MM: Department of Events and Conferences

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What is the Department of Events and Conferences?

The Department of Events amd Conferences was formed in 2009 out of the ashes of the Department of Real Life Services. This Department focuses entirely on our events and conferences that occur off-line, with its main goal as providing a consistent, cohesive experience for our members who attend events, no matter the location. Currently this Department plans and executes all official events, and facilitates our presence at JordanCon.

What are the duties of this Department?

The Department Director manages and directs administrators and staff. S/he works with all administrators to ensure that TarValon.Net's events are within budget and provide a common experience. The Department Director also supports the planning and delivery of each event.

The Master/Mistress of Revels Europe works with the appropriate staff and the Department Director to plan and execute our European events that usually occur in the summer in Europe.

The Master/Mistress of Revels North America works with the appropriate staff and the Department Director to plan and execute the Anniversary Event in the Fall and Spring Fling in the Sprung.

The Master/Mistress of Revels South Pacific works with the appropriate staff and the Department Director to plan and execute South Pacific events as interest dictates.

Local Liaisons are our eyes and ears, hands and feet on the ground and provide much-needed information about the location in advance of and during the event. They are an integral planning participant and traditionally are involved with the initial event proposal.

Committee Heads lead the Committees that handle specific portions of our events.

Committees handle specific aspects of our events. Various committees are Errands, Dining, Safety, Welcome, Decorations, Entertainment, and others as necessary. Not all events have all committees.

Emails within this Department

Department Director

Master/Mistress of Revels Europe

Master/Mistress of Revels North American

Master/Mistress of Revels South Pacific

Conference Coordinator

Chain of Command

Flow chart detailing the Chain of Command for this Department.

Events and Conferences-2021-04-09.png

Permanent staff and administrators wishing to raise concerns or retire should contact the Director. Temporary staff should contact the appropriate Master/Mistress of Revels if they have concerns or wish to retire. Members with questions about events should contact the appropriate Master/Mistress of Revels or Conference Coordinator. In the event that no response is received, contact the Director. If both of those avenues have been exhausted, then you should approach the Keeper. Please give everyone ample time to respond before moving up the chain of command.

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