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Ninya Evoneigh, Senior Member Interview, January 29th 2008

What's your Tower name?

Ninya Evoneigh

When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah?

September of 2003 I believe.

Why did you choose Blue?

I originally chose to guest in the Blue Ajah because my first-sister Vallah told me that's where I belonged. It took me about two years (yes, even after I was raised to Aes Sedai) to realize she was right and that Blue is definitely my home.

Are you like the Blues in the Books?

I always need to have something to work towards- a cause, a reason for being, so I suppose that yes, I am.

Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?

I try not to manipulate; it has such a negative connotation in my mind, that I can't seriously think about doing it without feeling like a terrible person. I do like plots though- the fun type. Helping people, holiday surprises, that type of thing. I don't travel so much anymore unless you count the trek back and forth to work, but when I was a kid I lived in France for a couple of years; I can honestly say I've seen more of Europe than I have of America!

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

I actually joined before the city was created so I never had to be a citizen. My biggest impression of being a novice was utter terror that I'd get sent to the MoN of the time (she was SCARY), and playing around in chat. As an Accepted, I spent my time doing little projects and settling into the Tower, making friends, and getting used to the idea that not everything about the site was silly games. I had fun, but I knew I had a reason for being around the site.

How long have you been a member of TV.net?

Since February of 2003. :)

What things do you do for TV.net?

Currently I am an IRC Operator and the IRC Stats Coordinator. I am also Saminda's assistant- I am the person who finds, resizes, and crops the new avatars that get put into the gallery. I also locate who created old avatars, and notify Saminda if the artist has denied permission to use their art. In addition, I am a member of the Research team- I'm currently working on a couple of articles about the Aiel. I am also the unofficial avatar elf; it's not a real 'position' per se, but I love making costumes, so I consider it something I do for the Tower. :)

How did you get to read the Series?

When I was eight, my brother handed me a copy of the Eye of the World and told me to read it. It was only a promo copy- it cut off just as the party was going down the hill towards Shadar Logoth. I loved it! I begged my mom to let me read the rest of the series, but she refused. Several years later I rediscovered it, and have been reading avidly ever since.

To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?

I am no longer bonded at this time, though I was at one point bonded to Derrin Covayende.

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

I have had four mentees, but two are no longer at the Tower, and one I had to trade away because I got busy offline and couldn't give her the attention she deserved. :( The one remaining is Amira, who is a beautiful example of a Gray Aes Sedai. I'm very proud of her!

Who's your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

This question always gets me, because choosing a favorite character in a world with such intricate detail is so very difficult. It's like saying "oh here's a drawer full of beautiful gems, choose your favorite!" I suppose if I have to choose one that has greatly impressed me however, I would choose Egwene. She has grown into an amazingly strong and intelligent woman- I hope that in the last book she continues along that road.

Nation wise...the Seanchan. No, seriously. I am a roleplayer, and Seanchan are THE most fun to roleplay of any nationality. Their culture is so different, so detailed, so...messed up... that it's fun to read AND write about!

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

I attended Third Anniversary in Chicago, third Fall Ball in Albuquerque, and fourth Anniversary in Denver. I have unfortunately not been able to attend any since then, but plan on going to seventh Anniversary next year. I loved all three! Even the bad parts were fun; the instant comraderie I had with people I had never met before was...addictive...and we all loved so many of the same things that it was impossible to not have fun. I think people should attend the functions because it gives you a very real idea of what this community is REALLY about- friendship, community, and having fun.

What kind of music do you like?

Most kinds. And no, that is not a cop-out. My playlist on my computer ranges from 80's metal, to Western, to Celtic folk, to grunge, punk and pop. My MP3 player has samples of all of it, and I listen to it every day.

What are your favorite movies?

My favorite movie of all time was and still is Ever After. Other than that however, I enjoy the Lord of the Rings trilogy, X-Men, the Matrix, Freedom Writers, Ocean's 11...and well...a lot more. But those are my favorites that I can remember right now.

What's the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

The stupidest thing I'm willing to share is getting way too drunk on St Patrick's Day. I drank...around 15 shots of whiskey and two shots of Jaeger in about four hours, then tried to go to a concert. Predictably, it didn't work out too well. My brother and I both got kicked out, and we had to call our mom to get a ride home. When she came to get us, we were so completely out of it we couldn't figure out where she was- even though she was yelling at us from the car window less than 10 feet away! The best part about the whole situation is I woke up the next morning without a glimmer of a hangover...I love that that doesn't happen to me. Since then though, I haven't had more than a half glass of beer or so; I guess I drank myself out.

What job do you have?

I work at Hot Lips Pizza as a morning shift cook (fun job! I love it!) and in the evenings I work at Aaron Brothers Art & Framing, as a cashier.

Do you have a pet?

I have two cats! They are sisters from the same litter, and look so much alike that many people can't tell them apart, even when they see them frequently. They are different however. One is named Zabu, after Wil's imaginary sabre tooth tiger, and one is named Shar'din, after Darian's imaginary pet panther.

What languages do you speak?

I can understand French much better than I can speak it, though I am told I still have a good French accent when I speak the little I do remember. Other than that, just English.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

Originally, I wanted to be an astronaut or a scientist. Then I found out I'd have to do math all the time, so I decided I didn't want to do that (really). As I got older, I thought about being a psychologist, a teacher, an artist, or a social worker. Even though I'm older, I still don't know what profession I want.

Moiraine or Siuan?

Moiraine. I love Siuan for her down to earth leathery attitude, but Moiraine seems to develop genuine affection for those she assists, and really seems to want them to save themselves as well as the rest of the world. I suppose that I prefer Moiraine because she's a little more compassionate and human.

Shienar or Saldea?

Shienar, because we know much more about it than we do of Saldaea. They are men and women of amazing bravery and honor, with traditions and beliefs that are distinctively different from the rest of the nations in the land. Saldaea may have all of that as well, but we don't really get to experience it first-hand, save through Faile.

Tea or coffee?

Coffee is NASTY! Green tea is my favorite when I'm feeling down.

Books or movies?

Books, I suppose. Movies are nice because they're relatively quick, and you can actually see what's going on. Books on the other hand require me to have an imagination, I can take them anywhere with me, and I can absorb them a slowly or as quickly as I personally choose.

A short bio about yourself.

I was born in Houston, TX. At 3, my family moved to Portland, OR. We lived in the city until my sister was born (about a year), and then we moved into the country. When I was 8, our house burned down, and my family decided to rebuild it. I lived for a year in a trailer, with my cousins frequently visiting while my uncle helped my dad build. A year after that, my dad's work told him he had to go to France, so even though the house wasn't done, we all went there, and stayed for two years. During that time we visited nearly every country in Europe, learned to speak French (and a lot of other stuff too) and I suppose became civilized. When we came back from France (I was 12 or so) my parents started having marital troubles, and my mom kicked my dad out when I was 13(ish). Afterwards she got really depressed and spent the next five years locked in her bedroom (for the most part). Also during that time, my sister moved back home for a year and brought my nephew. While she was away, and my mother was hiding, I took care of my nephew and my two little sisters. After my sister left, I continued to care for my little sisters. At 17, I joined the Tower; at 18 my then-boyfriend (Derrin) came to visit from Ohio, and proposed that I move there with him. Three months later (after I'd gotten my GED), I moved. I lived in Ohio for two years, until Tony and I broke up, then I moved back to Oregon. Since then I've been living on my own with my two cats (I got them in Ohio), working a lot, trying to go to school, and basically trying to take life as it comes and enjoy it.