Jaim al'Bearach

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Jaim al'Bearach
Real Name Jim
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Dai M'Hael
Rank Gaidin
Join Date
Bonded to Ne'mireth Simoua
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement



  • Warder Councillor for Dai M'Hael.
  • Served as Moderator of Current Events, 2006
  • Served as Captain of the Guard
  • Served as Captain of Recruits


  • Best Bonded Couple

Tower Relationships


  • Jaim is Bonded to Ne'Mireth Sedai of the Green Ajah.



Other Tower Relationships

Jaim is Married to Lireina of the Green Ajah

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

Dai M'Hael Interview

Brief Biography

Whats your RL name, if you feel comfortable giving it?



How long have you been a member of TV.net?

Since 2004, but I joined on the Ez-Boards just before the final crash and TV.Net switching to the current setup

How did you discover TV.net?

I was rereading the books, wanted to do some research on the Forsaken, found the library.. it took me a couple of weeks to discover the online community behind the library..

Beyond the WoT books, what other authors do you enjoy?

Tolkien, George RR Martin, Feist, Eddings, Modesitt.. generally most of the sci-fi fantasy genre..

In what capacity, or with what projects, did you assist TV.net in order to be raised?

Ohh it's been such a long time I can't really remember, but I did a project with Ogier I think it's in the library somewhere and was a mod of CE as well around that time.

What do you enjoy doing in RL?

Being with my family, playing with my daughter, playing world of warcraft.. the usual things..

If you could change one thing about TV.net, what would it be, and why?

Hmm.. don't really think I'd change too much about the site.. it works well for me and will continue to do so if we don't think everything about it is broken and needs changing.