From Tar Valon Library
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
Farellien is an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who sided with Elaida when the White Tower split.
When Alviarin tells Elaida to punish Josaine and Adelorna for keeping angreal, she also tells Elaida to reward Farellien, Doraise and Kiyoshi, and to hold them up as models of preserving the law. Elaida is to give them each a present, a fine new horse. She knows that this will make it look like Farellien, Doraise and Kiyoshi were the ones to turn in Josaine and Adelorna, and that it will create strife between the Ajahs. She wonders why Alviarin would want her to do such a thing.
(Reference: A Crown of Swords, Chapter 32).