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During a class Miridyth Al'Landerin taught on the Ajahs, the students as an assignment wrote poetry about how the site Blues differ from the Blue Ajah in the books. They got bonus points for using Norwegian.

Poem by Asine Dormandi

In Norwegian


Flotte damer dei Blå
Både store og små
Problemer dei løyser
Dei plottar og tøyser
Og gjer mykje bra

Ikkje noko betyr meir
enn at det stadig vert fleir
som finn heimen sin hos dei
Med spreidde interesser
dei alle saman presser
sine oppgåver vert gjordt i ein fei

In English

the Blue

Great ladies the Blue
both lagre and small
Problems they solve
they plot and goof
and do lots of good

Nothing means more
than that number of
women who finds home at them is growing
With widely spread interests
they all pushes
their tasks to be done like that!

Poem by Sorcha Al'Verdan

The Blues in the Tower
are filled with the Power.
They really get things done.

At every hour
Brownies they’ll devour
They like to play tricks and have fun.

They’re never dour
And they don’t cower
They love everyone.

The Blues in the books
Like to set hooks
Their schemes are rarely outdone.

When their fingers crook
And they give you that look
You’d better come on the run.

No impertinence will be brooked
Because your goose is cooked
You’ll wish you’d never begun.

Poem by Cimorene Traconnen

In Norwegian

For det damer det er Blåfarge,
Her over er en for alle og alle for en du.
De er i slekt og venner,
Og deres hengivenheten aldri ender!

Avrette blåfarge er der hengivenheten,
De har lyst , spant , og alle mulige følelse.
De glede seg over tilværelse involvert for TarValon,
De har lyst til stolpe , danse og synge en sang!

Hver søster er plikttro å henne anledning,
Enhver idet miscellaneous og enestående hvilke kanskje anledning du å pause.
De bygge tårnet ville alle deres kunne,
Hvis de nød å de er klar å kamp!

Don’t være narret av der søt smile,
Brannen inne deres eyes kanskje lage du begynt.
Disse er det søster det arbeide hard og lang,
Uten seg vi ville aldri klare seg!

In English

For the ladies that are Blue,
Here is one for you.
They are into family and friends,
And their devotion never ends!

True blue is there devotion,
They have passion, spunk, and all sorts of emotion.
They enjoy being involved at TarValon,
They like to post, dance and sing a song!

Each sister is dedicated to her cause,
Everyone as diverse and unique which may cause you to pause.
They build the tower will all their might,
If they need to they are ready to fight!

Don’t be fooled by there sweet smile,
The fire in their eyes may make you beguile.
These are the sisters that work hard and long,
Without them we would never get along!

Poem by Kasia Baredeen

Blue Haiku

I do believe that
The description fits them well,
Magnificent Blues.

Everywhere you look
A Blue is busy plotting
Or serving us well.

A S'redit parade,
Or a kind word and a smile,
'Tis the Blue Ajah.

Song by Ark'chios Davien

BLUE.... BLUE... oh yah..... BLUE
In the Tower you stand so strong
Day by Day... Ill sing you this song

Monday, BLUE, you plot and you plan
Tuesday, BLUE, you eat brownies, as much as you can
Wednesday, BLUE, everyone's freedom is what is fair
Thursday, BLUE, you do whatever you want, you dont care
Friday, BLUE, you devote yourself to all in life
Saturday, BLUE, true in love and strong in strife!
Ohhhh BLUE... Yah BLUE...Your will can not be bent
So on Sunday, BLUE, you become President