Animal Characters

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Animals, excluding wolves and Horses

Almandaragal: Almandaragal is a lopar belonging to Suroth.

Cirri: Cirri is the cat at The Stag and Lion in Baerlon.

Dhana: A to'raken used by Mat to get to the Pit of Doom

Mer: Mer was one of the S'redit that Valan Luca gave refuge to.

Narg: Narg was a Trolloc who was sent to the Two Rivers to apprehend Rand, Mat and Perrin.

Nerin: Nerin was one of the S’redit that Valan Luca gave refuge to. He is Sanit's Calf.

Nip: A wolfhound belonging to Assid Bakuun.

Sanit: Sanit was one of the S’redit that Valan Luca gave refuge to. Nerin is his mother.

Scratch: The cat at the Winespring Inn.

Segani: Segani is Chulein's raken.

Tuli: A kitten that belonged to Renna when she was a child.