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(Created page with '{{Title|Not yet known}} {{Icon|{{}}}} {{pov|Mat}} '''Setting: Ebou Dar''' '''Characters: Mat, Kathana, Jame''' ==Outline== Mat returns to Ebou Dar and learns of…')
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Revision as of 17:41, 26 September 2012

Not yet known

Chapter Icon: {{}}

Point of View: Mat

Setting: Ebou Dar

Characters: Mat, Kathana, Jame


Mat returns to Ebou Dar and learns of plots against Tuon


Mat approaches Ebou Dar, which is almost surrounded by Tinkers; He finds it unnatural that they should be settling so much. Htere is a line to get into the city, but when he gets into the gate, he is waved through after confirming he has sworn the oaths, and barely gets the chance to tell any of the elaborate back story he concocted. As he walks through, he notices soldiers camped in the Rahad, though he is not convinced they will succeed and thinks to himself that Ebou Dar feels more like home than anywhere, including the Two Rivers, even if they are insane. The first inn he tries has Deathwatch Guards, but the second, the Yearly Brawl is acceptable.

Inside the inn, a man, Jame questions him, but is ushered away by Kathana, who asks Mat how he lost the eye and doesn't believe the lie he tells, though she claims he lies well. She tells hi that duels are now regulated, which she feels has taken the fun out of them, but Jame, who is not Ebou Dari feels it has saved lives. Jame mistakes Mat for an assassin, as he thinks that no real one eyed man would carry so many throwing knives and Mat shows him the hole where his eye used to be, asking him if there are assassins after Tuon. Jame tells him there are and that he has personally seen to it that one died in the dueling grounds. Mat asks who is bringing them, and eventually Jame tells him it is Lunal Galgan. They talk a little more and Kathana realises who Mat is and that every soldier in Ebou Dar has been told to look for his face.