Feast of Lights 2020 - VC & Yellow Ajah Causes

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Author: Atane Valthon
Published: December 30 2020 Tar Valon Times Blog Link

The Great Charity Hunt is an exciting venture undertaken by the members of TarValon.Net, and an undertaking to be proud of. Aleita Taviah kicked off our coverage of The Great Charity Hunt with an explanation of what this project is in the Tar Valon Times. In her words, “a new and exciting approach to philanthropy at TarValon.Net for the coming year”, a “year-long philanthropic challenge, and friendly competition between the membership groups at TarValon.Net”. So, not only can we as members of TarValon.Net contribute to some of our favorite causes, we can also brag when our particular membership group wins.

Val’Cueran Cause – Nature and Wildlife Conservation & Adopt a Wolf

Val'Cueran’s overarching focus is conservation of the planet, ecosystems, and the life within. One of the focuses of the Heart Guard is the “Adopt-a-Wolf” project. The goal of this project is to continue to foster the introduction of Red Wolves into the wild. The goal for Val'Cueran is to adopt at least one wolf at the highest level (US Dollars $500), in order to facilitate bringing Red Wolves back from the brink of extinction. There are also rewards for contributing at the highest level: a printed photograph of your wolf, an adoption certificate, an American Red Wolf fact sheet, Acknowledgement on the adoption page online, and a behind the scenes tour for you and your family (up to 6 individuals). Already, USD $250 has been pledged and $200 has been paid in this exciting project. Alor Sionn is also planting American Chestnut trees on her property in order to help bring this particular species of tree back from the brink of extinction. Another suggestion from the Company is to use the Ecosia search engine, the usage of which contributes to the planting of trees, worldwide.

The Yellow Ajah Cause – Mental Health Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Youth

The members of the Yellow Ajah are focusing on Mental Health Advocacy, particularly among LGBTQ+ Youth. There are troubling statistics concerning Mental Health in the LGBTQ+ community, as well as discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons, according to ThriveWorks, LGBTQ+ individuals are more than twice as likely as heterosexuals to have mental illness; Transgender individuals have higher rates of unemployment and poverty than non-transgender individuals. Also, many LGBTQ+ persons have reported feeling stigmatized or discriminated against when seeking health services. One of the organizations that the members of the Yellow Ajah are looking towards supporting is the Trevor Project. They are also looking for suggestions for other communities or organizations to support, so suggestions are always welcome.

While the Great Charity Hunt is a competition, it’s one that we would like to be friendly and supportive of each and every community group. So, if a particular member group looks for assistance and/or suggestions, or one feels drawn to another member group’s cause, let’s support one another and work to help each group.