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Darian Coralis
Real Name
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation San d'ma Shadar
Rank Gaidin
Title Company Commander of San d'ma Shadar
Join Date December 5, 2002
Bonded to -
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement







Tower Relationships




Bonded to Mariasha Casindred: November 9, 2009 - January 1, 2011



Other Tower Relationships

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

Darian Coralis, Senior Member Interview, June 2, 2009

Why did you choose San d'ma Shadar?

Out of ever Company we have SDS fits me the best.. Heh. It is me in many ways with what we strive to be.. Honesty, loyalty, honor, Willpower, Strength, And Duty

How was your time as Citizen/Recruit/Soldier?

Eventfull I was a very bad Recruit.. I was raised to Soldier while in a Novice Dress.. Still proud of that..

What things do you do for TV.net?

To be honest.. Not as much as I wish I could.. I have been a member of the Hall twice.. And I have helped the Library with character summaries..

How did you get to read the Series?

Actually very good friend at the time threated to beat me if I didn't..

To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?

Unfortunatly.. I haven't found anyone that I have connected to in the right way to want to bond..

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

Perrin.. I'm a lot like him.. Strong, loyal, Honest.. And when the ones I love is threatened all hell breaks loose..

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

Yes.. I went to the Anni Party '04 in Chicago.. I loved it even though we got rained on most of the weekend.. RL functions gives you a chance to see real faces.. To talk to the people you have been chatting with.. And to understand that we are normal people.. Crazy.. But normal..

What kind of music do you like?

Everything to be honest.. My playlist is so screwed up it's funny.. From Metal to Disney Soundtracks..

What are your favorite movies?

To be honest.. I have a to many to write..

What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

Oh man.. Do I have to? *sigh* Ok.. When I was 12 me a bunch of friends found an empty water bed mattress.. So we decided to fill it with air.. And one of us would sit on one end and some one would jump on the other side.. Launching the sitter into the air.. We started climbing trees, leaping off porches. One time I was launched to my roof.. My brother ws launched over the wooden fence.. ;)

What job do you have?

I am the Team Lead at Burger King

Do you have a pet?

Yes I have the craziest cat in the world.. Named Gaidin.. Pure black wih green eyes..

What languages do you speak?


What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

Everything from an Apple Picker to a Zebra Trainer.. >.>

Aiel or Atha'an Miere?

Atha'an Miere

Randland or our world?


Coke or Pepsi?


Pictures or videos?


A short bio about yourself.

I'm a 26 yrs old crazy insane person.. I love books, movies, woods, Weird and whackything.. I live in a small city in Ohio called Elyria.. I have a weird and perverted sence of humor.. I got it from my mother.. I love Dr.Pepper and Iced Tea.. I work hard.. I play hard.. I love hard..