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'''Yellow Quotes and Facts'''
='''Yellow Bits and Bobs'''
==Yellow Quotes==
==Yellow Quotes==
''Without us, you'd be dead''
''Without us, you'd be dead ~ Anonymous Yellow''<br><br>
'' "Being of the Yellow isn't about skill, child", Suana said. "It's about passion. If you love to make things well, to fix that which is broken, there would be a purpose for you here." ~ The Gathering Storm, Chapter 12''<br><br>
==Yellow Facts==
==Yellow Facts==
[http://thewhitetower72546.yuku.com/forum/viewtopic/id/5086=en Why Yellows and tea are so closely associated]<br>
[http://thewhitetower72546.yuku.com/forum/viewtopic/id/5086=en Why Yellows and tea are so closely associated]<br>
The Purple Cannister: noone knows what's really in it, but we all know one thing: do not drink that tea!!<br><br>
The Purple Canister: no one knows what's really in it, but we all know one thing: do not drink that tea!!<br><br>
Chocolate: another great love of the Yellows. It's the first and most important question a Guest needs to answer: are you on the Milky or Dark Side?<br><br>
Chocolate: another great love of the Yellows. It's the first and most important question a Guest needs to answer: are you on the Milky or Dark Side?<br><br>
RaoY: strange things are happening in the Novice Quarters... Citizens get the feeling they're being followed in the streets... Was that a piece of Yellow fringe disappearing behind that street corner? Noone really knows for sure...<br><br>
RaoY: strange things are happening in the Novice Quarters... Citizens get the feeling they're being followed in the streets... Was that a piece of Yellow fringe disappearing behind that street corner? No one really knows for sure...<br><br>
==Yellow FAQ==
''(August 3rd 2009)''<br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">What does it mean when we say, "I am a Yellow Aes Sedai at TarValon.net?"</span>  <br><br>
A simple question with a complex and multi-flavored answer. The answer varies much depending on the woman being asked. Below you will find a myriad of aspects to this question and a cornucopia of responses. Enjoy your sojourn in the Sun. <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">Why choose the Yellow Ajah?</span> <br><br>
Although Tarvalon.net Yellows don't have the ability to physically heal someone, nor do they always work in medicine, they do always try their best to provide support and care to those who need emotional healing. They are always there when you need a friend, or just a kind word. All Ajahs are families, however Yellows pride themselves on really providing the love and close-knit relationships that make up real life families. They are always on the fore-front of any problem you may have, sending a helping hand, kind thoughts, advice, or just a hug if you need it. I've always admired anybody who does this in their day to day lives, and I've also been the person my friends or colleagues come to in times of need. So, really, I just saw a part of myself in the Ladies who had gathered under the banner of the Yellow Ajah. ~ [[Analaiya na'Imrath]] <br><br>
Because they took the time to get to know me and made me feel special. ~ [[Inanna Landred]] <br><br>
I felt “at home” when I guested. I am a wife and mother so the nurturing feeling was something I really connected with, also I really felt that what the Ajah stands for was what meshed with my personality and interests. Plus the Aes Sedai and their warders are just the best! ~ [[Cimorene]]<br><br>
I chose the Yellow Ajah because it fulfills a part of my life that is important to me. It has helped me to focus and define that portion of myself that always desires to reach out to others and the impetus I have to leave behind me seeds of healing, love and hope. My interests in herbs, nutrition and holistic philosophy is a part of my personal definition of being a Yellow. ~ [[Estalia Walburga]] <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">How is the Yellow Ajah different from the other Ajah's on Tar Valon.net?</span> <br><br>
Without having intimate inside knowledge about the other Ajahs, my impression is that our focus (generally speaking) is more on what goes on inside our own Ajah, on being a close knit group of individuals who have a keen interest in the lives of our fellow Sisters and very much want to make the Ajah a place where people want to come to for refuge or support, rather than being all over the boards and mingling/interacting with lots of different people. ~ [[Inanna Landred]] <br><br>
I feel that we attract a unique type of woman, one for whom helping others is a priority in her life.
~ [[Caiti na Shaheen]] <br><br>
I think we maybe are more focused on being active in our own little group than being active on the boards (as in participating with a detailed theme or plan for holidays here). I'm not saying we're not social (on the contrary even), but just not in a very open and 'tadaa-here-we-are-way'. I also think it's easier to get to know everyone in a smaller group than a larger one. ~ [[Alyssa Letherio]] <br><br>
I felt the “Yellows” were a more concerned with nurturing with an interested in wellness and in everyone they talked to in general! ~ [[Cimorene]] <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">What does it mean to be Yellow Ajah? What are the goals of the Yellow Ajah?</span> <br><br>
Being a Yellow (to me) means standing back and observing more often than being right in the middle of things. Being aware of those around you and helping those in need, if even in a small way like simply acknowledging someone's presence. Being approachable and easy to talk to without judging. ~ [[Inanna Landred]] <br><br>
Yellow sisters tend to be friendly women who enjoy the company of others and assisting in any way needed. ~ [[Caiti na Shaheen]] <br><br>
Yellow means trust, loyalty and care for me. You'll never find a Yellow who hasn't got the time to listen or give advice. Taking care of others is our main goal, whether we support, give advice or just lend a shoulder to cry on. ~ [[Alyssa Letherio]] <br><br>
I would say “our” goals are to continue and always try to improve in the support to the members of TarValon as well as in the growth of our own Ajah and in ourselves. ~ [[Cimorene]] <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">Which qualities do you see most in Yellow? Which qualities do you not see in Yellow?</span> <br><br>
We are all individuals as well as Yellows and as a group we posses a wide range of qualities as different as petals on a flower. I don't any particular Ajah is served by trying to squeeze into a cliche. ~ [[Inanna Landred]] <br><br>
Every Yellow is a caring person. Definitely. Each one in her own way, which makes us a very varied group. I also think we're very flexible, since we're all such different types of persons, but still forming a tight group. I also find the Yellow ladies strong, but that counts for every lady here. No matter what happens, things will settle themselves in time : there's always sunshine at the end of the tunnel.
On the opposite I think we quickly do take things personal. Dealing with emotions of others often affects your own emotions, which can be hard sometimes. I also think not a lot of us have got much computer skills. ~ [[Alyssa Letherio]] <br><br>
Willingness to listen, give sound advice, be truthful and fair, and otherwise, be a very loving person. Some qualities that I don't see in Yellow are over socialization outside the Ajah, mean-spiritedness, and disloyalty. ~ [[Mackiya al'Mora]] <br><br>
Nurturing, service, a knowledge in overall wellness, a genuine caring nature to each other and those we come to know and having lots of fun are the first things that come to mind when I think of our qualities. ~ [[Cimorene]] <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">What is the best thing about the Yellow Ajah? What is the worst thing?</span> <br><br>
The best about the Yellow Ajah: The laughter, the warmth, the silliness and the sense of "family". The worst: Sometimes there's a tad too much drama. ~ [[Inanna Landred]] <br><br>
The Best thing is the connection I have with my sisters, and being in a place that cultivates my interests and helps me improve on the person I am. The worst thing, I’ll have to get back to you on that one I honestly can’t think of one? ~ [[Cimorene]] <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">What contributions have the Yellows made to TarValon.net?</span> <br><br>
No more or less than any other Ajah. ~ [[Inanna Landred]] <br><br>
We tend to try to keep people talking in our threads, though we're not very active as an Ajah since most of us keep pretty busy. ~ [[Caiti na Shaheen]] <br><br>
The Yellow’s are always great about helping out fellow members whenever there is a need that requires some snuggles and encouragement! ~ [[Cimorene]] <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">How are the TarValon.net Yellows different from the book Yellows?</span> <br><br>
People sometimes forget the Yellow Ajah is in the books are more than just Nyneave. I think we are different because all women are different. No 10 women put together will ever be the same. ~ [[Inanna Landred]] <br><br>
We are not closed minded and shallow.. as I found the Yellows in the books to be... we are very open minded and loving, open minded about everything and everyone! ~ [[Estalia Walburga]] <br><br>
I don’t think we tug our hair half as much as Nynaeve! Plus we are not an Ajah solely interested in medicinal care, we have a lot of interests and a variety of ways that we reach out and help others. ~ [[Cimorene]] <br><br>
<span style="color:#CC9900">Why Tea?</span> <br><br>
Beats me, coffee all the way here. ~ [[Inanna Landred]]
Why not? :shrug ~ [[Mackiya al'Mora]] <br><br>
Tea is a great symbol of warmth, goodness, nurturing and comfort! Apart from the symbolism it is a perfect coordinating piece to the Ajah that assists with wellness as that is a primary interest we share. ~ [[Cimorene]] <br><br>
The offer of a cup of tea symbolizes warmth, hospitality and friendship. There are many healing qualities in teas as well, but mostly.. because it says, "Here, sit, rest your cares for a while and enjoy our company." ~ [[Estalia Walburga]]<br><br>
==Yellow Poem==
==Yellow Poem==
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'''Love''' is blind <br>
'''Love''' is blind <br>
and '''Insanity''' is her companion<br>
and '''Insanity''' is her companion<br>
[[Category:Yellow Ajah Community|  ]]

Latest revision as of 10:55, 20 April 2013

Yellow Bits and Bobs

Yellow Quotes

Without us, you'd be dead ~ Anonymous Yellow

"Being of the Yellow isn't about skill, child", Suana said. "It's about passion. If you love to make things well, to fix that which is broken, there would be a purpose for you here." ~ The Gathering Storm, Chapter 12

Yellow Facts

Why Yellows and tea are so closely associated

The Purple Canister: no one knows what's really in it, but we all know one thing: do not drink that tea!!

Chocolate: another great love of the Yellows. It's the first and most important question a Guest needs to answer: are you on the Milky or Dark Side?

RaoY: strange things are happening in the Novice Quarters... Citizens get the feeling they're being followed in the streets... Was that a piece of Yellow fringe disappearing behind that street corner? No one really knows for sure...

Yellow Poem

Translated by Nyavene al'Meer

It has been said that one day
all mankind's Emotions and traits met.
For a long time, they just silently sat and became bored
because nothing was happening.
As boredom yawned for the third time,
Insanity recklessly and jokingly suggested:
"How about a game of hide and seek?"
Everyone perched up their ears.
Intrigue curiously lifted its eyebrows and
Curiousity could barely contain herself.
Excitedly she asked:" Hide and Seek? What is that?"

Insanity then laid out the game
and Excitement and Euphoria kidded ecstatically
because they liked the sound of what they were hearing.
Joy leaped into the air so often
that even doubt was won over
and even Indifference -
who usually couldn't be enticed to anything
wanted to join for once.

But not everybody liked the idea.
The Truth for example preferred not to hide
"What's the point?" she asked, "I shall be found in the end no matter what"
Pride looked down on everybody else and said it was a stupid game
(but in truth he was mad that he had not thought of it first)
Cowardice preferred not to risk it
Since anything could go wrong!

After all had understood the game rules,
Insanity loudly said " I want to seek! I want to seek!"
And since no one was crazy enough to want to search for Insanity
(who knows where he would have hid)
No one was against the idea.
"one, two, three...." Insanity began counting
and all the emotions and traits sought hiding places.

The first to find a hiding place was Laziness
As per-usual he did not put in any effort
and just let himself drop behind the first rock he saw.
Belief swept up to heaven, where it felt most at home
and envy hid in the shadow of triumph,
who had managed to climb to the highest treetop.
Selflessness though could barely hide
for every place she found,
she thought was better suited for a friend.:
A crystal clear lake- was a wonderful place for Beauty
A dark cave- the perfect place for fear
the wings of a butterfly- ideal for luck
a passing breeze - brilliantly suitable for freedom.....
She herself then finally hid behind a ray of sunshine.

Egoism naturally quickly found a fitting place
airy, comfortable and homely -- But only for himself!
Deceit told all she would hide on the bottom of the sea
but in truth she hid behind the rainbow!
Passion and longing hid inside a volcano
And forgetfulness-?
(Oh gee, I have forgotten where she hid, but that is not so important)

As Insanity was almost done counting
all had found a place to hide
except for love.
(This should not surprise us as we know how hard it is to hide love)
All places seemed to be taken
until she finally found a rosebush
and decided to hide within it.

At that moment Insanity called out: "I'm Coming!"
and began to seek the others.
The first that was found was Laziness-
right behind the first stone in sight.
After that Belief was found:
He was having a heated theological discussion with God
Longing and Passion in turn could be heard vibrating in the volcano.

In an inattentive moment Insanity found envy
and so also triumph.
Egoism didn't need to be sought at all,
for he came out of his hiding place all by himself,
as it turned out to be a wasps nest.
From all the strenuous walking Insanity was thirsty,
and as he neared the lake, there he found beauty.
To find doubt was even simpler.
he found him sitting on a fence
since he could still not decide
which side of the fence to hide on.

As time went by Insanity found all his playmates.
Hope in the green grass
and fear in the dark cavern,
deceit behind the rainbow
(No, thats not true, she came crawling out from under a rock as her neck was threatening to break)
Without any effort, Insanity found forgetfulness,
Cause she had already forgotten
that they were playing hide and seek
and had decided to go for a leisurely walk.

All had been found except for love who was still hidden.
Where on earth might she be?
Insanity looked for here everywhere,
in every tree, on every hill and in every stream on earth he looked.
As he wanted to give up, Treachery helped out.
He whispered softly that Insanity should look in the rosebush.

Insanity slowly began
to part the branches of the bush
as a scream suddenly filled the air.
The thorns of the roses had scratched love's eyes

Oh what moaning and moping was to be heard,
Insanity did not know where to turn to.
He started crying and through bitter tears he vowed;
that he would never leave love's side.
And so it happened

Since that day
The first time that hide and seek was ever played on earth
Love is blind
and Insanity is her companion