Talk:Head of Ajah (TarValon.Net)

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Revision as of 06:06, 28 September 2011 by Toral Delvar (talk | contribs)
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Blue - Rebekah Sedai Brown - Jorryn Sedai Gray - Lailauni Sedai Green - Amaria Sedai Red - Valasia Sedai White - Arthaine Sedai Yellow - Drasil Sedai.


The first time we had a real HoA for each group We ought to have this information somewhere, don't know where it best fits

We could also do with a page for the actual Heads - or perhaps a subsection on the Ajah page, with the titles of each. As well as having that on the main ajah page. We should also have a link to that and an explanation that this is the TarValon Heads of Ajah page--Toral, Department Director and subsupreme overlord 13:14, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

Yeah I created a deadlink link to First Selector for that reason. I'm trawling through some books at the moment to see if I'm recalling correctly that Lelaine is the new First Selector (meaning Eadyth has retired or died) or if I'm just imagining it. Then I will create the article rather than have the dead link.

In regards to the first edit.... I'm thinking Tower timeline would be best? --Kerna 13:25, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

  1. redirect