Sela Narian

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Who am I

Hiya! I'm Suzanne, or Suzie if you like. Either works. I'm currently completely obsessed with finishing my first novel, a historical romance set in Regency England. Agent and publisher fretting comes next (and has actually already started).

I also go to livejournal every day and post a lot there. Here's my livejournal, and feel free to add me (so long as you leave a comment saying who you are):

In university I studied classical languages (Greek, Latin, Hebrew) and ancient civilizations. I'm still *very* interested in the classical world and in linguistics in general. My favorite subject in classics is Greek drama and my favorite Roman is Marcus Tullius Cicero.

I'm also a grammar geek, but hopefully not grammar snob. I love the French language and I try to keep my skills honed by reading French websites/books every so often--though if someone expected me to converse in French I would suck, 'cause I'm horrid at summoning vocabulary.

My career goal is to eventually become a successful romance novelist and then branch out after a few years and pursue the fantasy series I've been developing. Writing is a huge part of my life and I'm definitely up for talking about it with fellow writers.

I love reading romance books (especially historical romance), fantasy and good YA books. I also like reading about the writing craft. I have an account at LibraryThing, so you can see my profile and collection here:

I'm currently back at school because no one pays for you to translate Latin or Greek. I'm learning web coding and other such things, and hopefully in a few years I'll be marketable, i.e. be able to find a non-retail job. And then eventually be able to quit all that and write full-time again.

I live in wonderful Ann Arbor, Michigan and am very happy there.

And that is basically me!

Why are you not __ Ajah?

Because I was more Brown than any other Ajah. That's the long and short of it.