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==Senior Member Interview==
==Senior Member Interview==
'' Original January 29, 2008<br>
Last Updated October 27, 2010''
|1=I chose Blue for their sense of fun, sense of humour and sense of duty. The Blue focus appealed to me and the ladies just sold the deal.
|2=I'm quite like the Blues in the books. I like to get stuck into projects. I tend to plot sometimes and maybe I manipulative a little >.> but both require patience :P I'd like to travel more but I don't think I could travel for the sake of travelling.
;Why did you choose Blue?
|3=I like [[Siuan]], I think you get to understand her the most of all the Blues. She's determined, resourceful and yet she's got a soft gooey centre. She is the most human of all the Blues you get to meet.
I felt I could contribute best to the site as a Blue. I like to get involved in projects and this fits the Blue ideal. To be Blue also means to be an individual and yet somehow part of a family. I fit as sometimes I like to be a bit of a loner :)
|4=I've been a fan since 2002. I've reread the series countless times at this stage, at least once a year.
|5=A boy in my college class was reading the series. He was toward the end of book 4 so had book 5 with him too one day. We used to have long breaks between classes, sometimes 3 or 4 hours. I was bored so started reading the prologue to book 5 while he was reading the other. Next day he brought book 1 in for me and it went from there.  
;Are you like the Blues in the Books?
|6=I'm a [[Mat]] fan. I've read through the books just skipping to his chapters once or twice. I enjoyed his courtship especially.
They are much more determined and manipulative than I. But I think I am a little.
|7=Hmmm... it changes by the book. I'm going to go with [[Lanfear]] over all though. Selfish, manipulative and pretty darn badass!
|8=Book 5 is my favourite, maybe it's because it's what got me into WoT or maybe it's coz there is no [[Perrin]].
;Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?
|9=An [[:Category:Innkeepers|innkeeper]] could be cool. But if you're going to be in a fantasy you may aswell live it up so I'd like to be an {{as}} but one that's out in the world rather than in the Tower. I'd pop back only to shake things up.
I do plot. Sometimes I have ideas and I get stuck into them. I wouldn't say I manipulate.
|10=I was googling back in the early days and found a few WoT sites; Dragonmount, Stone Dogs etc. I believe Stone Dogs was what linked me here and I was soon hooked. I had a few LoAs until we got proper broadband in my parents around the time book 10 was released, I think. It prompted me back and I realised I wanted to stick around permanently.
I have travelled around a little but on holidays only. I haven't travelled for the sake of travelling.
|11=I'm a Trainee Accountant in a Recruitment company, mostly doing payroll and such. Pretty dull really but I do like spreadsheets.
|12=Besides reading I like puzzles and spreadsheets. I enjoy editing the library here and researching WoT stuff.
;How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?
|13=I love pop. I really love old songs though, new songs tend to get over played really quickly! I love singing crap and dancing around. In a club I prefer RnB to dance music though.
I was never a Citizen as when I originally joined the site the rank had not yet been introduced. I loved being a Novice and Accepted. You get to have a lot of fun, even the classes were fun.
|14=Dirty Dancing, Labyrinth, Willow, Grease, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and Braveheart are some of my favourite films. TV shows change depending on the season but Buffy, Grey's Anatomy, Blue Bloods, Friends, Two and a Half Men and the Simpsons are ones that I could watch at any time no matter how often I've seen the episode before.
|15=I love series. I'd much rather read a series than an individual book so I've read quite a bit of fantasy. Butcher's Alera series was pretty good, Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniel's series is pretty good fluff, as is Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. I liked Eddings Belgariad series (but not mad about the Mallorean), LotR is obviously worth a read, and a reread! I enjoyed ASoIaF too. Besides fantasy I like Historical fiction. Conn Iggulden's Conquerors series is well worth the read and Philippa Gregory is worth picking up.
;What things do you do for TV.net?
|16=I wanted to be President (or so I wrote on one questionnaire when I was small) but teacher and nun also featured. I'd love to own my own store/pub but I do enjoy numbers and spreadsheets so it seems I'm destined for finance, alas!
I have run a couple of classes, worked on some member manual, contributed several articles to the Tower library, am a member of the Research team, been a moderator and have served as Heart, Soul and Sitter for the Blue Ajah. I currently serve as Historian and work in the Philanthropy Department.
;How did you get to read the Series?
A boy in my college was reading them and let me borrow them for the breaks in between classes. I got hooked.
;Who's your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?
I like Mat. He's a nice cheeky chappy. Favourite Nation is probably Andor. I don't know why it just seems to be strong and proud yet just. The others all seem flawed.
;Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)
Yes I was at Euro 06 in Skipton and Euro 10 in Much Wenlock. I had a great time. RL functions are what makes our community so different and I think all members should try and experience at least one.  
;What kind of music do you like?
I like old pop songs. I hate over played songs but if I'm out on a night out I like the DJ to play R&B otherwise at home I listen to 60s/70s music
;What are your favorite movies?
Dirty Dancing, Footloose, and then comedies and stuff
;What's the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?
I dunno if I can pick just one
;What job do you have?
I'm training to be an Accountant
;Do you have a pet?
No, not at the moment
;What languages do you speak?
Besides English I have a good bit of Irish and French and I know a couple of sentences in other languages but nothing much.
;What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?
Teacher, though I do remember filling in a form when I was in school stating that I wanted to be President of Ireland.
;Moiraine or Siuan?
At the moment Siuan as I feel I know her better.
;Shienar or Saldaea?
Shienar, I like the thought of the communal baths (j/k) I like the way they seem so old fashioned, chivalrous and full of honour.
;Tea or coffee?
Tea, can't stand coffee. I drink 4 or 5 cuppa chas a day
;Books or movies?
Books of course though I do like movies a lot too.
;A short bio about yourself.
I'm from Dublin. I like to collect books and I like things to match.
[[Category:Senior Member Interviews]]
[[Category:Senior Member Interviews]]

Revision as of 16:22, 12 October 2011


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Senior Member Interview

  • Why did you choose Blue?


  • Are you like the Blues in the books? Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?



  • How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?


  • How did you first get into the series?


  • Who is your favorite "hero"?


  • Favorite bad guy/gal?


  • Favorite book and scene?


  • If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?


  • How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become Tower Sworn?

I was googling back in the early days and found a few WoT sites; Dragonmount, Stone Dogs etc. I believe Stone Dogs was what linked me here and I was soon hooked. I had a few LoAs until we got proper broadband in my parents around the time book 10 was released, I think. It prompted me back and I realised I wanted to stick around permanently.

  • What do you do in "real life"?

I'm a Trainee Accountant in a Recruitment company, mostly doing payroll and such. Pretty dull really but I do like spreadsheets.

  • Do you have any hobbies?

Besides reading I like puzzles and spreadsheets. I enjoy editing the library here and researching WoT stuff.

  • What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

I love pop. I really love old songs though, new songs tend to get over played really quickly! I love singing crap and dancing around. In a club I prefer RnB to dance music though.

  • What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?

Dirty Dancing, Labyrinth, Willow, Grease, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and Braveheart are some of my favourite films. TV shows change depending on the season but Buffy, Grey's Anatomy, Blue Bloods, Friends, Two and a Half Men and the Simpsons are ones that I could watch at any time no matter how often I've seen the episode before.

  • Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?

I love series. I'd much rather read a series than an individual book so I've read quite a bit of fantasy. Butcher's Alera series was pretty good, Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniel's series is pretty good fluff, as is Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. I liked Eddings Belgariad series (but not mad about the Mallorean), LotR is obviously worth a read, and a reread! I enjoyed ASoIaF too. Besides fantasy I like Historical fiction. Conn Iggulden's Conquerors series is well worth the read and Philippa Gregory is worth picking up.

  • What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

I wanted to be President (or so I wrote on one questionnaire when I was small) but teacher and nun also featured. I'd love to own my own store/pub but I do enjoy numbers and spreadsheets so it seems I'm destined for finance, alas!