MM: Membership Manual

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Revision as of 05:53, 29 August 2022 by Toral Delvar (talk | contribs) (Membership Manual Contents)
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What is TarValon.Net

TarValon.Net is much more than a simple website- we’re a community, and we’d love to have you join us. This Membership Manual provides all the information you will need as a member of the community. All members are expected to follow the Code of Conduct (as well as some simple rules for Pseudonyms, Avatars and Signatures) while using the site to make it a safe, inclusive, and fun space for all. You may also view the Table of Contents here

Membership Manual Contents

The Membership manual is organized into categories to address specific needs, for example the "General Information" section is aimed at those who are just joining and so don't need detailed information on our communirty structure, or real life events. The becoming a member section contains information tailored to those who are joining our community as Citizens (the first level of Membership), how to do so, how to progress within the community and how to take advantage of the benefits offered by being a member.

General Information

Learn about how to create accounts on and participate on our forums, our mission statement and our membership structure.

Benefits of Community

This section gives information about features exclusively available to community members, and the additional expectations of people who join the community, so that guests can make an informed decision about whether they wish to join.

Becoming a Member and Citizen Information

This section aims to provide people who have decided to join more specific information about how the community works, how to progress within it and their place as a Citizen.

Junior Member Information

Learn how to join the Tower as a Novice or Recruit, or progress further as an Accepted or Soldier, and what the benefits and expectations are at each level of Junior Membership.

Senior Member Information

Learn about how to become a Senior Member (Aes Sedai or Gaidin), and the benefits and expectations once you’ve attained Senior Membership.

Miscellaneous Information

This section had additional information, that while not essential, is important for people wanting to take full advantage of what we offer as a community.