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Original Link: April 2009 Edition of "Grayt News!"

Grayt News!

April 2009

Compiled by Liiane al'Rhuidea


Well, this month is FILLED with awesomeness for the Grays. First, congratulations to our newest Gray Aes Sedai, Liiane al'Rhuidea (w00t). Also, congratulations to Zarathi Sedai, our new Gray Heart! Our other announcements are so awesome they get their own awesome cool graphics (supplied by Arie, as was this super awesome banner), so without further adieu...


by Accepted Arie

So, under the knowledge that if you stay somewhere long enough they put you to work, I have been told .. er.. gifted with the privilege of the Baby Announcement! The adorable Niniel Lalaith is now over halfway into her pregnancy and has granted us not only her 4rd month and 5th month pictures, but also a beautiful picture at 5 Months Pregnant! Now the question is, will it be a future Boy Baby or will it be a Gray-to-be Sedai Baby?

Well, the secret has been revealed and Niniel Sedai is having a Girl Baby! Congratulations Niniel!


By Liiane Sedai

In case you didn't catch the Grays all dressed up as bridesmaids for Zarathi Sedai during Bel Tine, yes, our new Gray Heart is a new bride! Congratulations, Zara!


Gray Member of the Month


by Camlyn Sedai

April, the heart of spring and a time of fun and celebration. With Easter comes chocolate and the Easter bunny. There are also the various religious meanings attached to this time of year. So from Grayt HQ Happy Easter!! Now we can get down to business of the Member of the Month. This month it gives us great pleasure to bring to you.....(you can hear it too right?)....

Niniel Lalaith, Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah



Chanel Morales (full time pregnant person)


How long have you been a member for?

Hmm... i joined 4th July 2005 so that makes is 4 years this July.

What do you like the most about being a member?

The best thing when i first started was being able to talk about the WOT books but now its much more exciting to me that i have friends all over the world that i never would have met without TV.net. I love the fact that there are so many places i could visit and not have to pay to stay in a hotel.

Which forum is your favourite out of them all and why?

Well the two places i spend the most time are probably the gray forums and the olde warder and hen. Of course i love the Gray forums but i like the fact that in tho olde warder anyone can post including accepted, recruits and citizens. This gives me a chance to talk to people i probably wouldn't if i hid in the Gray halls all the time It gives me a chance to see chat with new citizens which i enjoy and catch up with my mentee and best friend Alondrian.

Have you been to a real life event? If yes, which one/s and what is your favourite memory from attending?

I've never been to an official tower event but i have met a few members. My first meeting was as an accepted where i met the then Gray head Leil when she was traveling around Europe with fellow Gray Samira. They came to stay with me for a few days and we had lots of fun being thrown out of pubs and getting up to other mischief

I also went to Manora Sedai's birthday party a couple of years ago and met lots of the other English members. I really enjoyed this because it gave me the chance to put a lot of different faces to names.

Real life to you is…?

Interesting question... erm... people and places i can touch At the moment its my boyfriend Jamie and my bump which is now 18 weeks and will be a live baby around mid August

When real life occasionally eats you, as it does to us all, what keeps you coming back?

Well i generally only disappear when i have no internet access at home but whenever i disappear i miss my best friend Lon and all my Grays which is why i want to come back.

How are you “Gray” on the site and/or in real life?

Well I've always been politically minded and i hope one day to work for the UN in developing countries. I think this shows some twisted kind of Grayness because the Grays in the books are really working to stop wars from starting before they do. I would love to do something like this which is why I'm starting a degree in International relations next year.

What are your hobbies, aside from reading?

I love being out and about with my friends, have never been very good at staying home until i got pregnant and i got lazy I love raving, swimming and writing stories that i never finish.

What do you do for work or school in real life?

Well i finished college last June and an now a full time pregnant person, before that i did some waitressing and worked in a book shop but i'll be back at uni next year doing a course over 5 years so i can stay at home with my baby as well.

Once again we have reached the end of our segment for this month. We hope that you have enjoyed getting to know our sister Ninz. Till next month, take care, stay sane and enjoy those chocolate eggs. We leave you with Nini's favourite quote...

"Man is nothing more than the sum of his actions" -Jean Paul Sartre

Gray Original Artwork


By Accepted Lijena, Gray Aspirant


For 17 years of my life I can say I traveled a lot. I was at many beautiful places, but of all cities I saw for now I liked Monaco the best. I visited it as a part of my school trip to Barcelona last April. We did spend only less then a day there but I still loved it. Did you know that every 10 years they color all buildings in other color? When I was there everything was in light brown. Who knows what color will it be if I ever go there again. The pictures you see are taken on the roof of biggest museum in Monaco(I don't remember it's name). When I got there I was amazed! I never saw more beautiful view than that. Out there was so peaceful and quiet. People whisper so they would not break the magic. That beautiful sea makes you wish to stand and watch it for ever. I did spend half an hour standing and watching it. I would have spent even more if we didn't have to go on. I would love to go and see it all again. But I'm not sure I ever will. If any of you is ever able to visit Monaco don't miss the chance. It's to beautiful to be unvisited.

Gray Exclusive


By Accepted Arie

This has been a long time coming, and over and over we (or at least I have) been badgered and badgered -in the nicest of ways- for the hows of the proposal. The simple answer could have been 'he got on one knee and asked' but for those that know James Davion; Nothing is ever simple.

Allow me to take you back to just 4 weeks before March 21st, when he ever so convincingly told me that he did not want to propose for another 6 months. He believed this, I believed this and accepted it. Problem was, 6 months from now there was about 1 chance for him to meet my father (to do that whole asking for his blessing. Ladies, you are allowed to 'awe!') and that would be the weekend of the 20th when my dad was in town.

About a week later, James gets this 'itch' to buy a ring.

Next day he decides that there was no way in the depths of Shayol Ghul was he going to hold on to the ring for 6 months and not tell me about it. After spending weeks fretting over the ring, how to do the deed and to check with a few people is he was actually sane in his decision or not; he makes his decision.

Telling me 2 weeks prior that he was able to make it up to meet my dad. He made it very clear that he wanted to have both him and my mom, my sister and her husband over for dinner on Friday night, and then again lunch on Monday. Me thinking he just wanted to spend time with them, I pushed what I could, but knew there was nothing short of a proposal that would pull my Mom away from her date with her sisters. And since "I" wasn't suppose to know this, James held his tongue. -Barely.

James: 3 weeks of stress.

Me: Completely Oblivious. (I thought it was his work... Made sense at the time, anyway.)

March 20, 2009

Friday arrives. Its the big, meeting the parents day. The day all boyfriends dread, more so when you want to ask permission for something. Something big. Even more daunting as James was up at 3 am to catch an early flight to get to Seattle by 10 am. We get to the hotel, check in, are sent to a second building (not something James knew as last time we stayed there we were in the same building as the lobby desk- which caused more stress which I attributed to him being tired). We go up and nap. We both had an early morning and a little sleep would do us good as we didn't need to meet up at the house until 6-630.

Dinner over all was good, everyone got along fine. He seemed to get along good with the potential father-in-law and my sister. Time kept rolling by, but unfortunately he couldn't seem to catch my dad alone. It was to the point he was falling asleep on the sofa and I'd nudge him with 'bed?' and he would promptly wake and whisper back 'No!' He was committed to it and come 1 am (I think), My dad finally went out a moment. After much discussion, and poor James forgetting he was in the north and shorts are not what one wears outside at 1 am, even in March, he comes back in with the desired answer. So I took him to the hotel and put the man to bed.

I knew this side of the story, of my dad. As such a meeting could not happen without my knowledge (at least not easily), and knowing my dad it was probably better that I knew as so he didn't spill the beans on it. He nearly did with my sister! What I didn't know what the plotting that proceeded to continue the next day.

March 21, 2009

The day was set out to be simple. Lunch with friends at 2 30, and the evening with one of my best friends. With a plan in mind, James changes it to suit his purposes, tricking me into thinking that the lunch date was at 12 30 and not after 2 just so that he could get me in the shower by 11. (This foresight was wise, as getting me up out of bed can sometimes take longer if not for a specific purpose of doing something.) Getting me into the shower with the explicit instructions of "take a long shower, a really nice long shower" I'm over all in a good mood and generally oblige. Out to set his plan in motion, not 5 steps out of the room, James realizes he locks himself out of the room.

In panic, James hunts down a maid to try and get access into the room. Finally finding one (who didn't speak a great deal of english, I think) he finally convinces her to let him back in. Wasting precious time he sets out his plan all around the hotel and returns back to the room. Setting up the last piece of the surprise, with 4 seconds left to get out of the room before I got out of the shower, and guess what happens?

I walk out of the shower. In those 4 seconds I got to see Anger, Stress, Frustration and Panic written all over his face. Completely confused, the follow dialogue occurs.


"Stay. I'm going out for a walk."

"Um, okay. But can I get dressed?" (Only wearing a towel).

"No." He starts out of the room.


Just out the door, "Okay, now you can." Door closes.

Completely confused out of my mind thinking that he's lost his head, I walk out of the bathroom area to find a S'redit stuffed animal on the dresser with a Card (and my hair brush that I forgot in the car). Back story, for those that were at Anni you would know that James and I were not together over Valentines Day. What you don't know is that I actually have a firm disliking to the holiday, preferring the Bulgarian tradition for that day. On the card (excluding the mushy stuff you don't get to read), it starts off with "Because we weren't together ... these are some things people do for each other on Valentines Day. My dislike for the holiday I was getting mad, but after working out in my head that it wasn't VDay, and I said nothing about doing it on other days of the year (which I'm fine with...now) I was okay. At the end it said, "Go to the Front Desk for your next surprise."

Scavenger Hunt! So I dress and leave the hotel (with my hotel card, thank you!) and go to the front desk. Asking if there was anything left for me, the desk manager leaves and then comes back with this box of gorgeous long stem roses, another card and my car keys. I read the card -getting a little weepy-eyed at this point, and then I head to my car as instructed by the card. At the car I find a box of 2lb of See's Chocolate and another card. The card then instructs me to go back to the hotel room.

After about 8 tries with my hotel key (James waiting inside, unable to help as it would ruin 'the plan'), I finally open it up door to see the room dark. Calling out, James answers and I enter the room. James starts walking towards me when he purposely hits his knee on the bed and goes down. (Back story - he has bad knees) Hearing a few choice words, I ask if he's okay, and he answers "no".

He never answers no. In a panic, I put down the roses and chocolates and go to him, asking again, "Are you okay?" With one smooth movement, he pulls out the ring from his pocket -the room completely dark save for the light in the box showing off this gorgeous ring.

"Yes. Will you marry me?"

The rest... is history! (Of course I said yes!)

Wheel of Time Meme of the Month

by Ilverin


Pie of the Month


by Accepted Iteran, Gray Aspirant

This month we're featuring a traditional Serbian pie.


For the batter you will need to mix:

  • 7 Eggs
  • 8 oz. Cream cheese
  • 8 oz. Fetta cheese
  • large container of Cottage cheese
  • 1/2 cup of milk


1. Grease the bottom of a pan with oil (not from a fat free spray, I tried it, it does not work). 2. Put 3 sheets of the dough on the bottom of the pan 3. Cover it with the batter (not too thick, you should have enough for at least 5-6 layers (the more the better)). 4. Put one or two more sheets on top 5. Cover with batter again 6. Repeat Steps 3-5 until all the batter you have is used and you have only 3 sheets left. 7. Smudge 1 or 2 eggs on the top layer for crispiness and pretty color 8. Bake for 50 min at 370 F but BROIL for the last 3-5 min. 9. BON APPETITE!



Gray Chat Weekend


by Alyria Sedai

Graychat, you may ask, “what’s in it for me?”

Well, Grays, first of all. And I know your second thought is “pie.” More than likely, you’re also going to think, “The Wheelbarrow.” These are all valid thoughts.

But that’s not all you are going to find in graychat.

Witty banter, theological discussion, light-hearted ribbing, and general merriment are common themes in each weekend-long chat session. I’ll be there with a beer, Meilen will be there with sarcasm, Melisande will be there just being plain awesome, and Mazarin will be there being a lovable dork (sorry dude, but you *know* you’re a dork!) The majority of the Grays and their Warders are in and out intermittently throughout the weekend, so it is likely someone will always be in chat when you want to be in chat, even though we’re a small Ajah.

But we want to see you! We want you to see us! Get to know the Grays. Come see what we’re about first-hand.

We love Citizens, and not only on toast with jam for breakfast. Often (and not only because I bug the population of #wheel to come visit us,) we have frequent chatters in on our open weekends. However, it’s so awesome to meet new people! There’s no better medium than chat for all levels of Membership to interact and get to know one another. If you have been wanting to try out tv.net’s chat, I (in a very biased way) recommend stopping by #graychat on our open weekends! We’re a smaller group, so it’s a great way to break in to the “chat scene.”

Citizens, Novices and Recruits, Accepteds and Soldiers, folk from all Ajahs and Companies, we really want you to come and hang out with us!

The next Graychat Weekend will be April 25-26, in #graychat. If you have any problems getting in, Alyria Sedai is a great person to go to for this! **pokes**

Quitters Journal


by Jordan Sedai

Quitting by Jordan Rayne

April 6th 2009

I quit smoking today and even though it's only been one day, I can feel the effects already. Every month I'm writing a little blurb to tell you all how I've been doing. My hope is that this will help me to not smoke, and maybe help and inspire some of you to quit as well.

That's all for this month. Take care, and stay healthy!!!

Remember. we are always taking submissions both for pies of the month and WoT memes, as well as anything else shiny that you think might amuse us.

PM your submissions to Liiane al'Rhuidea or email them to liiane@tarvalon.net

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