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Dec2021 greentakeover.png

Author: Faeril Munlear, Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t'al'Djinn, Melisande Arneil, Mystica Ari'Yena
Published: December 3 2021 - Tar Valon Times Blog Link

Green Ajah – TarValon.Net

By Faeril Munlear

Over the years, there has been a lot of discussion of Book Green versus Site Green. Even within our Ajah, our opinions may vary. The Green Ajah on TarValon.Net isn’t exactly like the Greens in the books, but we exemplify many characteristics portrayed by Greens throughout the series.

Obviously, some things don’t translate as well. As much as I’d like to Balefire someone some days, that’s not going to happen. *Takes a shot of Balefire instead* We can’t channel in real life. There isn’t a Last Battle. However, we each have our own battles as well as our own passions. What makes us unique is that we are all individuals, but at the core we all embody a strength, passion and straight forwardness that I admire and respect of my sisters and brothers.

A common thing you might hear from one of us when asked why we chose Green is “Because I am Green.” While some of us come to Green, once we find ourselves and our inner strength, some of us have always been Green. Maybe it just took us time to realize it. We were drawn to the Green Ajah because the traits that stand out in the books, and traits we see in fellow Greens, are the traits we see within ourselves.

We each have our individual stories and journeys of why we identify with Green. Most of us are also straightforward and aren’t ones to coddle. Sometimes that can be off putting, but it’s one thing I admire because I know if I share something with my Ajah they are there for support or they’ll straighten me out if I need it. They won’t hold back. Sometimes that’s exactly what I need. The Green Ajah of TarValon.Net is also fiercely passionate and protective in our relationships, with one another and with causes and things we care about. Many volunteer or give back to their community and fight for social injustices. I would also say many of us are loyal and dedicated.

Unlike the Greens in the books, the Green Ajah at TarValon.Net can’t bond as many warders as they’d want. However, out of all the Ajahs, they are allowed the most bonds with two per Aes Sedai. We take our bonds very seriously and sometimes we will go un-bonded for long lengths of time until we find the right bondmate. There are even some of us that have never bonded, which isn’t as common in the books.

When not fighting our own battles, or giving strength to others, you may find us socializing on the site and Discord. You will also find many of us at the TarValon.Net real life gatherings. The Green Ajah may not be taking on Tarmon Gai’don, but the strength, passion and fighting spirit is very much displayed in each of our members on the site.

Where the book Greens “stand ready,” we “stand our ground.” – Mystica Ari’Yena

Green Ajah HQ on TarValon.Net

Facts of the TarValon.Net Greens

By Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t’al’Djinn

The Green Ajah has 50 Aes Sedai

The Green Ajah’s toasting drink is something they call Balefire. Faeril and Amaria are responsible, or to blame depending on how much you like Balefire, for it.

Green has 36 Bondmates

One of the two founding members of the Tower is Green and she was also the first Amyrlin of the site. Since her retirement, her official title has been Koyn Amyrlin.

Green is the only Ajah that a Blademaster calls home.

Green has three mottos, one of which is often used for toasting.

There have been a few times in Tower history when a number of people were pregnant at the same time. Many of these mass pregnancy announcements were blamed on “Drinking the Green Water.”

The Green Ajah has their own Ajah Awards which have been going on since about 2010.

Green graphic gurus are called Green Monkeys and the Greens responsible for the newsletter are called Ibises.

When Greens get together in Real Life it is the responsibility of the Head or the longest standing Green (if the head is not present) to present everyone with Green Beads.

Got curious for more? You can find it all in the library.

Battle Blogs – Strength

Challenge and Choice

By Melisande Arneil (Part 1 of 1)

Hi – my name is Crystal, and I have three adult children on the autism spectrum. For those who may not know, autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that affects a person’s social interaction and communication as well as being restricted by repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that a person can have anywhere from a mild to a more severe form of this disability. My oldest wasn’t diagnosed until much older, and has other unique challenges, so I won’t be discussing her in this piece.

My middle and youngest (let’s call them B and D) are on the more severe end of the spectrum. B, my daughter who loves music and Disney, has some obsessive tendencies and has some speech. She’s considered echolalic, meaning that she will echo what you or someone else says to her. D, my son, can very much communicate even though he has no speech and only uses a lot of sounds. I’ve learned to read his body language and am able to understand what he ‘says’ that way. This only works with him, mind you… nobody else.

B and D were both diagnosed at a young age. Being from Saskatchewan, Canada, we accessed our family doctor, who then referred us to a slate of different practitioners: speech therapist, pediatrician, psychologist, and occupational therapist. We accessed occupational therapy where we learned about brushing therapy to help them both understand where and how their bodies were, otherwise known as kinesthesia or proprioception. We had some support through various province of Saskatchewan agencies such as the Child and Youth services through the Regina Qu’Appelle Health region, the Autism Resource Center and the Early Childhood Intervention Program. We also have support through the Community Living division of the Saskatchewan Social Services Ministry. B and D had educational assistance at both preschool and throughout their school careers. Now, we’re looking at moving them both to a small group home in my old hometown, so they can continue to grow as individuals.

As the mom of autistic children, one of my challenges has been to figure out what’s best for them and to choose which battles to fight and which aren’t worth it. I’ve had to educate myself while at the same time learning how to be a mother, a caregiver, a teacher, an educator and a trusted source for my children. It hasn’t been an easy journey, but I’ve learned so much along the way.

Now, I face the biggest challenge yet – to let go. To let others take care of my children. To nurture their creativity and their independence and everything else that can be taken for granted by neurotypical individuals. In spite of the feelings of guilt that I have, I know in my heart this is the best thing for B and D. And I can see how much of a challenge it will be for B and D – to live in a different home in a different town, with people they’re only beginning to get to know. It will be a challenge for all of us, but as a family we will face this challenge together, and hopefully this transition will be the beginning of a new wonderful chapter in the lives of my children.

Vulnerability: a vessel of strength

By Mystica Ari’Yena (Part 2 of 3)

The assumption in our society is often that when one shows any level of vulnerability this equates to showing weakness, a lack of strength. And for decades, I would have agreed with that. It wasn’t until a year ago that I finally came to realize how wrong I had been. For it isn’t our ability to show ourselves as vulnerable that weakens us, but the fear that so often accompanies it. Fear is a crippling thing. It stops us in our tracks, immobilizes us, makes us doubt ourselves and question our moves. In healthy doses, fear is a very natural and valuable part of our defense system. But humans have a tendency to overdo it. To imagine horrors where none (yet) are, and to anticipate all kinds of terrible scenarios.

It takes a special kind of strength to both embrace a healthy fear while at the same time rejecting its crippling sibling. This is the kind of strength you all know. You’ve all encountered it one way or another. Whether in real life or in fiction through books or movies. It is the strength you see in the wise. The strength of those who master their fear and use it to their benefit, instead of allowing it to control their lives. The wise don’t fear their vulnerability, nor do they fear showing it. For they know there is a big difference between vulnerability and weakness.

To activate the strength of vulnerability a first step must be taken.

A difficult first step. But not an impossible one.