Get To Know the Reds: Vixen

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Vixen ki'Tsune, Aspirant



Student + 7 eleven and Administrative Secretary at a lighting company


Had lots (including a dog for 13 years, and a parakeet that hated me when I was born), but all dead now. Except my stuffed animal, Petto!

Favorite Books:

(I guess wot is kinda obvious) A Song of Ice and Fire, A Clockwork Orange, Ender's Game (thanks to Rami), Battle Angel Alita (a manga strictly speaking, but whatevz)

Favorite Movies:

Star Wars, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, 12 Angry Men, Full Metal Jacket, Natural Born Killers

Favorite TV Shows:

South Park, the Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, House, Game of Thrones, True Blood


Dancing and gaming

If I could travel anywhere it would be to:

I would go back to Vegas. Now. And stay there. Forever.

I chose the Red Ajah because:

Awesomeness, whips & chains, Snickers and Rhed... need I say more? Besides, everyone who knows me well enough will say I'm so totally this Ajah, and... I look really good in red.

Positions I’ve held within the Red Ajah:

None yet!

Positions I’ve held around the site:

None yet!