MM: Department of Membership

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What is the Department of Membership?

This Department handles all of the administrative aspects of running our community membership and fostering a sense of community within each rank. Whenever someone talks about "your membership/community administrator," they are speaking of the administrators within this group. Positions within in the Department rotate out on a regular basis.

Duties within this Department

The Department Director handles any membership issues that pop up and are bigger than what the individual administrator can handle. S/he handles all staffing issues within the Department. S/he also is intimately involved with the Hall.

The Mayor takes care of all of our guests, visitors, and Citizens, from approving applications to join as a Citizen to membership issues to processing applications to join the Tower as novice/recruit.

The Master/Mistress of Novices and Recruits is responsible for handling all of the novices and Recruits.

The Master/Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers is responsible for handling all of the Accepted and Soldiers, even those who have Aspired to an Ajah or Company.

Each Head of Ajah is responsible for the administration of the Community Membership within his or her Ajah.

Each Company Commander is responsible for the administration of the Community Membership within his or her Company.

Hearts, Honor Guards, and other staff within Ajahs and Companies assist their Heads and Commanders with various duties involved with the running of those groups.

The Welcome Committee exists to greet new Community Members and help guide them to where they need to go.

Emails in this Department

Department Director


Master/Mistress of Novices and Recruits

Master/Mistress of Accepted and Soldiers

Head of the Blue Ajah

Head of the Brown Ajah

Head of the Gray Ajah

Head of the Green Ajah

Head of the Red Ajah

Head of the White Ajah

Head of the Yellow Ajah

Commander of Dai M'Hael

Commander of Madhi'in d'ma Dieb

Commander of San d'Ma Shadar

Commander of Val Cueran

Chain of Command for this Department

Flow chart detailing the administrative chain of command for the Department of Membership. For the Chain of Command for members, please see the Chain of Command for Members page.

Membership Feb 28 2016.jpg

Staff members within a group should contact their direct administrator first, then the Department Director. All administrators within this Department should contact the Department Director first with any concerns or retirements. If the Department Director is unavailable or does not respond in a timely fashion, then you should contact the Keeper. Please give everyone ample time to respond before moving up the chain of command.

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