Talk:Kallarn Lo'Vosh

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Wheel of Time

I first found the Wheel of Time book series after a friends recommendation in 2007, id finished what was out of the Malazan series (at the time) and wanted a similar epic fantasy series to get my teeth into while i waited for the next books. This consisted of all of Robert Jordan's books and I lapped them up finishing the main series before reading New Spring.

I have since re-read the full series completely once including Brandon Sanderson's works around 2013 after A Memory of Light was published. I am currently on my second full re-read of the full series now before starting the Amazon Prime show.

What I love about the series is the huge sweeping tale that encompasses so many characters but never seems to get confusing and the way each perspective seems very unique and genuine. The world building is brilliant and the magic system is....well magical!

Favourite book

Now this is tough, I don't think I can easily say which of the main series books I like the most as for me they are all one big story an I don't view them as distinct in that way. I will say however that I love New Spring because it shows life in the tower before any of the main events and we see a side to the characters Moiraine and Siuan that is very different to the books in many ways. I also love that it forshadows a lot of what is to come.

I found after reading the first few books, I honestly can't remember how though but I probably was just googling for stuff. I've been around a while but am currently on my second run through the tower (made it to soldier previously) and second term as a Tar Valon Timesreporter. Enjoying the experience as a recruit again and finding out about the newer people and whats changed here at TV.Net.

Luna Morn is my current admin and has been very helpful getting set back up as a recruit while I find my feet and sorting me a out with a new Mentor.