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Author: Maibella Rhoiden

TVT 09 2015 heading bookreview.jpg

Thoughts on a classic novel: The Island of Dr. Moreau, by H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells was born in 1866 and died in 1946. He wrote history, social commentary, politics, poetry, and novels in a variety of genres but he most famous for his science fiction works including The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and The Island of Doctor Moreau.

Wells had an incredible imagination. I don’t always enjoy his writing style but I keep coming back to his books because of the crazy things he comes up with. And this particular book? It is CREEPY.

About the Book

Edward Prendick is rescued from a life raft at sea by a ship carrying an odd cargo that includes myriad wild animals in cages and two unusual men, one of whom is named Montgomery. After a series of confrontations between the ship’s crew and their passengers, the captain arrives at their destination, a solitary island in the middle of the sea. The captain is only too glad to rid himself of the animals and the strange men, and forces Edward to leave the ship at well. On the island Montgomery introduces Edward to Dr. Moreau, a scientist who uses the island as the base for his experimentation. Over time, Edward learns the details of Moreau's experiments on the inhabitants of the island and he must decide for himself whether Moreau is brilliant or insane.

My Thoughts

From the very first time Edward steps on board the rescue ship I had the feeling that things were Not Right even though I couldn't put my finger on what exactly was Wrong. Once on the island, things got even weirder for Edward and for me as the reader. I had an idea of what Moreau was up to before I started this book but …
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I thought that Moreau’s experiments involved grafting animal parts onto human bodies. However, as I learned alongside Edward, Moreau was experimenting on animals and attempting to turn them into people. Although both scenarios are horrible, Moreau's actual experiments were far worse than I had imagined. The idea that he could CREATE humanity - and that he does so with some success - is so beyond what I can accept that I had a hard time with this part of the book. Still, the issues raised are valid ones: At what point is someone considered human? Can one loose one's humanity? If animals could communicate in our language, would we grant them humanity?

As Edward (and I as the reader) learned the details of Moreau's experiments I became more and more horrified. It wasn't the actual experiments that got to me - it was the abject cruelty involved. For example …
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Moreau performed vivisection on his subjects with no anesthesia, and continued his experimentation for weeks on end, sometimes until the subject died. His justification was that the more evolved a creature is, the less pain matters to that creature. So creatures who were becoming people should be able to ignore the pain or at least understand the purpose of the pain and accept it.

And that, for me, is the creepiest part of this book. It isn't the creatures that Moreau creates that scare me. Rather it is the fact that Moreau can literally torture other living things without a single care. He has no greater purpose - not that it would justify his actions if he did - and he doesn't see anything at all wrong in what he is doing. The cruelty of humanity scares me more than just about anything else in this world.

I can't say that I'm a huge fan of Wells' writing style and my experience with this book didn't change that. However I am fascinated by the issues he raises and will continue to read his books as they always give me a great deal to think about.

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