Paxam Leratharn

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Paxam Leratharn
Real Name Mike
Location Liverpool, United Kingdom
Birthday 1st October
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Dai M'Hael
Rank Gaidin
Title Company Commander
Join Date 15th December 2004
Bonded to Kerna Shedrian
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement


  • Paxam is currently the Company Commander for Dai M'Hael.
  • Paxam is also an operator in the #wheel IRC channel, since Feb 2010.


  • Dai M'Hael Honour Guard, July-December (inclusive) 2009
  • Current Events Moderator, January-June (inclusive) 2009
  • Warder Council Member, January-June (inclusive) 2009
  • Current Events Moderator, July-December (inclusive) 2008


Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

Paxam is engaged to Bekki al'Joran

Official Event Attendance

Brief Biography

Whats your RL name? My real name is "Mike". I'm happy for it to be used at the moment.

How long have you been a member of I've been a member of TarValon since December of 2004. I'm slightly shocked that it's been so long.

How did you discover I discovered TarValon through a link somewhere or other while I was re-reading the series in preparation for Crossroads of Twilight's release.

Beyond the WoT books, what other authors do you enjoy I tend to read quite a lot. Most recently I have read through Raymond E Feist's Riftwar saga (all 14-odd books), and I'm about half way through the "New Jedi Order" series of Star Wars books at the moment. The authors that I follow most closely are Peter F. Hamilton, Kevin J. Anderson, Raymond E. Feist and George R.R. Martin. I would also recommend David Gemmell (now deceased).

In what capacity, or with what projects, did you assist in order to be raised? For my "raising project", I did something very similar to what you are doing, but focussing on the Dai M'Hael Aes Sedai.

What do you enjoy doing in RL? I read quite a lot, I play some computer games, I play Saxophone.

Why is DM special to you? DM is special because, no matter how long you've been gone, you'll always find friends when you return.