Fridwyn Ros

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn


Fridwyn Ros is a former soldier who works at Aedmun Matherin's manor in Andor. He manages Aedmun's estates when he is away.

He is heavy-shouldered and has lost a leg, and so uses a crutch to move around.

(Reference: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapter 10)


  • When Elayne stays the night at the Matherin manor, he is delighted to see her and says that he regrets that he can no longer ride for her. He is so sincere that Elayne thinks that if he were a liar, he would already have cheated Aemun and his clerk out of everything they own. Elayne also thinks to herself that she doesn't need to worry about Fridwyn carrying bad tales about her.
  • When Elayne leaves, he scrapes together eleven men to escort Elayne back to the Palace, even though most of able-bodied men on the estate left with Aedmun for Caemlyn.

(Reference: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapter 10)


He is surprisingly quick to catch the friendship between Elayne and Aviendha, and accepts it.
He refuses to call Elayne anything other than "Queen" or "Majesty".

(Reference: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapter 10)