Member Spotlight: Baryd al'Syeen
Author: Locus Sarania, April 2011
If you ever have the chance to speak with him, you will think you have met him before because he is so personable. When asked about his nickname, the Butcher, Baryd tells us “I do enjoy to Butch things ... Seriously .. Captain Marrow named me during a rousing game of Darkfriend at Jordon Con…he took one look at me and it was either Blacksmith or Butcher .. and he picked Butcher.” Baryd joined around February or March of 2009 but became more active after attending Jordan Con a few weeks later, where he met a lot of members. Ever since he has been an active member and has recently found a home as he aspired to MDD.
Baryd was born and raised in Long Beach, New York where he still resides. He will be turning 25 a few days after this will be posted so feel free to wish him a Happy Birthday. He works for the state as a dock builder and also repairs and installs Bulkheads, coastal barriers that act as a seawall that separate land and sea.
Intelligent and focused can be used to describe our Super Soldier. These traits may have been developed from his athletic prowess. He has played football and wrestled since he was 6 years old. While in high school he won 2 national wrestling tournaments and 4 on the state level. He was offered several scholarships for wrestling and football from the likes of the University of Florida and Ohio State University, to name a few. His possible athletic career was unfortunately sidelined, as he was unable to keep the scholarships due to major ankle surgery. You can also call him brave, as the particular surgery he had was experimental, the first of its kind. His surgery was the case study that is now used worldwide and has helped many people.
Baryd knows how to have fun. He likes to play video games, board games, and go out to the movies. One of his favorite pasttimes includes hanging out with friends, watching B movies and making fun of them. B movies are low budget films usually of the horror genre, made popular in the 1960s to 1970s although they have been around much longer. The Butcher is always up for a good time -- during Anni, he participated in the sword fights and threw on a Sumo suit and won first place in the Sumo wrestling competition. This man is a natural warrior. Regarding how he spends his time, Baryd also adds, “my friends and I have a rough touch football team (The Goonies). I did Bikram Yoga and Jiu-jitsu for a while. I sculpt things with clay, and post on Tv.Net of course!!”
Most members may know Baryd from his exploits in Project Gaidin, where he took the crown. He put in much of his time, effort, and smarts into the competition and won the coveted title. As a result he is a shining example of an ideal Gaidin and Warder, and will be when he ascends to senior membership. He did have a following during the competition but made his way through the ranks early with steady precision drawing little attention to himself. “Man, Project Gaidin was the source of a lot of fun and frustration I've had over the past year. First off it was awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed the event and am amazed and grateful at all the time and effort that was put into making it happen. I'd like just thank all of the judges and guest judges for taking the time out of there lives to read our (sometimes novel length) posts.” Baryd talks about his progression not knowing what would await him down the road. “As for my experience I had a hell of a time. In the beginning I really did not know anybody and I thought I would be happy just to make it to the top 10, and now after my jaunt through the event, I made many friends and met a whole lot of people that I feel richer for having spent time speaking with.” Baryd, the Butcher, al’Syeen is TarValon’s Next Top Gaidin.
“Something I want people to know about me, I’m terrible at talking about myself. I guess that I'm just really grateful for having been able to be a part of this community and to make the friends I have here. All the people here are awesome and I'm just really happy to be a part of something so special.”