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Author: Kyria d'Oreyn


Trom is a Lord Captain of the Children of the Light and a friend of Galad Damodred. He is stocky, square-faced with black hair and a little older than Galad (TFoH, Ch. 16; KoD, Prologue).

At his first appearance, he wears two golden knots of rank (TFoH, Ch. 16), but after the battle against the Seanchan at Jeramel, where three high officers of the Children died, he receives another star-shaped knot, marking him a Lord Captain. (KoD, Prologue)


  • He is among the Whitecloak patrol in Sienda. He joins Galad when he is watching the inn where Elayne and Nynaeve are staying (TFoH, Ch. 16).
  • He gathers some Darkfriends up in Amador, including Paitr Conel. Morgase has to watch their execution the following day (LoC, Ch. 31).
  • He accompanies Galad, Byar and Dain Bornhald to Eamon Valda's manor. The new Lord Captain Commander is displeased with Trom for not being on his way to Nassad, but Trom dismisses it as he has more urgent matters to finish. He lays Galad's challenge before Valda to accept (KoD, Prologue).
  • After Galad is captured by Asunawa, he is involved in executing him (ToM, Ch. 2).
  • He tells Galad that Bornhald was right about Perrin and that Perrin is about to attack them (ToM, Ch. 40).


"Well, young Galad, you can't keep all the pretty women for yourself. Every girl in town sighs when you walk by, and most of their mothers as well. Introduce me." (Trom to Galad upon seeing him talk to Elayne and Nynaeve; The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 16)