Membership Spotlight: Ninya Evoneigh

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Author: Locus Sarania
Tar Valon Times
July 2010

The Artisan's Guild is filled with a wealth of talent and creativity. Not only do they help members with signatures and avatars, the Artisan's Guild is also an important place were professionals and non-professionals come together to learn and exchange various tricks of the artistic trade. The Guild also helps members with questions and general inquires that might not be available elsewhere relating to any variety of artistic endeavors. Many members of the guild use their art and or creativity in real life.

Don’t let her status fool you -- although she is a Novice now, Ninya has already climbed through the ranks of the Tower. However, like many other members, she has decided to start again to see the Tower in a different way and get as much out of the process as she can. Back in July of 2002, Ninya initially found TarValon.Net while searching for a Wheel of Time RPG forum to join. Upon learning that TV.Net was not a RPG site, she left only to return in February of 2003. “I was getting bored of role-playing, and I remembered this place I’d found that was just for talking and went looking for it.”

Many here have seen samples of the work that Ninya is capable of with illustrations and image edits. From avatars for Shaoman and Sunday, to Christmas and Halloween, she's done them all.

Ninya doesn't just stick to Photoshop; one of Ninya’s own favorite creations, The Book Bot, is scuplture. In telling us why she loves it, she says that despite being a faceless object comprised of mainly cubes, it still has a certain character, and expresses both motion and feeling as well. Here is a link to The Book Bot on DeviantArt. Ninya also works with graphite, charcoal, paper, and polymer clay.

Even though her hair color may change from time to time, Ninya never deviates from being extremely helpful, hospitable, exciting, and approachable. To have a better idea of what kind of person Ninya is, you can look at her signature. It contains a part of the verse from "Beloved" by VNV Nation: “…grant me wings that I might fly, my restless soul is longing...” According to Ninya it is "...(her) own personal motivational statement. It reminds me that I want to be a better person- to fly above, you might say- but no one can give me the means to accomplish that but myself. If I can make it, who knows what the future may hold?” Ninya was accepted into the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) where she was awarded talent based scholarships and grants. She is currently one class away from getting her Associate of Art degree.

“Inspiration comes in many guises,” says Ninya. “I am most frequently inspired by the music I listen to; music in general is so very emotive, and there are certain songs that cause an endless stream of potential images to fly though my head.” Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you Ninya Evoneigh.