Word of the Day

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Author: Zandera Sommers

TVT 5-2015 header-6.jpg

Welcome to the Word of the Day for September 2015!

I hope you inspect these lambent words this jubilant allotment of days.

Did you know that William Shakespeare did not mention the month of September in any of his plays? Maybe it was his least favorite month--or maybe it was too ungainly. But you can talk all you want this September, or even sing along to the smooth notes of Michael Buble's birthday this September 9th.

Words for September

  • September 1st: Burble - verb - noun - "to speak in an excited manner; babble" or "an excited flow of speech"
  • September 2nd: Fideism - noun - "exclusive reliance in religious matters upon faith, with consequent rejection of appeals to science or philosophy"
  • September 3rd: Diluvial - adjective - "pertaining to or caused by a flood or deluge"
  • September 4th: Lightface - noun - "printing type characterized by thin, light lines"
  • September 5th: Pisay - noun - "rammed earth; a mixture of sand, loam, clay, and other ingredients rammed hard within forms as a building material"
  • September 6th: Tranche - noun - "one part of a larger unit, asset pool, or financial investment"
  • September 7th: Kaizen - noun - "A business philosophy based on making positive changes on a regular basis to improve productivity"
  • September 8th: Epigenetics - noun - "The study of the process where genetic information is translated into the substance and behavior of an organism, specifically the expression of heritable traits"
  • September 9th: Artisanal - adjective - "Pertaining to a person skilled in an applied art, such as bricklaying or carpentry"
  • September 10th: Elodea - noun - "A genus of submersed aquatic plants having numerous, usually whorled leaves"
  • September 11th: Quad - noun - "An informal name for a quadrangle, such as a set of building on a college campus"
  • September 12th: Uprear - verb - "To lift or to rear"
  • September 13th: Barbe - noun - "A band or small scarf of lace, worn around the head or neck by women"
  • September 14th: Bocage - noun - "A decorative motif of trees, branches, or foliage, as in a tapestry or a ceramic figure group"
  • September 15th: Targe - noun - "A small, round shield"
  • September 16th: Ait - noun - "A small island, especially in a river"
  • September 17th: Warden - noun - "a person charged with the care or custody of persons, animals, or things; a keeper"
  • September 18th: Firelock - noun - "a gun having a lock in which the priming is ignited by sparks struck from flint and steel, as a flintlock musket"
  • September 19th: Bort - noun - "A low quality diamond"
  • September 20th: Kilter - noun - "Good condition; order"
  • September 21st: Variate - noun - "A random variable"
  • September 22nd: Alate - adjective - "Having wings; winged"
  • September 23rd: Accelerando - adverb - adjective - "A musical term meaning gradually increasing in speed"
  • September 24th: Eloign - verb - "To remove to a distance, especially to take beyond the jurisdiction of a law court"
  • September 25th: Hillock - noun - "A small hill"
  • September 26th: Gotta - slang - "got to; have got to"
  • September 27th: Ambisinister - adjective - "Clumsy or unskillful with both hands"
  • September 28th: Antithesis - noun - "A person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else"
  • September 29th: Sonorant - noun - "A speech sound characterized by relatively free air passage through some channel, such as the letters (l, r, m, n, y, and w)"
  • September 30th: Outen - verb - "To turn off (a light) or extinguish (a fire)"

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