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Interview Jan 30 2008

What is your Tower name?

Miridyth Al'Landerin

How long have you been a member of TV.net?

2.5 years

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

Long....very very long....

When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah?

I was raised at Dragon Con in '07 in a real life ceremony

Why did you choose Green?

I choose it because I did a self inventory. I wanted to pick an Ajah that reflected me by their philosophy. One where i could honestly say...if all my friends left an ajah I was interested in...would I STILL be representing that Ajah. Green was the answer.

Are you like the Greens in the Books?

Maybe in my youth. I am still very much a "fighter" and still a bit agressive about things. I do like men and feel they are extremely important. But I have mellowed with age and doubt I would be sleeping with all my warders :P...too much energy.

Do you like to party, love men and are you a sucker for fashion and make up?

In my 20's I could definitely answer yes to all three...now I have to say that partying takes too long to recover from...so I don't party too much. Still love men and am amused by them...they are magnificent creatures!! I do like hanging around my tower friends at gatherings both local and annual. At home, though, I am usually found to be curled up with a good book...okay it is a racey historical romance book...but HEY I am reading!! And I have been known to watch project runway...but don't tell anyone :P.

To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?

I am bonded to Oryn Riker...most awesome gaidin/cleric!! We are years apart in age, but he is very wise and an excellent listener and extremely kind. I couldn't be prouder of my warder and friend.

What things do you do for TV.net?

I am currently a CE mod. Wish I could do more, but I am not computer inclined. I do volunteer at the events I go too. I love to help my friends here on the site in anyway that I can.

How did you get to read the Series?

I was FORCED to read the series upon pain of DEATH!! Okay...well ummm they put me in lockdown as a Novice until I read the whole series....After awhile being only allowed to view a few forums gets kinda tedious.... :(

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

Don't have a Mentee...was Mentored though by the Awesome Alena Sedai :)...thank the Light she is a patient soul.

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

Moghedian FTW :). I soooo wanted to see her change Nieneve into a horse...but alas it didn't happen :(. I don't have a favorite nation...guess it would be Illian because it is one of the few I can remember how to spell :(

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

Yeppers! Love them. I have met some of my dearest real life friends from the events and on this site. I only recommend functions if you can handle a lot of personalities in cramped quarters for a very short time. The Drama is interesting...it is like a HUGE family reunion to include that Uncle that gets drunk and says the funniest things!! Seriously, you attend a function and then a year later attend another and it is like that year was nothing. Our members are awesome, fun to hang around with, and wish most of them lived closer.

What kind of music do you like?

I am open to most types of music. Not a big fan of rap...but some is okay. I am extreme in my tastes from Limp Bisket to Tears for Fears to Chopin. I have been known to listen to folk music, John Denver, and even the BeeGees. Not too keen on country, but it is fun to dance too :)

What are your favorite movies?

My all time favorite will always be "Gone with the Wind". I love historical movies like Elizabeth, Pride and Predjudice, Troy, Braveheart...I am also a huge Clint Eastwood western buff and have seen them many many times.

What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

I think the dumbest thing I have ever done was in college when during a party someone said "HEY why don't we go up to the "blow hole" (went to college by the ocean on the west coast). So we piled into a truck with, I am sure someone who was less "drunk" than the rest of us, and drove 30 minutes up the highway to a state park....in the dark...we "held hands" as we traversed a narrow trail along a cliff :|...and scaled down some rocks to a cave and watched the tide roll in and blow up the "hole" into the cave. We did this without benefit of flashlight...I think the lead guy had a lighter :)... I am still surprised that a: No one fell in...especially the boys who wanted to "get their face wet" by leaning over the hole. and B) that no one fell off that narrow trail onto the rocks and ocean 100 feet below at one point. Not to mention that we didn't get into an accident. I think God has a great sense of humor in protecting the young and stupid *nods*.

What job do you have?

Best job ever. I am a "kept woman" and Mother of four awesome and amusing children :)

Do you have a pet?

I have two cats (a one eyed mongrel with a level 5 heart murmur named Odin that we "rescued"), a bobtailed black cat named Shadow...and a rescued greyhound named "take it away ronda" aka ronda. We also have 2 "free" goldfish from a fair a year and a half ago that refuse to die :|

What languages do you speak?

American and a smattering of spanglish.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

I wanted to be a stewardess (which was awesome in the early '70s and looked great) or an actress. Never became a stewardess but spent 10 years acting, directing, teaching and did some film and commercial work and even got to work as an Assistant Casting Director in a small company in Spokane Washington. So I got to fulfill part of my dream...too bad I never made a lot of money at it :(

Elayne or Cadsuane?

Hate them both equally :)....I don't play favorites.

Aiel or Atha'an Miere?

Again...despise equally...although the Aiel are a little less obnoxious.

Winter or summer?

Fall :)

Day or night?

Twilight....I like this being different...

A short bio about yourself.

I am old enough to know better but young enough not to care. Married a second time...but was more careful and married the love of my life. Have four wonderful children...one who is adopted and is more like me than any of my biological children. I love museums, gardens, camping, nature in all her glory. Hate cities, crowds, people who won't even try to improve their lives. Not keen on "whiners" and kick myself when I whine. Love a good restaurant, movies at home, candles, and the sound of children laughing. One good friend is worth more than gold...if I have more than one, I consider myself wealthy. I love to learn, to read, to explore...life is precious and fun. No day should be wasted on stupid shit.