Cursor Wrathwind

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Cursor Wrathwind
Real Name Chris
Location USA
Birthday January 18
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Val'Cueran
Rank Gaidin
Title -
Join Date Octover 6, 2003
Bonded to Caiti na Shaheen
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement






Membership Merit Gold 300.png Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png


Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

December 18, 2008

When were you raised to Gaidin of the Val'Cueran? Why did you choose Val'Cueran?

I was raised in March of 2006, and had been a member of Val'Curean for more than a year as a soldier (awaiting age requirements). During this time I found that the ideals of the company and the men involved were a good fit for me.

Why did you choose Val'Cueran?

Did you just ask that?

What things do you do for

I've been a TVT reporter for some time, served as a member of the Hall for a term, and have acted as a mentor.

How did you get to read the Series?

I bought the computer game because it was on sale, and from there got into the setting and started picking up the books.

Who's your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

My favoritie character would be Matt, my favorite nation Amador (or is it Amadicia? I always forget which is the country and which is the capital).

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

No official Tower functions, but there have been numerous personal gatherings and other get togethers between myself and some other members from the Boston area (such as Eriana, Meilen, and Hyain Sedai, as well as Ayende Sorre).

What kind of music do you like?

Classic rock.

What are your favorite movies?

The Godfather trilogy.

What's the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

You really don't want to know.

What job do you have?

I'm a college student.

Do you have a pet?

Not anymore, my dog died in May.

What languages do you speak?

English and Spanish.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

I wanted, and still want, to be a writer.

Egeanin or Suroth?


Shadar Logoth or Manetheren?

Shadar Logoth.

Winter or summer?

Summer. I *HATE* snow with a furious passion.

Board games or computer games?

Depends on the game.