Community Page: Red Ajah HQ

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caption=We are the Red Ajah

"The Red Ajah is like a frozen Snickers bar - in one word, awesome. Kind of tough to chew through, might break your teeth, but it leaves you thinking, 'Whoa, that was amazing.'"

RedAjah5.png The Red Ajah at

RedAjah5.png About the Red

What can be said about the Red Ajah?

We are strong and independent, this is true. We are also passionate. These things might be said of a lot of the membership groups at, but it is the Red Ajah's brand of strength and passion that is different, that is special to us, that sets us apart. There is no typical Red Aes Sedai. We are each vividly different, and we might not always get along, but we adhere to a strong sense of sisterhood and togetherness. We might fight amongst ourselves from time to time, but heaven help anyone who does wrong to one of ours. That person will meet the justice of the Red Ajah face to face. We are family. We defend and support one another. We take the wearing of the Red shawl deadly seriously, and we love one another with the fierceness of a mother protecting threatened cubs. We define our Ajah anew every day, each with our own take on what it means to be Red, but when it matters, we are united, we are one.

We are the Red Ajah.

Each symbol of the Red Ajah logo represents a part of our identity as individuals and as a group.

Red Roses: They represent hope, joy, grace, and beauty. All of these things are cherished by Reds, even if we may not always embody them all the time.

Acorn: As the tiny seed of a great oak, acorns represent antiquity and independence. It has been my experience that Reds are old of soul and independent of mind.

Crane: According to legend, cranes lived in a community in which individual members took turns standing watch. The crane came to represent vigilance, justice, and longevity.

We look out for each other, one stands strong when the other is weak. We seek justice in all things.

Water/Waves: “Troubles keep us in continuous exercise and remind us of providence, as waves in a storm at sea.” Providence can be seen as fate and destiny or as forethought and common sense.

I subscribe to the latter two. Reds are no stranger to a storm, but we are wise enough to weather it with prudence.

RedAjah5.png Red Ajah versus the Books

We get asked a lot if we're like the book Red Ajah.

Well, for one thing, we can't channel (boo), and there's no Template:Breaking for us to prevent so we don't go around hunting down men for Template:Gentling!

Nor do we hate men - although it can be argued that neither do all the book Template:Pevara - and we don't have a stigma about men either. Many of our ladies are married or in relationships with men, and have male friends on and off the site. If you come to us looking for a tribe of man-hating women, you will be disappointed.

But we are a strong, tight-knit group of women who share a vision of sisterhood and who fiercely protect our own, both on and off the site.

Our vision and purpose isn't that of the book Reds, but we share and respect their dedication, their passion, and that is probably the most significant link between us and them. If the site Reds met the book Reds (the Awesome ones, not the Template:Black Ajah-y ones}}, we would probably get on quite well.

RedAjah5.png For those visiting us

Finally, just to say, for those of you who are guesting, or considering guesting, or just looking to know more about the site groups, we say this: very few of our Sisters would, solely upon reading the books, assume that they would be Template:Red Ajah. The Sisters who have found their way to us, came to us with an open mind, putting the (admittedly) bad rep of the book Reds behind them and looking at our community group with fresh eyes. Do the same, and we might well surpirse you.

RedAjah5.png Leadership

RedAjah5.png Current Leadership

Head of the Red Ajah: Valadilene

Heart of the Red Ajah: Katherine

Sitters for the Red Ajah: Ealandrelle, Theolyn

RedAjah5.png Prior Leadership

Prior Heads of the Red Ajah

Prior Hearts of the Red Ajah

Prior Sitters for the Red Ajah

RedAjah5.png Get To Know the Reds

Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

‎ Addelyn

‎ Anirfyan

‎ Avelina

‎ Calypsa

‎ Dagnidrea

‎ Demonfaer

‎ Ealandrelle

‎ Emory

‎ Estella

‎ Hilwa

‎ Katherine

‎ Meirah

‎ Mieriana

‎ Mirshann

‎ Osaka

‎ Relinya

‎ Rhed

‎ Sabriane

‎ Sasha

‎ Siusane

‎ Theolyn

‎ Valadilene

‎ Yenie

Aspirants of the Red Ajah

RedAjah5.png Ajailyn

RedAjah5.png Keelinnea

RedAjah5.png Violet

RedAjah5.png Vixen

Red Raisings

See our list of past raisings here

RedAjah5.png Reds on Red

A Red once said:

I chose the Red Ajah because I can be my true self. I don't have to hide my personality or my likes and dislikes. I don't need to keep secrets from my sisters because I know that they will always treat me fairly. If their opinions differ from mine, they will tell me without sugar-coating it, but they will not blatantly be rude to me. We always keep a high level of respect in our Ajah, and we demand the same from anyone who wants to join. We don't have Warders in our forums; all we have is each other, so we guard each other well. We will always support one another if needed (unless she's doing something stupid, then we'll tell her she's being stupid and help her fix it).

I believe that what our Ajah stands for can be embodied in the symbol of the rose. It is a beautiful, living, growing thing that smells sweet and may look delicate. It is hardy, though, with strong stems for support when faced with opposition. And no rose is complete without its thorns. It may prick you at the same time you're enjoying the sweet, delicious scent, and somehow you know that the pain is delivered in love, which makes it all the more enjoyable.

RedAjah5.png Red Traditions

We as an Ajah strongly value our traditions!

Those below we share publicly; others are revealed only to those who attain the Red Shawl.

Current Traditions

Official Red Drink

Pama, Pomegranate liqueur.


Most of you have seen this floating around in Red signatures. Most people have no idea what it means. This is one we get asked about a LOT! Given that, I wanted to let you know that this is something we only share upon Aspiration to Red. If you have aspired and want to know what it means, please email or PM the Head of Ajah.

Confusion & Aspiration

When someone aspires to the Red Ajah, we ask them to post a confusing thread in General.

Whips, Wax, Chains, Bites, etc

One of the stereotypes is evil, violent Reds - consider how many in the book end up being Black Ajah! To play with that, some Reds joke around about whipping, waxing, biting, chaining, etc and use pictures of those type things in their sigs. It's a way of mocking the stereotype. Some Reds don't feel comfortable with this and don't do it. Whether or not a Red does this is completely up to her.

Baby Reds and Real Life Raisings

When someone is raised to Red Aes Sedai at a big party, we try to get them a bunch of stuff for being the new "Baby Red". It goes along with the "Baby Red" signature that new Red Aes Sedai wear. This usually involves bibs, pacifiers and bottles that must be worn for the remainder of the evening. Of course, this assumes another Red is at the event who remembered to bring the stuff...

You may well see our new Reds wearing this signature around the forums:

Traditional BabyRed Signature‎

Here are photos from Eala's real-life raising: "Baby Red" Ealandrelle Sedai, newly Raised at B&I 2014

Red Flowers

When you meet another Red for the first time, you exchange Red flowers. Sometimes it's a real flower, and sometimes it's an object with a picture or some kind of floral representation.

Symbols, Quotes, Sayings, Songs, Etc

Not every Red uses all of these, but some common ones

- Red Rose

- "The Red Ajah is like a frozen snickers bar - in one word, awesome. Kind of tough to chew through, might break your teeth, but it leaves you thinking, 'Whoa. That was amazing!'"

- "You say I'm a bitch like that's a bad thing."

- “I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.” ~ Madonna

- "I see your expectations of me, and quite frankly, I don't give a damn." - Avelina Sedai

- Bitch

- Defying Gravity

- Sexyback

Mistress & Other Titles

  • All Reds at some point will be given a Mistress title, usually arising out of some other conversation. Here are some of the known Mistress Titles.
  • Osaka is the Keeper of the Keys of the Red Ajah! Here's her explanation: "The day I got accepted in the Red I got dubbed Keeper of Keys of the Red Ajah... was at a RL party. There were loads of cuffs (most of them mine ) and I had dominion over all their keys mua-ha-ha...


Again, in keeping with the idea that we're evil, we tend to suck in (and on!) our Guests. When a Guest requests a Red Mentor, that Aes Sedai becomes their "Sucker", with the Guest being their "Suckee". The Red Ajah may suck, but we promise it's awesome ;)

The Red Wall

When we find a Novice, Accepted, Soldier or Recruit whom we like (or if we feel they deserve it), we are occasionally known to hang them on the Red Wall. Don't worry, we'll feed you and everything...

Red Hangouts (incorporating Red Smut)

We Reds love to Hangout (via Google Hangout) and whilst we often just have a bit of a natter about anything and everything, sometimes we also incorporate Red Smut Readings into our shenanigans. Started by our own Katherine Avery, we read aloud such gems as Claimed by the Alpha Dolphins. Can anyone make it to the end of the book without laughing too hard to read any further? This activity then became the basis of our Group Theme for Shaoman 2014, where we became "Red-Acted" were-smut novellas. Theolyn Sedai earned her title "Mistress of Red-action" during that Shaoman.

Historical Traditions

You can read about historical Red Ajah Traditions here.

RedAjah5.png Red Ajah Newsletters

October 2010

January 2011

RedAjah5.png Red Freeweeks

We've had some great themes for Shaoman and Beltine. Here are links to a few of our favourites, where you can see our signatures, avatars and stories:

Beltine 2014

Shaoman 2014

Beltine 2015