not singing and dancing, and why do they hide from myself and my handsome companion.” The clerk looks from side to side as if being watched, leans in, and says, “There has been a group of bandits that come by asking for money for protection. Even though we give them what we have they still come by asking for more and we cant afford to keep paying them.” The clerk eyes the serpent ring. “Please Aes Sedai, we are a non-violent people and need your help.” Looking over the Aes Sedai’s shoulder he sees the bandits coming in the distance and points so she can see. Red winked at the man and started running back to her horse, Locus followed. The Aes Sedai grabs her sword and hops on her horse. Locus did the same. They rode outside the Tinker camp with the Tinkers slowly emerging to see what was going to happen. The bandits stop just outside the camp as they watched the two riders approaching them.

“Why lookey here boys, we done got ourselves a couple of confused ladies, lost and thinking they can use swords.” The leader of the group was a swarthy fellow in dusty boots with a face that was even more dirty. His band of ruffians was just about the same. Red spoke with sword in hand, “You are to leave these people and never come back or else.” The badits laughed. The leader spoke again, “Or else what girlie.” Red replied, “If I take you on and you lose - you and your men will leave and never return.” “Deal, I accept your duel or else my name aint Tex.” As Locus began to move forward, Red puts out her hand. “Hold on there Soldier, you still owe me.” With that said Locus backs away and dismounts. Red dismounts and moves over to where Tex was standing with his sword drawn. With the sun setting in the background and both fighters still in their stance, tumbleweed rolls by. Tex moves first advancing with his sword, hate in his eyes, and an impressive battle yell. Red smiles and at the last moment side steps and makes three lightning fast slashes at the dirty land pirate. As Tex finishes his move without actually making a connection, he holds his sword over his head for a second. Red turns to his men looks at them with death as Tex’s pants fall to his ankles, and blood drips from where his other arm used to be. Red then holds up her hand where a ball of fire danced on her palm. The men look terrified and one even yells “She’s Aes Sedai.” In a loud voice Red says, “IF ANYONE OF YOU EVER COME INTO THIS CAMP AGAIN I WILL KNOW, AND YOU WILL LOSE MORE THAN YOUR LIMBS. NOW LEAVE.” Before she finished the last word, the men scattered in every direction. Two of them actually helped Tex back in his saddle and rode out as fast as they could.

Red walked back to her horse as Locus stood with his mouth agape. Red looked back, smiled, and sweetly stroked his face. “Hey Soldier, why don’t you close that barn door and get on your horse, you still owe me some rum.” Without haste Locus gets back on his horse and the two ride out into the sunset back to Tarvalon.